Codes and Frequencies
ALCSTAT2 indicates the current alcohol drinking status of the sample adult. ALCSTAT2 reports the responses to the question, "In your entire life, have you had at least 12 drinks of any type of alcoholic beverage?" ALCSTAT1 reports the alcohol drinking status over the lifetime of the sample adult.
The Field Representative's Manual directed interviewers to "include as alcohol all types of beer [including stout, ale, malt liquor, or light beer, but does not include alcohol-free beer], wine [including port, sherry, sangria wine coolers, and champagne], and liquor [including brandy, liqueurs, scotch, whiskeys, tequila and gin]."
- 1988; 1990; 2001-2013: Sample persons age 18+.
- 1988, 1990, 2001-2013
- 1988, 1990, 2001-2013 : SAMPWEIGHT