Begin interview by asking: When we conducted the interview several months ago, we recorded (sample person's) age as (age from label). Is this still correct?
1[] Yes (Go to Section A on page 4)
2[] No (Correct age on label, then go to Section A on page 4)
Section A - Housing and Long-Term Care Services
Status of Sample Person (SP).
2[] All others (Go to 1)
These first questions are about the place you live.
1. How long have you been living here?
_______ Years
99[] DK
2a. Is it NECESSARY to use any steps or stairs to get into this home from the outside?
2[] No
9[] DK
b. Counting basements and step down living areas, as separate levels, does this home have more than one floor or level?
2[] No
9[] DK
c. Does this home have a bathroom, bedroom, kitchen ALL on the SAME floor or level?
2[] No
9[] DK
3. Because of a physical impairment or health problem, do you have any difficulty --
2[] No
9[] DK
b. Opening or closing any of the doors in your home?
2[] No
9[] DK
c. Reaching or opening cabinets in your home?
2[] No
9[] DK
d. Using the bathroom in your home?
2[] No
9[] DK
4. Some residences have special features to assist persons who have physical impairments or health problems. Whether you use them or not, does your residence have any of these features?
2[] No
9[] DK
b. Ramps or street level entrances?
2[] No
9[] DK
c. Railings?
2[] No
9[] DK
d. Automatic or easy to open doors?
2[] No
9[] DK
e. Accessible parking or drop off site?
2[] No
9[] DK
f. Bathroom modifications?
2[] No
9[] DK
g. Kitchen modifications?
2[] No
9[] DK
h. Elevator, chair lift, or stair glider?
2[] No
9[] DK
i. Altering devices?
2[] No
9[] DK
j. Any other special features?
2[] No
9[] DK
If all "Yes" in 4, skip to 6 on page 5; otherwise, ask 5 only for those features not marked "Yes" in 4.
5. Which special features do you NEED to get around this home, but do not have?
2[] No
9[] DK
b. Ramps or street level entrances
2[] No
9[] DK
c. Railings
2[] No
9[] DK
d. Automatic or easy to open doors
2[] No
9[] DK
e. Accessible parking or drop off site
2[] No
9[] DK
f. Bathroom modifications
2[] No
9[] DK
g. Kitchen modifications
2[] No
9[] DK
h. Elevator, chair lift, or stair glider
2[] No
9[] DK
i. Altering devices
2[] No
9[] DK
j. Any other special features
2[] No
9[] DK
Section A - Housing and Long-Term Care Services - Continued
6. DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, were you ever refused housing or rental accommodations because of any impairment or health problem that you have, or did you not look for housing in the past 12 months?
1[] Yes, refused housing
2[] No, not refused housing
9[] DK
7a. Is this place a -- (Read all categories)
Mark (X) only one.
02[] Single family house, townhouse, or apartment that is part of a retirement community, (Skip to 8)
03[] Regular apartment, (Skip to 10 on page 6)
04[] Supervised apartment, (Go to 7b)
05[] Group home, (Go to 7b)
06[] Halfway house, (Go to 7b)
07[] Personal care or board and care home, (Go to 7b)
08[] Developmental center, (Go to 7b)
09[] Some other type of supervised group residence or facility, (Go to 7b)
10[] Assisted living facility, (Go to 7b)
11[] Nursing or convalescent home, (Go to 7b)
12[] Retirement home, (Go to 7b)
13[] Center for Independent Living or, (Go to 7b)
14[] Something else? (Go to 7b)
99[] DK (Go to 7b)
b. Does this place primarily or exclusively serve people who are elderly?
2[] No (Go to 7c)
9[] DK (Go to 7c)
c. Does this place primarily or exclusively serve persons with hearing or vision impairments, mental illness, mental retardation, or developmental disabilities?
2[] No (Skip to item A2)
9[] DK (Skip to item A2)
d. Which?
Mark (X) all that apply.
2[] Vision impairments
3[] Mental retardation/developmental disabilities
9[] DK
Status of SP.
2[] All others (Go to 8)
1[] Yes (Go to 9 on page 6)
2[] No (Skip to 10 on page 6)
9[] DK (Skip to 10 on page 6)
Section A - Housing and Long-Term Care Services - Continued
9. Whether you use them or not,. does this place routinely provide --
2[] No
9[] DK
b. Housekeeping or maid service?
2[] No
9[] DK
c. Nursing or medical care?
2[] No
9[] DK
d. Supervision of residents who give themselves their own medication?
2[] No
9[] DK
e. Help with bathing, eating, or dressing?
2[] No
9[] DK
f. Help with walking or getting about?
2[] No
9[] DK
g. Help with shopping?
2[] No
9[] DK
h. Planned social activities or trips?
2[] No
9[] DK
i. Education or training programs?
2[] No
9[] DK
j. Help with laundry?
2[] No
9[] DK
k. Help with money management?
2[] No
9[] DK
l. Transportation?
2[] No
9[] DK
m. Protective oversight?
2[] No
9[] DK
10. Are you planning a move in order to receive any (additional) personal help, assistance or services?
2[] No
9[] DK
Mark "Yes" if SP is currently living in a nursing home; otherwise ask:
11a. Have you EVER been a resident or patient in a nursing home?
1[] Yes (Go to 11b)
2[] No (Skip to 13 on page 8)
9[] DK (Skip to 13 on page 8)
b. How many DIFFERENT TIMES have you been a resident or patient in a nursing home (including the current time)?
99[] DK
c. On what date were you admitted (the FIRST time)?
If date not known, ask: Was it within the past 12 months?
Month Year
0001[] In past 12 months
0002[] Not past 12 months
9999[] DK
Mark box if "Now in nursing home"; otherwise ask:
d. On what date were you discharged (the LAST time)?
If date not known, ask: Was it within the past 12 months?
_____/ 19_____
Month Year
0001[] In past 12 months
0002[] Not past 12 months
9999[] DK
e. How long [were you/have you been] in the nursing home [the LAST time/THIS time]?
_______ Months
99[] DK
Ask if date in 11d is within the past 12 months, including "Now in." If not within the past 12 months, skip to 13 on page 8.
f. How many weeks in the past 12 months [were you/have you been] in a nursing home?
_______ Weeks
99[] DK
Section A - Housing and Long-Term Care Services - Continued
Hand card A1. Read categories if telephone interview.
12a. Who paid or will pay for your nursing home stays in the past 12 months?
(Anyone else?)
Mark (X) all that apply.
02[] Family not in household
03[] Private health insurance
04[] Medicare
05[] Medicaid
06[] Rehabilitation program
07[] Employer
08[] School system
09[] VA program
10[] Other military
11[] Other private source
12[] Other public source
13[] No one/Free (Skip to 13 on page 8)
99[] DK (Skip to 13 on page 8)
Ask if more than one source in 12a. If only one source in 12a, transcribe the number of the box marked without asking.
b. Who paid or will pay the most for your nursing home stays in the past 12 months?
Record number of the main source.
99[] DK
Ask if box 01 marked in 12a; otherwise; skip to 13 on page 8.
c. During the past 12 months, about how much did you or your family pay for your nursing home stays? Do not count any money that has been or will be reimbursed by insurance or any other source.
999999[] DK
Section A - Housing and Long-Term Care Services - Continued
Ask 13 for places A-F before going to 14.
13. Have you EVER lived in --
01 A convalescent home?
2[] No
9[] DK
02 A facility or group home for persons with mental illness?
2[] No
9[] DK
03 A board and care home?
2[] No
9[] DK
04 A facility for persons with mental retardation?
2[] No
9[] DK
An assisted living facility?
2[] No
9[] DK
Any other long term care facility?
2[] No
9[] DK
Ask 14a-e for each "Yes" in 13.
If more than one stay, these questions refer to the most recent.
14a. When did you last leave (place)?
If DK, probe: Was it within the past 12 months?
01 A convalescent home
Month Year
0001[] In past 12 months
0002[] Not in past 12 months
9999[] DK
02 A facility or group home for persons with mental illness
Month Year
0001[] In past 12 months
0002[] Not in past 12 months
9999[] DK
03 A board and care home
Month Year
0001[] In past 12 months
0002[] Not in past 12 months
9999[] DK
04 A facility for persons with mental retardation
Month Year
0001[] In past 12 months
0002[] Not in past 12 months
9999[] DK
An assisted living facility
Month Year
0001[] In past 12 months
0002[] Not in past 12 months
9999[] DK
Any other long term care facility
Month Year
0001[] In past 12 months
0002[] Not in past 12 months
9999[] DK
b. How long did you stay at (place)?
01 A convalescent home
2[] Years
999[] DK
02 A facility or group home for persons with mental illness
2[] Years
999[] DK
03 A board and care home
2[] Years
999[] DK
04 A facility for persons with mental retardation
2[] Years
999[] DK
An assisted living facility
2[] Years
999[] DK
Any other long term care facility
2[] Years
999[] DK
Hand card A1. Read categories if telephone interview.
c. Who paid or will pay for your stay at (place)?
(Anyone else?)
Mark (X) all that apply.
