IRICD97 is a 5-digit-numeric variable.
0: Not in Universe
For all injury or poisoning episodes that resulted in more than six injuries or poisonings, IRICD97 is a recoded variable reports the seventh injury or poisoning condition experienced during the injury or poisoning episode. Conditions are assigned using the ICD-9-CM diagnostic code criteria; diagnostic codes were determined by the NHIS using data from survey questions about any injury/poisoning episodes.
This is an injury-level variable that is also used to determine the values of INJCONDITION, which is a person-level variable that reports the number of injury- or poisoning-related conditions a person experienced in the reference period. Prior to 2004, up to four ICD-9-CM diagnostic codes could be attributed to each episode. After 2004, up to eight ICD-9-CM diagnostic codes may be attributed to each episode.
- 2004-2014: Injury/poisoning episodes for persons who had more than six injuries/poisonings from the injury/poisoning episode.
- 2004-2014
- 2004-2014 : PERWEIGHT
