Codes and Frequencies
An 'X' indicates the category is available for that sample
Code | Label |
0 | NIU | X | X | X |
1 | In the past 6 months | X | X | X |
2 | 7 to 12 months ago | X | X | X |
3 | More than 12 months ago | X | X | X |
7 | Unknown-refused | · | X | · |
8 | Unknown-not ascertained | · | · | · |
9 | Unknown-don't know | X | X | X |
Can't find the category you are looking for? Try the Detailed codes
For sample children age 4-17 whose parents had ever seen or talked to a health care provider or school personnel about the child's emotional or behavioral difficulties (DIFTOLDDR), DIFTOLDWHEN reports parents' responses to the follow-up question, "When was the MOST RECENT conversation or visit?" Interviewers handed respondents a flashcard and asked them to select the appropriate response from the following choices: "In the past 6 months," "7 to 12 months ago," "More than 12 months ago."
DIFTOLDWHEN is part of a series of questions about emotional/behavioral difficulties included in the Child Mental Health Services (CMS) Questionnaire. According to the Field Representative's Manuals for 2005 forward, the purpose of the CMS Questionnaire "is to identify the Sample Child's interaction with health professionals or school staff personnel related to emotional or behavioral problems." For a summary of the various elements of the Child Mental Health Services Questionnaire and the variables based upon this instrument, see DIFTOLDDR.
- 2005-2007: Sample children age 4 to 17 whose difficulties were ever discussed with/seen by health care provider/school staff.
- 2005-2007
- 2005-2007 : SAMPWEIGHT