01[] Self or family in household
02[] Family not in household
03[] Private health insurance
04[] Medicare
05[] Medicaid
06[] Rehabilitation program
07[] Employer
08[] School system
09[] VA program
10[] Other military
11[] Other private source
12[] Other public source
13[] No one/Free (Skip to 14a for next "Yes" in 13)
99[] DK (Skip to 14a for next "Yes" in 13)
02 A facility or group home for persons with mental illness
01[] Self or family in household
02[] Family not in household
03[] Private health insurance
04[] Medicare
05[] Medicaid
06[] Rehabilitation program
07[] Employer
08[] School system
09[] VA program
10[] Other military
11[] Other private source
12[] Other public source
13[] No one/Free (Skip to 14a for next "Yes" in 13)
99[] DK (Skip to 14a for next "Yes" in 13)
03 A board and care home
01[] Self or family in household
02[] Family not in household
03[] Private health insurance
04[] Medicare
05[] Medicaid
06[] Rehabilitation program
07[] Employer
08[] School system
09[] VA program
10[] Other military
11[] Other private source
12[] Other public source
13[] No one/Free (Skip to 14a for next "Yes" in 13)
99[] DK (Skip to 14a for next "Yes" in 13)
04 A facility for persons with mental retardation
01[] Self or family in household
02[] Family not in household
03[] Private health insurance
04[] Medicare
05[] Medicaid
06[] Rehabilitation program
07[] Employer
08[] School system
09[] VA program
10[] Other military
11[] Other private source
12[] Other public source
13[] No one/Free (Skip to 14a for next "Yes" in 13)
99[] DK (Skip to 14a for next "Yes" in 13)
An assisted living facility
01[] Self or family in household
02[] Family not in household
03[] Private health insurance
04[] Medicare
05[] Medicaid
06[] Rehabilitation program
07[] Employer
08[] School system
09[] VA program
10[] Other military
11[] Other private source
12[] Other public source
13[] No one/Free (Skip to 14a for next "Yes" in 13)
99[] DK (Skip to 14a for next "Yes" in 13)
Any other long term care facility
01[] Self or family in household
02[] Family not in household
03[] Private health insurance
04[] Medicare
05[] Medicaid
06[] Rehabilitation program
07[] Employer
08[] School system
09[] VA program
10[] Other military
11[] Other private source
12[] Other public source
13[] No one/Free (Go to 15 on page 10)
99[] DK (Go to 15 on page 10)
Ask if more than one source in 14c. If only one source in 14c, transcribe number of the box marked without asking.
d. Who paid or will pay for most of the cost of your stay at (place)?
Record number of the main source.
01 A convalescent home
99[] DK
02 A facility or group home for persons with mental illness
99[] DK
03 A board and care home
99[] DK
04 A facility for persons with mental retardation
99[] DK
An assisted living facility
99[] DK
Any other long term care facility
99[] DK
Ask only if box 01 marked in 14c and any part of the stay was in the past 12 months; otherwise ask 14a for next "Yes" in 13.
e. During the past 12 months, about how much did you or your family pay for your stay at (place)? Do not count any money that has been or will be reimbursed by insurance or any other source.
01 A convalescent home
999999[] DK
02 A facility or group home for persons with mental illness
999999[] DK
03 A board and care home
999999[] DK
04 A facility for persons with mental retardation
999999[] DK
An assisted living facility
999999[] DK
Any other long term care facility
999999[] DK
Section A - Housing and Long-Term Care Services - Continued
Hand card A2.
15a. Are you currently on a waiting list for any of these facilities? Read categories in 15b if telephone interview.
2[] No (Skip to 16)
9[] DK (Skip to 16)
b. For which facilities are you on a waiting list?
Anywhere else?
Read categories if necessary.
Mark (X) all that apply.
2[] Convalescent home
3[] Facility or group home for persons with mental illness
4[] Board and care home
5[] Facility for persons with mental retardation
6[] Assisted living facility
7[] Any other long-term care facility
9[] DK
16. Are you on a waiting list for publicly funded home care or community-based care?
2[] No
9[] DK
Section B - Transportation
These next questions are about getting around outside your home.
1. How frequently do you drive a car or other motor vehicle? Would you say - (Read all categories)
Mark (X) only one.
2[] Occasionally, (Skip to 3)
3[] Seldom, or (Skip to 3)
4[] Never? (Go to 2)
9[] DK (Skip to 3)
2. Is this because of an impairment or health problem?
2[] No
9[] DK
3a. Because of an impairment or health problem, do you have any special equipment on your car or other motor vehicle?
2[] No (Skip to 3c)
3[] Don't have a car (Skip to 3c)
9[] DK (Skip to 3c)
b. What special equipment do you have?
Anything else?
Mark (X) all that apply.
2[] Hand rails, straps, specialized handles, ramps, or lifts
3[] Power controls for windows, mirrors, seat or steering
4[] Automatic transmission
5[] Air conditioning
6[] A button that opens the door
7[] A large trunk or storage area
8[] Other special features
9[] DK
c. Do you need any (other) special equipment or features on your car or other motor vehicle because of an impairment or health problem?
1[] Yes (Go to 3d)
2[] No (Skip to 4)
9[] DK (Skip to 4)
d. What (other) equipment or features do you need?
Anything else?
Mark (X) all that apply.
2[] Hand rails, straps, specialized handles, ramps, or lifts
3[] Power controls for windows, mirrors, seat or steering
4[] Automatic transmission
5[] Air conditioning
6[] A button that opens the door
7[] A large trunk or storage area
8[] Other special features
9[] DK
4a. Some communities have special bus, cab or van services for people who have difficulty using the regular public transportation service. When using this special service, people can call ahead and ask to be picked up. Is such a service available in your area?
2[] No (Skip to 6 on page 12)
9[] DK (Skip to 6 on page 12)
b. Is this special service operated by a transit authority, government program or some other private source?
Mark (X) all that apply.
2[] Government program
3[] Other private source
9[] DK
Section B - Transportation - Continued
5a. Have you used this special service in the past 12 months?
2[] No (Go to 5b)
9[] DK (Skip to 6)
b. Why haven't you used this service in the past 12 months?
Anything else?
Mark (X) all that apply.
02[] Need help from another person (Skip to 6)
03[] Can't use alone (Skip to 6)
04[] Can't use phone (Skip to 6)
05[] Don't have phone (Skip to 6)
06[] Can't read (Skip to 6)
07[] Illness (Skip to 6)
08[] Can't get reservations for service (Skip to 6)
09[] Hours of service inadequate (Skip to 6)
10[] Pickup unreliable/inconvenient (Skip to 6)
11[] Cost (Skip to 6)
12[] Denied use of service (Skip to 6)
13[] Service not needed/wanted (Skip to 6)
14[] Other reason (Skip to 6)
99[] DK (Skip to 6)
c. About how many times have you used this service in the PAST 12 MONTHS?
999[] DK
d. About how many times have you used this service in the PAST WEEK?
00[] None
99[] DK
6a. During the past 12 months, have you used local public transportation, such as a regular bus line, rapid transit, subway, or street car?
Mark (X) only one.
1[] Yes (Skip to 6c)
2[] No (Go to 6b)
9[] DK (Go to 6b)
b. Does an impairment or health problem prevent or limit your use of the public transportation service?
Mark (X) only one.
1[] Yes (Skip to 6e)
2[] No (Skip to 7 on page 13)
9[] DK (Skip to 7 on page 13)
c. During the past 12 months, how often did you use the local public transportation service? Would you say -- (Read all categories)
Mark (X) only one.
2[] Occasionally, or
3[] Seldom?
9[] DK
d. Because of an impairment or health problem, during the past 12 months, did you have any difficulty using the local public transportation service?
2[] No (Skip to 7 on page 13)
9[] DK (Skip to 7 on page 13)
e. What types of difficulties [did/would] you have using the public transportation service?
Anything else?
Mark (X) all that apply.
02[] Fear
03[] Vision
04[] Hearing
05[] Weather
06[] Difficulty walking/can't walk
07[] Wheelchair/scooter/access problems
08[] Problems with other medical/assistive devices
09[] Need help from another person
10[] Hours inadequate
11[] Cost
12[] Other
99[] DK
Ask 6f only if box 01 marked in 6e, otherwise, skip to 7 on page 13.
f. If you were given mobility training about how to use the public transportation service, such as what stop to get off, how to transfer or how to pay the fare, would you use this service?
2[] No
9[] DK
Section B - Transportation - Continued
7. In general, how difficult is it for you to get to and use public transportation? Would you say it is -- (Read all categories)
Mark (X) only one.
1[] Very difficult
2[] Somewhat difficult
3[] A little difficult, or
4[] Not at all difficult?
9[] DK
8a. Do you have any (other) problems getting around outside your home due to an impairment or health problem?
2[] No (Skip to 9)
9[] DK (Skip to 9)
b. What (other) problems do you have getting around outside your home?
Anything else?
Mark (X) all that apply.
02[] Fear
03[] Vision
04[] Hearing
05[] Weather
06[] Difficulty walking/can't walk
07[] Wheelchair/scooter/access problems
08[] Problems with other medical/assistive devices
09[] Need help from another person
10[] Hours inadequate
11[] Cost
12[] Other
99[] DK
9. DURING THE PAST 6 MONTHS, have you traveled by car, airplane, bus, train, or boat?
2[] No (Skip to Section C on page 15)
9[] DK (Skip to Section C on page 15)
10. IN THE PAST WEEK, about how many times did you --
00[] None
99[] DK
b. Ride as a passenger in a car?
00[] None
99[] DK
IN THE PAST WEEK, about how many times did you ride --
00[] None
99[] DK
d. An accessible bus?
00[] None
99[] DK
e. A subway?
00[] None
99[] DK
f. Some other rail system?
00[] None
99[] DK
g. A ferry boat?
00[] None
99[] DK
In the past week, about how many times did you ride in a --
00[] None
99[] DK
i. Regular taxi, in which you paid the fare?
00[] None
99[] DK
Section B - Transportation - Continued
11a. IN THE PAST 6 MONTHS, about how many times did you fly in an airplane?
_______ Times (Go to 11b)
00[] None (Skip to 12)
99[] DK (Skip to 12)
b. About how many of these times were on a large airplane with 200 or more seats?
00[] None
99[] DK
c. (About how many of these times were) on a medium sized airplane with 100 to 199 seats?
00[] None
99[] DK
d. (About how many of these times were) on a small airplane with 19 to 99 seats?
00[] None
99[] DK
e. (About how many of these times were) on an airplane with fewer than 19 seats?
00[] None (Skip to 12)
99[] DK (Skip to 12)
f. Was that flight in -- (Read all categories)
2[] A medium sized airplane with 100-199 seats,
3[] A small airplane with 19-99 seats, or
4[] An airplane with fewer than 19 seats?
