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Second specific condition for which doctor advised quit smoking


MDSMQCOND2 is a 2-digit numeric variable.

0: NIU
41: Other condition
97: Unknown


For sample persons who have ever smoked 100 cigarettes in their entire lives and who were ever advised by a doctor to stop smokingbecause of two or more specific conditions the respondent had at that time, MDSMQCOND2 reports the numeric code for the second condition for which the person was advised to stop smoking. The conditions corresponding to the numeric codes in 1974 are unknown to IPUMS NHIS.

MDSMQCOND2 is one of a series of variables related to doctor advice. For related variables, please use the IHIS search function and drop-down menus.


There are no comparability issues for this variable.


  • 1974: Sample persons age 17+ who ever smoked 100 cigarettes and who were ever advised by a doctor to stop smoking because of at least two specific conditions.


  • 1974