9[] DK
12a. IN THE PAST 6 MONTHS, about how many times did you ride a long-distance bus, such as Greyhound or Trailways?
00[] None
99[] DK
b. (IN THE PAST 6 MONTHS, about how many times did you)
take a trip on a train, such as Amtrak?
00[] None
99[] DK
c. (IN THE PAST 6 MONTHS, about how many times did you) take a trip on a cruise ship or boat?
00[] None
99[] DK
Section C - Social Activity
Status of SP.
2[] All others (Go to 1)
These next questions are about various activities you may have participated in.
Ask 1a-g before going to question 2.
2[] No
9[] DK
b. Talk with friends or neighbors on the telephone
2[] No
9[] DK
c. Get together with ANY relatives not including those who live with you?
2[] No
9[] DK
d. Talk with ANY relatives on the telephone not including those living with you?
2[] No
9[] DK
e. Go to church, temple, or another place of worship for services or other activities?
2[] No
9[] DK
f. Go to a show or movie, sports event, club meeting, class, or other group event?
2[] No
9[] DK
g. Go out to eat at a restaurant?
2[] No
9[] DK
Ask 2 for each "Yes" in 1.
2. DURING THE PAST TWO WEEKS, how many times did you (activity)?
99[] DK
b. Talk with friends or neighbors on the telephone
99[] DK
c. Get together with ANY relatives not including those who live with you
99[] DK
d. Talk with ANY relatives on the telephone not including those living with you
99[] DK
e. Go to church, temple, or another place of worship for services or other activities
99[] DK
f. Go to a show or movie, sports event, club meeting, class, or other group event
99[] DK
g. Go out to eat at a restaurant
99[] DK
3. How many days in the past two weeks did you leave your home for any reason?
00[] None
_______ Days
99[] DK
If proxy respondent, skip to Section D on page 16; otherwise ask:
4. Regarding your present social activities, do you feel that you are doing about enough, too much, or would you like to be doing more?
Mark (X) only one.
2[] Too much
3[] Would like to be doing more
9[] DK
Section D - Work History/Employment
These next questions are about working for pay or profit, and about unpaid volunteer work.
1. Have you EVER worked at a job or business?
2[] No (Go to 2)
9[] DK (Go to 2)
2. Does an ongoing health problem, impairment or disability ENTIRELY prevent you from working?
2[] No (Skip to 8)
9[] DK (Skip to 8)
3. If enough accommodations were made in transportation and at the work place, would you be able to work?
2[] No (Skip to 6)
9[] DK (Skip to 6)
4. IN ORDER TO WORK, would you need any of these special features at your worksite --
2[] No
9[] DK
b. Accessible parking or an accessible transportation stop close to the building?
2[] No
9[] DK
c. An elevator?
2[] No
9[] DK
d. An elevator designed for persons with special needs?
2[] No
9[] DK
e. A work station specially adapted for your use?
2[] No
9[] DK
f. A restroom designed for persons with special needs?
2[] No
9[] DK
g. An automatic door?
2[] No
9[] DK
5. Because of an ongoing health problem, impairment, or disability, would you NEED any other special equipment, assistance or work arrangement in order to work?
2[] No (Go to 6)
9[] DK (Go to 6)
6. DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, were you involved in unpaid volunteer work such as teaching or coaching, office work, or providing care?
2[] No (Skip to Section E on page 31)
9[] DK (Skip to Section E on page 31)
7. How many days did you do volunteer work in the past 12 months?
2[] Per month
3[] Per year
9999[] DK (Skip to Section E on page 31)
8. Does an ongoing health problem, impairment or disability limit your ability to work?
2[] No (Skip to 14 on page 18)
9[] DK (Go to 9)
9. Have you looked for work in the past two years?
2[] No (Go to 10 on page 17)
9[] DK (Skip to 11 on page 17)
Section D - Work History/Employment - Continued
10. Some people have encountered barriers which have discouraged them from looking for work. Did you not look for work because you were concerned that --
2[] No
9[] DK
b. You would lose your housing if you went to work?
2[] No
9[] DK
c. You would lose your health insurance or Medicaid coverage if you went to work?
2[] No
9[] DK
d. Your family or friends discouraged you form going to work?
2[] No
9[] DK
e. Family responsibilities prevented you from going to work?
2[] No
9[] DK
f. Appropriate information about jobs was not available to you?
2[] No
9[] DK
g. If you went to work you would be refused a promotion or transfer?
2[] No
9[] DK
h. If you went to work, you would be refused access to training?
2[] No
9[] DK
i. Your training was not adequate?
2[] No
9[] DK
j. You lacked transportation that you were able to get to and use?
2[] No
9[] DK
k. There were no appropriate jobs available?
2[] No
9[] DK
11. Do you think you will look for work at any time in the next six months?
2[] No
9[] DK
12. In order to work, would you NEED any of these special
features at your worksite --
2[] No
9[] DK
b. Accessible parking or an accessible transportation stop close to the building?
2[] No
9[] DK
c. An elevator?
2[] No
9[] DK
d. An elevator designed for persons with special needs?
2[] No
9[] DK
e. A work station specially adapted for your use?
2[] No
9[] DK
f. A restroom designed for persons with special needs?
2[] No
9[] DK
g. An automatic door?
2[] No
9[] DK
Section D - Work History/Employment - Continued
13a. Because of an ongoing health problem, impairment, or disability, would you NEED any (other) special equipment, assistance or work arrangement in order to do your job?
2[] No (Skip to 14)
9[] DK (Skip to 14)
b. In order to work, would you NEED --
2[] No
9[] DK
(2) Braille, enlarged print, special lighting or audio tape?
2[] No
9[] DK
(3) A reader, oral or sign language interpreter to assist you at work?
2[] No
9[] DK
(4) A job coach to help train you and supervise your work?
2[] No
9[] DK
(5) A personal assistant to help with job related activities?
2[] No
9[] DK
(6) Special pens or pencils, chairs, or other office supplies?
2[] No
9[] DK
(7) Job redesign, that is, modification of difficult job duties or slowing the pace of tasks?
2[] No
9[] DK
(8) Reduced work hours to allow for more breaks or rest periods?
2[] No
9[] DK
(9) Reduced or part-time work hours?
2[] No
9[] DK
(10) Some other equipment, help, or work arrangements?
2[] No
9[] DK
14. DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, were you involved in unpaid volunteer work such as teaching or coaching, office work, or providing care?
2[] No (Skip to Section E on page 31)
9[] DK (Skip to Section E on page 31)
15. How many days did you do volunteer work in the past 12 months?
2[] Per month
3[] Per year
9999[] DK (Skip to Section E on page 31)
16. Do you NOW work at a job or business?
2[] No (Skip to 27 on page 20)
9[] DK (Skip to 27 on page 20)
17. Are you limited in the kind or amount of work you can do because of an ongoing health problem, impairment, or disability?
2[] No (Skip to 27 on page 20)
9[] DK (Skip to 27 on page 20)
18. About how many hours a week do you usually work at your current job?
(Note: If more than one job, include all jobs.)
99[] DK
19. Because of an ongoing health problem, impairment or disability have you EVER changed --
2[] No
9[] DK
b. The AMOUNT of work you do?
2[] No
9[] DK
c. Your job?
2[] No
9[] DK
20a. Does an ongoing health problem, impairment or disability now make it difficult for you to change jobs?
2[] No (Skip to 21 on page 19)
9[] DK (Skip to 21 on page 19)
b. Would you say very difficult or somewhat difficult?
2[] Somewhat difficult
9[] DK
Section D - Work History/Employment - Continued
21a. Does an ongoing health problem, impairment or disability make it difficult for you to advance at your present job?
2[] No (Skip to 22)
9[] DK (Skip to 22)
b. Would you say very difficult or somewhat difficult?
2[] Somewhat difficult
9[] DK
Ask all of 22a(1)-(7) before going to 22b.
22a. In order to work, would you NEED any of these special features at your worksite, regardless of whether or not you actually have them --
2[] No
9[] DK
(2) Accessible parking or an accessible transportation stop close to the building?
2[] No
9[] DK
(3) An elevator?
2[] No
9[] DK
(4) An elevator designed for persons with special needs?
2[] No
9[] DK
(5) A work station specially adapted for your use?
2[] No
9[] DK
(6) A restroom designed for persons with special needs?
2[] No
9[] DK
(7) An automatic door?
2[] No
9[] DK
Ask for each "Yes" in 22a.
b. Do you have (feature) at work?
2[] No
9[] DK
(2) Accessible parking or an accessible transportation stop close to the building
2[] No
9[] DK
(3) An elevator
2[] No
9[] DK
(4) An elevator designed for persons with special needs
2[] No
9[] DK
(5) A work station specially adapted for your use
2[] No
9[] DK
(6) A restroom designed for persons with special needs
2[] No
9[] DK
(7) An automatic door
2[] No
9[] DK
23a. Because of an ongoing health problem, impairment, or disability, do you NEED any (other) special equipment, assistance or work arrangements in order to do your job?
2[] No (Skip to 24a on page 20)
9[] DK (Skip to 24a on page 20)
Ask all of 23 b(1)-(10) before going to 23c.
b. In order to work, do you NEED --
2[] No
9[] DK
(2) Braille, enlarged print, special lighting or audio tape?
2[] No
9[] DK
(3) A reader, oral or sign language interpreter to assist you at work?
2[] No
9[] DK
(4) A job coach to help train you and supervise your work?
2[] No
9[] DK
(5) A personal assistant to help with job related activities?
2[] No
9[] DK
(6) Special pens or pencils, chairs, or other office supplies?
2[] No
9[] DK
(7) Job redesign, that is, modification of difficult job duties or slowing the pace of tasks?
2[] No
9[] DK
(8) Reduced work hours to allow for more breaks or rest periods?
2[] No
9[] DK
(9) Reduced or part-time work hours?
2[] No
9[] DK
(10) Some other equipment, help, or work arrangements?
2[] No
9[] DK
Ask for each "Yes" in 23b.
c. Do you have ("Yes" response) at work?
2[] No
9[] DK
(2) Braille, enlarged print, special lighting or audio tape
2[] No
9[] DK
(3) A reader, oral or sign language interpreter to assist you at work
2[] No
9[] DK
(4) A job coach to help train you and supervise your work
2[] No
9[] DK
(5) A personal assistant to help with job related activities
2[] No
9[] DK
(6) Special pens or pencils, chairs, or other office supplies
2[] No
9[] DK
(7) Job redesign, that is, modification of difficult job duties or slowing the pace of tasks
2[] No
9[] DK
(8) Reduced work hours to allow for more breaks or rest periods
2[] No
9[] DK
(9) Reduced or part-time work hours
2[] No
9[] DK
(10) Some other equipment, help, or work arrangements
2[] No
9[] DK
Section D - Work History/Employment - Continued
24a. How do you USUALLY get to work?
Read list if necessary.
Mark (X) all that apply.
02[] Work at home
03[] Rapid transit, subway, metro, or regular bus
04[] Specialized bus or van service for persons with disabilities
05[] Commuter train
06[] Taxi
07[] Bicycle
08[] Walk
09[] Scooter/wheelchair
10[] Other
99[] DK
Ask 24b only if box 01 marked in 24a; otherwise, skip to 25.
b. Who USUALLY drives this car?
Mark (X) only one.
2[] Other family member
3[] Carpool
4[] Other
9[] DK
25. IN THE PAST FIVE YEARS, have you been fired from a job, laid off, or told to resign because of an ongoing health problem, impairment, or disability?
2[] No
3[] Not sure
9[] DK
26a. IN THE PAST FIVE YEARS, because of an ongoing health problem, impairment, or disability, have you been --
2[] No
9[] DK
(2) Refused a promotion?
2[] No
9[] DK
(3) Refused a transfer?
2[] No
9[] DK
(4) Refused access to training programs?
2[] No
9[] DK
b. DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, were you involved in unpaid volunteer work such as teaching or coaching, office work, or providing care?
2[] No (Skip to Section E on page 31)
9[] DK (Skip to Section E on page 31)
c. How many days in the did you do volunteer work in the past 12 months?
2[] Per month
3[] Per year
9999[] DK (Skip to Section E on page 31)
27. About how many hours a week do you work at your current job?
Note: If more than one job, include all jobs.
99[] DK
28. Because of an ongoing health problem, impairment or disability have you EVER changed --
2[] No
9[] DK
b. The AMOUNT of work you do?
2[] No
9[] DK
c. Your job?
2[] No
9[] DK
29a. Does an ongoing health problem, impairment or disability now make it difficult for you to change jobs?
2[] No (Skip to 30 on page 21)
9[] DK (Skip to 30 on page 21)
b. Would you say very difficult or somewhat difficult?
2[] Somewhat difficult
9[] DK
Section D - Work History/Employment - Continued
30a. Does an ongoing health problem, impairment, or disability make it difficult for you to advance at your present job?
2[] No (Skip to 31)
9[] DK (Skip to 31)
b. Would you say very difficult or somewhat difficult?
2[] Somewhat difficult
9[] DK
Ask all of 31a(1)-(7) before going to 31b.
31a. In order to work, would you NEED any of these special features at your worksite, regardless of whether or not you actually have them --
2[] No
9[] DK
(2) Accessible parking or an accessible transportation stop close to the building?
2[] No
9[] DK
(3) An elevator?
2[] No
9[] DK
(4) An elevator designed for persons with special needs?
2[] No
9[] DK
(5) A work station specially adapted for your use?
2[] No
9[] DK
(6) A restroom designed for persons with special needs?
2[] No
9[] DK
(7) An automatic door?
2[] No
9[] DK
Ask for each "Yes" in 31a.
b. Do you have (feature) at work?
2[] No
9[] DK
(2) Accessible parking or an accessible transportation stop close to the building
2[] No
9[] DK
(3) An elevator
2[] No
9[] DK
(4) An elevator designed for persons with special needs
2[] No
9[] DK
(5) A work station specially adapted for your use
2[] No
9[] DK
(6) A restroom designed for persons with special needs
2[] No
9[] DK
(7) An automatic door
2[] No
9[] DK
32. Because of an ongoing health problem, impairment, or disability, do you NEED any (other) special equipment, assistance or work arrangements in order to do your job?
2[] No (Skip to 24a on page 20)
9[] DK (Skip to 24a on page 20)
Ask all of 33a(1)-(10) before going to 33b.
33a. In order to work, do you NEED --
2[] No
9[] DK
(2) Braille, enlarged print, special lighting or audio tape?
2[] No
9[] DK
(3) A reader, oral or sign language interpreter to assist you at work?
2[] No
9[] DK
(4) A job coach to help train you and supervise your work?
2[] No
9[] DK
(5) A personal assistant to help with job related activities?
2[] No
9[] DK
(6) Special pens or pencils, chairs, or other office supplies?
2[] No
9[] DK
(7) Job redesign, that is, modification of difficult job duties or slowing the pace of tasks?
2[] No
9[] DK
(8) Reduced work hours to allow for more breaks or rest periods?
2[] No
9[] DK
(9) Reduced or part-time work hours?
2[] No
9[] DK
(10) Some other equipment, help, or work arrangements?
2[] No
9[] DK
Ask for each "Yes" in 33b.
c. Do you have ("Yes" response) at work?
2[] No
9[] DK
(2) Braille, enlarged print, special lighting or audio tape
2[] No
9[] DK
(3) A reader, oral or sign language interpreter to assist you at work
2[] No
9[] DK
(4) A job coach to help train you and supervise your work
2[] No
9[] DK
(5) A personal assistant to help with job related activities
2[] No
9[] DK
(6) Special pens or pencils, chairs, or other office supplies
2[] No
9[] DK
(7) Job redesign, that is, modification of difficult job duties or slowing the pace of tasks
2[] No
9[] DK
(8) Reduced work hours to allow for more breaks or rest periods
2[] No
9[] DK
(9) Reduced or part-time work hours
2[] No
9[] DK
(10) Some other equipment, help, or work arrangements
2[] No
9[] DK
Section D - Work History/Employment - Continued
34a. How do you USUALLY get to work?
Read list if necessary.
Mark (X) all that apply.
02[] Work at home
03[] Rapid transit, subway, metro, or regular bus
04[] Specialized bus or van service for persons with disabilities
05[] Commuter train
06[] Taxi
07[] Bicycle
08[] Walk
09[] Scooter/wheelchair
10[] Other
99[] DK
Ask 34b only if box 01 marked in 34a; otherwise, skip to 35.
b. Who USUALLY drives this car?
Mark (X) only one.
2[] Other family member
3[] Carpool
4[] Other
9[] DK
35. IN THE PAST FIVE YEARS,, have you been fired from a job, laid off, or told to resign because of an ongoing health problem, impairment, or disability?
2[] No
3[] Not sure
9[] DK
36a. IN THE PAST FIVE YEARS, because of an ongoing health problem, impairment, or disability, have you been --
2[] No
9[] DK
(2) Refused a promotion?
2[] No
9[] DK
(3) Refused a transfer?
2[] No
9[] DK
(4) Refused access to training programs?
2[] No
9[] DK
b. DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, were you involved in unpaid volunteer work such as teaching or coaching, office work, or providing care?
2[] No (Skip to Section E on page 31)
9[] DK (Skip to Section E on page 31)
c. How many days in the did you do volunteer work in the past 12 months?
2[] Per month
3[] Per year
9999[] DK (Skip to Section E on page 31)
37. Are you looking for work or on layoff from a job?
2[] No (Skip to 54 on page 25)
9[] DK (Skip to 54 on page 25)
38. Are you limited in the kind or amount of work you can do because of an ongoing health problem, impairment, or disability?
2[] No (Skip to 48 on page 24)
9[] DK (Skip to 48 on page 24)
39. In what year did you stop working at your last job?
99[] DK
40. Does an ongoing health problem, impairment or disability make it difficult for you to look for work?
2[] No
9[] DK
Section D - Work History/Employment - Continued
41. Some people have encountered barriers which have discouraged them from looking for work. Did you not look for work because you were concerned that --
2[] No
9[] DK
b. You would lose your housing if you went to work?
2[] No
9[] DK
c. You would lose your health insurance or Medicaid coverage if you went to work?
2[] No
9[] DK
d. Your family or friends discouraged you form going to work?
2[] No
9[] DK
e. Family responsibilities prevented you from going to work?
2[] No
9[] DK
f. Appropriate information about jobs was not available to you?
2[] No
9[] DK
g. If you went to work you would be refused a promotion or transfer?
2[] No
9[] DK
h. If you went to work, you would be refused access to training?
2[] No
9[] DK
i. Your training was not adequate?
2[] No
9[] DK
j. You lacked transportation that you were able to get to and use?
2[] No
9[] DK
k. There were no appropriate jobs available?
2[] No
9[] DK
42. In order to work, would you NEED any of these special features at your worksite --
2[] No
9[] DK
b. Accessible parking or an accessible transportation stop close to the building?
2[] No
9[] DK
c. An elevator?
2[] No
9[] DK
d. An elevator designed for persons with special needs?
2[] No
9[] DK
e. A work station specially adapted for your use?
2[] No
9[] DK
f. A restroom designed for persons with special needs?
2[] No
9[] DK
g. An automatic door?
2[] No
9[] DK
Section D - Work History/Employment - Continued
43a. Because of an ongoing health problem, impairment, or disability, would you NEED any (other) special equipment, assistance or work arrangement in order to do your job?
2[] No (Skip to Item D1)
9[] DK (Skip to Item D1)
b. In order to work, would you NEED --
2[] No
9[] DK
(2) Braille, enlarged print, special lighting or audio tape?
2[] No
9[] DK
(3) A reader, oral or sign language interpreter to assist you at work?
2[] No
9[] DK
(4) A job coach to help train you and supervise your work?
2[] No
9[] DK
(5) A personal assistant to help with job related activities?
2[] No
9[] DK
(6) Special pens or pencils, chairs, or other office supplies?
2[] No
9[] DK
(7) Job redesign, that is, modification of difficult job duties or slowing the pace of tasks?
2[] No
9[] DK
(8) Reduced work hours to allow for more breaks or rest periods?
2[] No
9[] DK
(9) Reduced or part-time work hours?
2[] No
9[] DK
(10) Some other equipment, help, or work arrangements?
2[] No
9[] DK
Refer to question 39 on page 22.
(Year last worked)
2[] Before 1989 (Skip to 46)
9[] DK (Go to 44)
2[] No
3[] Not sure
9[] DK
45. IN THE PAST FIVE YEARS, because of an ongoing health problem, impairment, or disability, have you been --
2[] No
9[] DK
b. Refused a promotion?
2[] No
9[] DK
c. Refused a transfer?
2[] No
9[] DK
d. Refused access to training programs?
2[] No
9[] DK
46. DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, were you involved in unpaid volunteer work such as teaching or coaching, office work, or providing care?
1[] Yes (Go to 47)
2[] No (Skip to Section E on page 31)
9[] DK (Skip to Section E on page 31)
47. How many days did you do volunteer work in the past 12 months?
2[] Per month
3[] Per year
9999[] DK (Skip to Section E on page 31)
48. In what year did you stop working at your last job?
99[] DK
49. Does an ongoing health problem, impairment, pr disability now make it difficult for you to look for work?
2[] No
9[] DK
Section D - Work History/Employment - Continued
Refer to question 48 on page 24.
(Year last worked)
2[] Before 1989 (Skip to 52)
9[] DK (Go to 50)
2[] No
3[] Not sure
9[] DK
51. IN THE PAST FIVE YEARS, because of an ongoing health problem, impairment, or disability, have you been --
2[] No
9[] DK
b. Refused a promotion?
2[] No
9[] DK
c. Refused a transfer?
2[] No
9[] DK
d. Refused access to training programs?
2[] No
9[] DK
52. DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, were you involved in unpaid volunteer work such as teaching or coaching, office work, or providing care?
2[] No (Skip to Section E on page 31)
9[] DK (Skip to Section E on page 31)
53. How many days did you do volunteer work in the past 12 months?
2[] Per month
3[] Per year
9999[] DK (Skip to Section E on page 31)
54a. Have you retired on disability?
2[] No (Skip to 57)
9[] DK (Skip to 57)
b. How old were you when you retired on disability?
99[] DK
c. If enough accommodations were made at the work place or in transportation, would you have been able to continue working?
2[] No (Go to 55)
9[] DK (Go to 55)
55. DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, were you involved in unpaid volunteer work such as teaching or coaching, office work, or providing care?
2[] No (Skip to Section E on page 31)
9[] DK (Skip to Section E on page 31)
56. How many days did you do volunteer work in the past 12 months?
2[] Per month
3[] Per year
9999[] DK (Skip to Section E on page 31)
57a. Have you retired from a job or business
2[] No (Skip to 61 on page 26)
9[] DK (Skip to 61 on page 26
b. How old were you when you retired the last time?
99[] DK
58. did you retire because of an ongoing health problem, impairment, or disability?
2[] No
9[] DK
59. DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, were you involved in unpaid volunteer work such as teaching or coaching, office work, or providing care?
2[] No (Skip to Section E on page 31)
9[] DK (Skip to Section E on page 31)
Section D - Work History/Employment - Continued
60. How many days did you do volunteer work in the past 12 months?
2[] Per month
3[] Per year
9999[] DK
61. Does an ongoing health problem, impairment, or disability ENTIRELY prevent you from working?
2[] No (Skip to 73 on page 27)
9[] DK (Skip to 73 on page 27)
62. If enough accommodations were made in transportation and at the work place, would you be able to work?
2[] No (Skip to 71 on page 27)
9[] DK (Skip to 71 on page 27)
63. In what year did you last work at a job or business, even for a few days?
99[] DK
64. Does an ongoing health problem impairment or disability now make it difficult for you to look for work?
2[] No
9[] DK
65. Some people have encountered barriers which have discouraged them from looking for work. Did you not look for work because you were concerned that --
2[] No
9[] DK
b. You would lose your housing if you went to work?
2[] No
9[] DK
c. You would lose your health insurance or Medicaid coverage if you went to work?
2[] No
9[] DK
d. Your family or friends discouraged you form going to work?
2[] No
9[] DK
e. Family responsibilities prevented you from going to work?
2[] No
9[] DK
f. Appropriate information about jobs was not available to you?
2[] No
9[] DK
g. If you went to work you would be refused a promotion or transfer?
2[] No
9[] DK
h. If you went to work, you would be refused access to training?
2[] No
9[] DK
i. Your training was not adequate?
2[] No
9[] DK
j. You lacked transportation that you were able to get to and use?
2[] No
9[] DK
k. There were no appropriate jobs available?
2[] No
9[] DK
66. Do you think you will look for work at any time in the next six months?
2[] No
9[] DK
67. In order to work, would you NEED any of these special features at your worksite --
2[] No
9[] DK
b. Accessible parking or an accessible transportation stop close to the building?
2[] No
9[] DK
c. An elevator?
2[] No
9[] DK
d. An elevator designed for persons with special needs?
2[] No
9[] DK
e. A work station specially adapted for your use?
2[] No
9[] DK
f. A restroom designed for persons with special needs?
2[] No
9[] DK
g. An automatic door?
2[] No
9[] DK
Section D - Work History/Employment - Continued
68a. Because of an ongoing health problem, impairment, or disability would you NEED any (other) special equipment, assistance or work arrangement in order to do your job?
2[] No (Skip to Item D3)
9[] DK (Skip to Item D3)
b. In order to work, would you need --
2[] No
9[] DK
(2) Braille, enlarged print, special lighting or audio tape?
2[] No
9[] DK
(3) A reader, oral or sign language interpreter to assist you at work?
2[] No
9[] DK
(4) A job coach to help train you and supervise your work?
2[] No
9[] DK
(5) A personal assistant to help with job related activities?
2[] No
9[] DK
(6) Special pens or pencils, chairs, or other office supplies?
2[] No
9[] DK
(7) Job redesign, that is, modification of difficult job duties or slowing the pace of tasks?
2[] No
9[] DK
(8) Reduced work hours to allow for more breaks or rest periods?
2[] No
9[] DK
(9) Reduced or part-time work hours?
2[] No
9[] DK
(10) Some other equipment, help, or work arrangements?
2[] No
9[] DK
Refer to question 63 on page 26.
(Year last worked)
2[] Before 1989 (Skip to 71)
9[] DK (Go to 69)
2[] No
3[] Not sure
9[] DK
70. IN THE PAST FIVE YEARS, because of an ongoing health problem, impairment, or disability, have you been --
2[] No
9[] DK
b. Refused a promotion?
2[] No
9[] DK
c. Refused a transfer?
2[] No
9[] DK
d. Refused access to training programs?
2[] No
9[] DK
71. DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, were you involved in unpaid volunteer work such as teaching or coaching, office work, or providing care?
2[] No (Skip to Section E on page 31)
9[] DK (Skip to Section E on page 31)
72. How many days did you do volunteer work in the past 12 months?
2[] Per month
3[] Per year
9999[] DK (Skip to Section E on page 31)
73. Are you limited in the kind or amount of work you can do because of an ongoing health problem, impairment, or disability?
2[] No (Skip to 85 on page 29)
9[] DK (Skip to 85 on page 29)
74. If enough accommodations were made in transportation and at the work place, would you be able to work?
2[] No (Skip to 83 on page 29)
9[] DK (Skip to 83 on page 29)
Section D - Work History/Employment - Continued
75. In what year did you last work at a job or business, even for a few days?
99[] DK
76. Does an ongoing health problem impairment or disability now make it difficult for you to look for work?
2[] No
9[] DK
77. Some people have encountered barriers which have discouraged them from looking for work. Did you not look for work because you were concerned that --
2[] No
9[] DK
b. You would lose your housing if you went to work?
2[] No
9[] DK
c. You would lose your health insurance or Medicaid coverage if you went to work?
2[] No
9[] DK
d. Your family or friends discouraged you form going to work?
2[] No
9[] DK
e. Family responsibilities prevented you from going to work?
2[] No
9[] DK
f. Appropriate information about jobs was not available to you?
2[] No
9[] DK
g. If you went to work you would be refused a promotion or transfer?
2[] No
9[] DK
h. If you went to work, you would be refused access to training?
2[] No
9[] DK
i. Your training was not adequate?
2[] No
9[] DK
j. You lacked transportation that you were able to get to and use?
2[] No
9[] DK
k. There were no appropriate jobs available?
2[] No
9[] DK
78. Do you think you will look for work at any time in the next six months?
2[] No
9[] DK
79. In order to work, would you NEED any of these special
features at your worksite --
2[] No
9[] DK
b. Accessible parking or an accessible transportation stop close to the building?
2[] No
9[] DK
c. An elevator?
2[] No
9[] DK
d. An elevator designed for persons with special needs?
2[] No
9[] DK
e. A work station specially adapted for your use?
2[] No
9[] DK
f. A restroom designed for persons with special needs?
2[] No
9[] DK
g. An automatic door?
2[] No
9[] DK
Section D - Work History/Employment - Continued
80a. Because of an ongoing health problem, impairment, or disability, would you NEED any (other) special equipment, assistance or work arrangement in order to do your job?
2[] No (Skip to Item D4)
9[] DK (Skip to Item D4)
b. In order to work, would you NEED --
2[] No
9[] DK
(2) Braille, enlarged print, special lighting or audio tape?
2[] No
9[] DK
(3) A reader, oral or sign language interpreter to assist you at work?
2[] No
9[] DK
(4) A job coach to help train you and supervise your work?
2[] No
9[] DK
(5) A personal assistant to help with job related activities?
2[] No
9[] DK
(6) Special pens or pencils, chairs, or other office supplies?
2[] No
9[] DK
(7) Job redesign, that is, modification of difficult job duties or slowing the pace of tasks?
2[] No
9[] DK
(8) Reduced work hours to allow for more breaks or rest periods?
2[] No
9[] DK
(9) Reduced or part-time work hours?
2[] No
9[] DK
(10) Some other equipment, help, or work arrangements?
2[] No
9[] DK
Refer to question 75 on page 28.
(Year last worked)
2[] Before 1989 (Skip to 83)
9[] DK (Go to 81)
2[] No
3[] Not sure
9[] DK
82. IN THE PAST FIVE YEARS, because of an ongoing health problem, impairment, or disability, have you been --
2[] No
9[] DK
b. Refused a promotion?
2[] No
9[] DK
c. Refused a transfer?
2[] No
9[] DK
d. Refused access to training programs?
2[] No
9[] DK
83. DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, were you involved in unpaid volunteer work such as teaching or coaching, office work, or providing care?
2[] No (Skip to Section E on page 31)
9[] DK (Skip to Section E on page 31)
84. How many days did you do volunteer work in the past 12 months?
2[] Per month
3[] Per year
9999[] DK (Skip to Section E on page 31)
85. Because of an ongoing health problem, impairment or disability have you EVER changed --
2[] No
9[] DK
b. The AMOUNT of work you do?
2[] No
9[] DK
c. Your job?
2[] No
9[] DK
Section D - Work History/Employment - Continued
86. In what year did you last work at a job or business, even for a few days?
99[] DK
Refer to question 86.
(Year last worked)
2[] Before 1989 (Skip to 91)
9[] DK (Go to 87)
2[] No
9[] DK
88. Do you think you will look for work at any time in the next six months?
2[] No
9[] DK
89. IN THE PAST FIVE YEARS, have you been fired from a job, laid off, or told to resign because of an ongoing health problem, impairment or disability?
2[] No
3[] Not sure
9[] DK
90. IN THE PAST FIVE YEARS, because of an ongoing health problem, impairment, or disability, have you been --
2[] No
9[] DK
b. Refused a promotion?
2[] No
9[] DK
c. Refused a transfer?
2[] No
9[] DK
d. Refused access to training programs?
2[] No
9[] DK
91. DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, were you involved in unpaid volunteer work such as teaching or coaching, office work, or providing care?
2[] No (Skip to Section E on page 31)
9[] DK (Skip to Section E on page 31)
92. How many days did you do volunteer work in the past 12 months?
2[] Per month
3[] Per year
9999[] DK
Section E - Vocational Rehabilitation
Read: These next questions are about vocational rehabilitation. Vocational rehabilitation services are designed to help people find a job, get back to work, or simply function better in their everyday activities.
Ask all of 1a(1)-(15) before going to 1b.
1a. Have you ever received any of these vocational rehabilitation services?
2[] No
9[] DK
(2) Job placement?
2[] No
9[] DK
(3) Training in job seeking skills?
2[] No
9[] DK
(4) Vocational or business school training?
2[] No
9[] DK
(5) College or university training?
2[] No
9[] DK
(6) Personal adjustment training?
2[] No
9[] DK
(7) Physical therapy?
2[] No
9[] DK
(8) Occupational therapy?
2[] No
9[] DK
(9) Other medical treatment?
2[] No
9[] DK
(10) Special aids or technology such as wheelchairs, hearing aids, or computers?
2[] No
9[] DK
(11) Training in home making or in self-care?
2[] No
9[] DK
(12) Sheltered workshop?
2[] No
9[] DK
(13) Supported employment?
2[] No
9[] DK
(14) Driver training?
2[] No
9[] DK
(15) Any other rehabilitation services?
2[] No
9[] DK
Ask for each "Yes" in 1a.
b. Was the (service) arranged or provided by a state rehabilitation agency.
2[] No
9[] DK
(2) Job placement
2[] No
9[] DK
(3) Training in job seeking skills
2[] No
9[] DK
(4) Vocational or business school training
2[] No
9[] DK
(5) College or university training
2[] No
9[] DK
(6) Personal adjustment training
2[] No
9[] DK
(7) Physical therapy
2[] No
9[] DK
(8) Occupational therapy
2[] No
9[] DK
(9) Other medical treatment
2[] No
9[] DK
(10) Special aids or technology such as wheelchairs, hearing aids, or computers
2[] No
9[] DK
(11) Training in home making or in self-care
2[] No
9[] DK
(12) Sheltered workshop
2[] No
9[] DK
(13) Supported employment
2[] No
9[] DK
(14) Driver training
2[] No
9[] DK
(15) Any other rehabilitation services
2[] No
9[] DK
Refer to question 1a.
(Received rehabilitation services)
2[] All others (Skip to 4 on page 32)
99[] DK
00[] Now in rehabilitation program
3. Have the vocational rehabilitation services you received --
2[] No
9[] DK
b. Helped you in getting a better job?
2[] No
9[] DK
c. Improved your ability to do your old job?
2[] No
9[] DK
d. Improved your self-confidence and outlook?
2[] No
9[] DK
e. Improved your ability to get around?
2[] No
9[] DK
f. Improved your ability to take care of yourself?
2[] No
9[] DK
g. Improved your ability to take care of your home?
2[] No
9[] DK
h. Improved your communication skills?
2[] No
9[] DK
i. Helped you in some other way?
2[] No
9[] DK
Section E - Vocational Rehabilitation - Continued
4. Do you need (additional) vocational rehabilitation services?
2[] No
9[] DK
Refer to SP's age.
2[] Under 70 (Go to 5)
Hand card A4. Ask all of 5a(1)-(12) before going to 5b.
5a. Which of the following describes your current job or other activities?
2[] No
9[] DK
(2) Working with a paid JOB COACH?
2[] No
9[] DK
(3) A WORK CREW, which consists of people with disabilities working as a team to provide services such as janitorial or lawn care in the community?
2[] No
9[] DK
(4) An ENCLAVE; that is, working in a group with disabled persons in a regular business?
2[] No
9[] DK
(5) Any other SUPPORTED EMPLOYMENT not listed above?
2[] No
9[] DK
(6) A SHELTERED WORKSHOP; that is, working for piece rate wages below minimum wage?
2[] No
9[] DK
(7) A WORK ACTIVITY CENTER that teaches independent living and work skills?
2[] No
9[] DK
(8) A DAY ACTIVITY CENTER that teaches independent living, non-vocational or pre-vocational skills, where one does not work or get paid?
2[] No
9[] DK
2[] No
9[] DK
(10) A FORMAL JOB TRAINING PROGRAM, not yet mentioned?
2[] No
9[] DK
2[] No
9[] DK
Ask if all "No" in 5a (1-11); otherwise go to Section F on page 33.
2[] No
9[] DK
Ask for each "Yes" in 5a.
b. How many hours a week do you usually spend on (activity)?
_______ Hours per week
99[] DK
(2) Working with a paid job coach?
_______ Hours per week
99[] DK
(3) A work crew, which consists of people with disabilities working as a team to provide services such as janitorial or lawn care in the community?
_______ Hours per week
99[] DK
(4) An enclave; that is, working in a group with disabled persons in a regular business?
_______ Hours per week
99[] DK
(5) Any other supported employment not listed above?
_______ Hours per week
99[] DK
(6) A sheltered workshop; that is, working for piece rate wages below minimum wage?
_______ Hours per week
99[] DK
(7) A work activity center that teaches independent living and work skills?
_______ Hours per week
99[] DK
(8) A day activity center that teaches independent living, non-vocational or pre-vocational skills, where one does not work or get paid?
_______ Hours per week
99[] DK
(9) Attending school?
_______ Hours per week
99[] DK
(10) A formal job training program, not yet mentioned?
_______ Hours per week
99[] DK
(11) Volunteer work?
_______ Hours per week
99[] DK
Section F - Assistive Devices and Technologies
The net questions are about medical devices and implants.
Ask all of 1a-o before going to 2.
1. During the past 12 months, did you use any of the following medical devices or supplies?
2[] No
9[] DK
b. A respirator?
2[] No
9[] DK
c. An ostomy bag?
2[] No
9[] DK
d. Catheterization equipment?
2[] No
9[] DK
e. A glucose monitor?
2[] No
9[] DK
f. Diabetic equipment or supplies?
2[] No
9[] DK
g. An inhaler?
2[] No
9[] DK
h. A nebulizer?
2[] No
9[] DK
i. A hearing aid?
2[] No
9[] DK
j. Crutches?
2[] No
9[] DK
k. A cane?
2[] No
9[] DK
l. A walker?
2[] No
9[] DK
m. A wheelchair?
2[] No
9[] DK
n. A scooter?
2[] No
9[] DK
o. A feeding tube?
2[] No
9[] DK
Ask for each "Yes" in 1.
2. Did you use (device) in the past two weeks?
2[] No
9[] DK
b. A respirator
2[] No
9[] DK
c. An ostomy bag
2[] No
9[] DK
d. Catheterization equipment
2[] No
9[] DK
e. A glucose monitor
2[] No
9[] DK
f. Diabetic equipment or supplies
2[] No
9[] DK
g. An inhaler
2[] No
9[] DK
h. A nebulizer
2[] No
9[] DK
i. A hearing aid
2[] No
9[] DK
j. Crutches
2[] No
9[] DK
k. A cane
2[] No
9[] DK
l. A walker
2[] No
9[] DK
m. A wheelchair
2[] No
9[] DK
n. A scooter
2[] No
9[] DK
o. A feeding tube
2[] No
9[] DK
Refer to question 1 above.
(Devices used)
2[] All other (Skip to 4)
$ ______ . [00]
99999[] DK
4. Do you now have any of the following implants?
2[] No
9[] DK
b. An artificial joint?
2[] No
9[] DK
c. Implanted lens?
2[] No
9[] DK
d. Implanted pin, screw, nail, wire, rod, or plate?
2[] No
9[] DK
e. An artificial heart valve?
2[] No
9[] DK
f. A pacemaker?
2[] No
9[] DK
g. Silicone implant?
2[] No
9[] DK
h. Infusion pump?
2[] No
9[] DK
i. Implanted catheter?
2[] No
9[] DK
j. An organ implant?
2[] No
9[] DK
k. A cochlear (k?k' l?-?r) implant?
2[] No
9[] DK
Section G - Health Insurance
The next questions are about health insurance coverage.
There are several government programs that provide medical care or help pay medical bills.
People covered by Medicare have a cad that looks like this
1a. In (month), were you covered by Medicare?
2[] No (Skip to 2)
9[] DK (Skip to 2)
b. How long have you been covered me Medicare?
Read categories if necessary.
Mark (X) only one.
2[] 6 months, but less than 1 year
3[] 1 year, but less than 2 years
4[] 2 years or more
9[] DK
There is a program called MEDICAID that pays for health care for persons in need. In this state, it is also called (state name).
2a. In (month), were you covered by MEDICAID or (state name) coverage?
2[] No (Skip to 3)
9[] DK (Skip to 3)
b. How long have you had MEDICAID or (state name) coverage?
Read categories if necessary
Mark (X) only one.
2[] 6 months, but less than 1 year
3[] 1 year, but less than 2 years
4[] 2 years, but less than 5 years
5[] 5 years or more
6[] On and off for less than 2 years
7[] On and off for 2 years, but less than 5 years
8[] On and off for 5 years or more
9[] DK
3. In (month), were you covered by any OTHER public assistance program (other than Medicaid) that pays for health care? Do not include use of public or free clinics if that is your ONLY source of care.
2[] No
9[] DK
4a. In (month), were you covered by military health care, including armed forces retirement benefits, the VA (Department of Veterans' Affairs), CHAMPUS, or CHAMP-VA?
2[] No (Skip to 5)
9[] DK (Skip to 5)
b. Was this CHAMPUS, or CHAMP-VA?
Read if necessary: CHAMPUS is a program of medical care for dependents of active duty or retired military personnel. CHAMP-VA is medical insurance for dependents or survivors of disabled veterans.
2[] No
9[] DK
c. In (month), were you covered by any other military health care, including armed forces retirement benefits, or the VA (Department of Veterans' Affairs)?
2[] No
9[] DK
5. In (month), were you covered by the Indian Health Service?
2[] No
9[] DK
6a. (Not counting the government health programs we just mentioned), in (month), were you covered by a private health insurance plan?
Read if necessary: Besides government programs, people also get health insurance through their jobs or union, through other private groups, or directly from an insurance company. A variety of types of plans are available, including Health Maintenance Organizations or HMOS.
2[] No (Skip to Section H on page 35)
9[] DK (Skip to Section H on page 35)
b. Was any of this private health insurance obtained originally through the workplace, that is through a present or former employer or union?
Mark (X) only one.
2[] Union
3[] Through workplace, DK which
4[] No
9[] DK
Section H - Assistance With Key Activities
Read to respondent: The next questions are about how well you are able to do certain activities. Please tell me if you have any difficulty when you do the following.
Ask 1a-j before asking 2 and 3.
1. By yourself and not using aids, do you have any difficulty --
2[] No
9[] NA/DK
b. Walking up 10 steps without resting?
2[] No
9[] NA/DK
c. Standing or being on your feet for about 2 hours?
2[] No
9[] NA/DK
d. Sitting for about 2 hours?
2[] No
9[] NA/DK
By yourself and not using aids, do you have any difficulty --
e. Stooping, crouching, or kneeling?
2[] No
9[] NA/DK
f. Reaching up over your head?
2[] No
9[] NA/DK
g. Reaching out (as if to shake someone's hand)?
2[] No
9[] NA/DK
h. Using your fingers to grasp or handle?
2[] No
9[] NA/DK
By yourself and not using any aids, do you have any difficulty --
i. Lifting or carrying something as heavy as 25 pounds, (such as two full bags of groceries)?
2[] No
9[] NA/DK
j. Lifting or carrying something as heavy as 10 pounds?
2[] No
9[] NA/DK
Ask 2 and 3 for each "Yes" in 1a-j.
2. How much difficulty do you have (activity), some, a lot, or are you unable to do it?
2[] A lot
3[] Unable
9[] DK
b. Walking up 10 steps without resting
2[] A lot
3[] Unable
9[] DK
c. Standing or being on your feet for about 2 hours
2[] A lot
3[] Unable
9[] DK
d. Sitting for about 2 hours
2[] A lot
3[] Unable
9[] DK
e. Stooping, crouching, or kneeling
2[] A lot
3[] Unable
9[] DK
f. Reaching up over your head
2[] A lot
3[] Unable
9[] DK
g. Reaching out (as if to shake someone's hand)
2[] A lot
3[] Unable
9[] DK
h. Using your fingers to grasp or handle
2[] A lot
3[] Unable
9[] DK
i. Lifting or carrying something as heavy as 25 pounds, (such as two full bags of groceries)
2[] A lot
3[] Unable
9[] DK
j. Lifting or carrying something as heavy as 10 pounds
2[] A lot
3[] Unable
9[] DK
3. For how long have you [had some difficulty/had a lot of difficulty/been unable to] (activity)?
99[] DK
_______ Number of years
b. Walking up 10 steps without resting
99[] DK
_______ Number of years
c. Standing or being on your feet for about 2 hours
99[] DK
_______ Number of years
d. Sitting for about 2 hours
99[] DK
_______ Number of years
e. Stooping, crouching, or kneeling
99[] DK
_______ Number of years
f. Reaching up over your head
99[] DK
_______ Number of years
g. Reaching out (as if to shake someone's hand)
99[] DK
_______ Number of years
h. Using your fingers to grasp or handle
99[] DK
_______ Number of years
i. Lifting or carrying something as heavy as 25 pounds, (such as two full bags of groceries)
99[] DK
_______ Number of years
j. Lifting or carrying something as heavy as 10 pounds
99[] DK
_______ Number of years
Section H - Assistance With Key Activities - Continued
Read to respondent: These questions are about some other activities and how well you are able to do them by yourself and without using special equipment.
Ask questions 4A-G before continuing to item H1.
4. Because of a health or physical problem, do you have any difficulty --
Ask if "Doesn't do": Is this because of a health or physical problem? If "yes," mark box 1; if "No" mark box 3.
2[] No
3[] Doesn't do for other reason
9[] DK
(B) Dressing?
2[] No
3[] Doesn't do for other reason
9[] DK
(C) Eating?
2[] No
3[] Doesn't do for other reason
9[] DK
(D) Getting in and out of bed or chairs?
2[] No
3[] Doesn't do for other reason
9[] DK
(E) Walking?
2[] No
3[] Doesn't do for other reason
9[] DK
(F) Getting outside?
2[] No
3[] Doesn't do for other reason
9[] DK
(G) Using the toilet, including getting to the toilet?
2[] No
3[] Doesn't do for other reason
9[] DK
(A)Bathing or showering
Refer to question 4.
2[] All other (Go to H1 for next activity)
Refer to question 4.
2[] All other (Go to H1 for next activity)
Refer to question 4.
2[] All other (Go to H1 for next activity)
Refer to question 4.
2[] All other (Go to H1 for next activity)
Refer to question 4.
2[] All other (Go to H1 for next activity)
Refer to question 4.
2[] All other (Go to H1 for next activity)
Refer to question 4.
2[] All other (Skip to H2 for activity (A))
5. By yourself and without using special equipment, how much difficulty do you have (activity), some, a lot, or are you unable to do it?
2[] A lot (Go to 6)
4[] Unable (H1 for next activity)
9[] DK (Go to 6)
(B) Dressing
2[] A lot (Go to 6)
4[] Unable (H1 for next activity)
9[] DK (Go to 6)
(C) Eating
2[] A lot (Go to 6)
4[] Unable (H1 for next activity)
9[] DK (Go to 6)
(D) Getting in and out of bed or chairs
2[] A lot (Go to 6)
4[] Unable (H1 for next activity)
9[] DK (Go to 6)
(E) Walking
2[] A lot (Go to 6)
4[] Unable (H1 for next activity)
9[] DK (Go to 6)
(F) Getting outside
2[] A lot (Go to 6)
4[] Unable (H1 for next activity)
9[] DK (Go to 6)
(G) Using the toilet, including getting to the toilet
2[] A lot (Go to 6)
4[] Unable (H1 for next activity)
9[] DK (Go to 6)
6. When you do not have help or use special equipment, is (activity) by yourself --
2[] No
9[] DK
(2) Does (activity) take a long time?
2[] No
9[] DK
(3) Is it very painful?
2[] No
9[] DK
(Go to H1 for next activity)
(B) Dressing
2[] No
9[] DK
(2) Does (activity) take a long time?
2[] No
9[] DK
(3) Is it very painful?
2[] No
9[] DK
(Go to H1 for next activity)
(C) Eating
2[] No
9[] DK
(2) Does (activity) take a long time?
2[] No
9[] DK
(3) Is it very painful?
2[] No
9[] DK
(Go to H1 for next activity)
(D) Getting in and out of bed or chairs
2[] No
9[] DK
(2) Does (activity) take a long time?
2[] No
9[] DK
(3) Is it very painful?
2[] No
9[] DK
(Go to H1 for next activity)
(E) Walking
2[] No
9[] DK
(2) Does (activity) take a long time?
2[] No
9[] DK
(3) Is it very painful?
2[] No
9[] DK
(Go to H1 for next activity)
(F) Getting outside
2[] No
9[] DK
(2) Does (activity) take a long time?
2[] No
9[] DK
(3) Is it very painful?
2[] No
9[] DK
(Go to H1 for next activity)
(G) Using the toilet, including getting to the toilet
2[] No
9[] DK
(2) Does (activity) take a long time?
2[] No
9[] DK
(3) Is it very painful?
2[] No
9[] DK
(Go to H2 for activity (A))
(A) Bathing or showering
Refer to question 4.
2[] All other (Go to 7)
Refer to question 4.
2[] All other (Go to 7)
Refer to question 4.
2[] All other (Go to 7)
Refer to question 4.
2[] All other (Go to 7)
Refer to question 4.
2[] All other (Go to 7)
Refer to question 4.
2[] All other (Go to 7)
Refer to question 4.
2[] All other (Go to 7)
7a. Do you use any special equipment or aids in (activity)?
2[] No (H2 for next activity)
(B) Dressing
2[] No (H2 for next activity)
(C) Eating
2[] No (H2 for next activity)
(D) Getting in and out of bed or chairs
2[] No (H2 for next activity)
(E) Walking
2[] No (H2 for next activity)
(F) Getting outside
2[] No (H2 for next activity)
(G) Using the toilet, including getting to the toilet
2[] No (Skip to H3 on page 38)
b. What special equipment or aids do you use?
Anything else?
Mark (X) all that apply.
2[] Handbar or rail
3[] Other
9[] DK
(B) Dressing
2[] Special fasteners
3[] Cord, string, zipper pull
4[] Orthopedic shoes
5[] Other
9[] DK
(C) Eating
2[] Bed or lap tray
3[] Covered cup/modified bowl
4[] Other
9[] DK
(D) Getting in and out of bed or chairs
2[] Walker
3[] Extra/special cushions
4[] Special "raising seat" chair/lift chair
5[] Hospital bed
6[] Trapeze/sling
7[] Ramp
8[] Other
9[] DK
(E) Walking
02[] Walker
03[] Crutch or crutches
04[] Wheelchair
05[] Artificial leg
06[] Brace
07[] Guide dog
08[] Oxygen/special breathing equipment
09[] Other
99[] DK
(F) Getting outside
02[] Walker
03[] Crutch or crutches
04[] Wheelchair
05[] Artificial leg
06[] Brace
07[] Guide dog
08[] Oxygen/special breathing equipment
09[] Other
99[] DK
(G) Using the toilet, including getting to the toilet
02[] Walker
03[] Crutch or crutches
04[] Wheelchair
05[] Artificial leg
06[] Brace
07[] Guide dog
08[] Bed pan
09[] Raised toilet seat
10[] Special toilet/portable toilet
11[] Hand holds/rails near toilet
12[] Other
99[] DK
c. When you use special equipment and do not have help, is (activity) --
2[] No
9[] DK
(2) Does (activity) take a long time?
2[] No
9[] DK
(3) Is it very painful?
2[] No
9[] DK
(Go to H2 for next activity)
(B) Dressing
2[] No
9[] DK
(2) Does (activity) take a long time?
2[] No
9[] DK
(3) Is it very painful?
2[] No
9[] DK
(Go to H2 for next activity)
(C) Eating
2[] No
9[] DK
(2) Does (activity) take a long time?
2[] No
9[] DK
(3) Is it very painful?
2[] No
9[] DK
(Go to H2 for next activity)
(D) Getting in and out of bed or chairs
2[] No
9[] DK
(2) Does (activity) take a long time?
2[] No
9[] DK
(3) Is it very painful?
2[] No
9[] DK
(Go to H2 for next activity)
(E) Walking
2[] No
9[] DK
(2) Does (activity) take a long time?
2[] No
9[] DK
(3) Is it very painful?
2[] No
9[] DK
(Go to H2 for next activity)
(F) Getting outside
2[] No
9[] DK
(2) Does (activity) take a long time?
2[] No
9[] DK
(3) Is it very painful?
2[] No
9[] DK
(Go to H2 for next activity)
(G) Using the toilet, including getting to the toilet
2[] No
9[] DK
(2) Does (activity) take a long time?
2[] No
9[] DK
(3) Is it very painful?
2[] No
9[] DK
(Go to H3 on page 38)
Section H - Assistance With Key Activities - Continued
(A) Bathing or showering
Item H3
Refer to question 4 on page 36
2[] All other (Go to 8)
Item H3
Refer to question 4 on page 36
2[] All other (Go to 8)
Item H3
Refer to question 4 on page 36
2[] All other (Go to 8)
Item H3
Refer to question 4 on page 37
2[] All other (Go to 8)
Item H3
Refer to question 4 on page 367
2[] All other (Go to 8)
Item H3
Refer to question 4 on page 37
2[] All other (Go to 8)
Item H3
Refer to question 4 on page 37
2[] All other (Go to 8)
8a. Do you receive help from another person in (activity)?
2[] No (Skip to 8e)
9[] DK (Skip to 8e)
(B) Dressing
2[] No (Skip to 8e)
9[] DK (Skip to 8e)
(C) Eating
2[] No (Skip to 8e)
9[] DK (Skip to 8e)
(D) Getting in and out of bed or chairs
2[] No (Skip to 8e)
9[] DK (Skip to 8e)
(E) Walking
2[] No (Skip to 8e)
9[] DK (Skip to 8e)
(F) Getting outside
2[] No (Skip to 8e)
9[] DK (Skip to 8e)
(G) Using the toilet, including getting to the toilet
2[] No (Skip to 8e)
9[] DK (Skip to 8e)
b. Is this hands-on help?
2[] No (Skip to 8e)
9[] DK (Skip to 8e)
(B) Dressing
2[] No (Skip to 8e)
9[] DK (Skip to 8e)
(C) Eating
2[] No (Skip to 8e)
9[] DK (Skip to 8e)
(D) Getting in and out of bed or chairs
2[] No (Skip to 8e)
9[] DK (Skip to 8e)
(E) Walking
2[] No (Skip to 8e)
9[] DK (Skip to 8e)
(F) Getting outside
2[] No (Skip to 8e)
9[] DK (Skip to 8e)
(G) Using the toilet, including getting to the toilet
2[] No (Skip to 8e)
9[] DK (Skip to 8e)
c. When you have hands on help from another person, is (activity) --
2[] No
9[] DK
(2) Does (activity) take a long time?
2[] No
9[] DK
(3) Is it very painful?
2[] No
9[] DK
(Go to H3 for next activity)
(B) Dressing
2[] No
9[] DK
(2) Does (activity) take a long time?
2[] No
9[] DK
(3) Is it very painful?
2[] No
9[] DK
(Go to H3 for next activity)
(C) Eating
2[] No
9[] DK
(2) Does (activity) take a long time?
2[] No
9[] DK
(3) Is it very painful?
2[] No
9[] DK
(Go to H3 for next activity)
(D) Getting in and out of bed or chairs
2[] No
9[] DK
(2) Does (activity) take a long time?
2[] No
9[] DK
(3) Is it very painful?
2[] No
9[] DK
(Go to H3 for next activity)
(E) Walking
2[] No
9[] DK
(2) Does (activity) take a long time?
2[] No
9[] DK
(3) Is it very painful?
2[] No
9[] DK
(Go to H3 for next activity)
(F) Getting outside
2[] No
9[] DK
(2) Does (activity) take a long time?
2[] No
9[] DK
(3) Is it very painful?
2[] No
9[] DK
(Go to H3 for next activity)
(G) Using the toilet, including getting to the toilet
2[] No
9[] DK
(2) Does (activity) take a long time?
2[] No
9[] DK
(3) Is it very painful?
2[] No
9[] DK
(Go to H4 for activity (A))
d. How often do you have hands-on help with (activity)? Would you say always, sometimes, or rarely?
2[] Sometimes
3[] Rarely
9[] DK
(B) Dressing
2[] Sometimes
3[] Rarely
9[] DK
(C) Eating
2[] Sometimes
3[] Rarely
9[] DK
(D) Getting in and out of bed or chairs
2[] Sometimes
3[] Rarely
9[] DK
(E) Walking
2[] Sometimes
3[] Rarely
9[] DK
(F) Getting outside
2[] Sometimes
3[] Rarely
9[] DK
(G) Using the toilet, including getting to the toilet
2[] Sometimes
3[] Rarely
9[] DK
e. Do you need (more) hands-on help with (activity)?
2[] No (Go to H3 for next activity)
9[] DK (Go to H3 for next activity)
(B) Dressing
2[] No (Go to H3 for next activity)
9[] DK (Go to H3 for next activity)
(C) Eating
2[] No (Go to H3 for next activity)
9[] DK (Go to H3 for next activity)
(D) Getting in and out of bed or chairs
2[] No (Go to H3 for next activity)
9[] DK (Go to H3 for next activity)
(E) Walking
2[] No (Go to H3 for next activity)
9[] DK (Go to H3 for next activity)
(F) Getting outside
2[] No (Go to H3 for next activity)
9[] DK (Go to H3 for next activity)
(G) Using the toilet, including getting to the toilet
2[] No (Go to H4 for activity (A))
9[] DK (Go to H4 for activity (A))
(A) Bathing or showering
Refer to H3 and 8b above.
2[] "Yes" in 8b (Go to H4 for next activity)
3[] All other (Go to 9)
Refer to H3 and 8b above.
2[] "Yes" in 8b (Go to H4 for next activity)
3[] All other (Go to 9)
Refer to H3 and 8b above.
2[] "Yes" in 8b (Go to H4 for next activity)
3[] All other (Go to 9)
Refer to H3 and 8b above.
2[] "Yes" in 8b (Go to H4 for next activity)
3[] All other (Go to 9)
Refer to H3 and 8b above.
2[] "Yes" in 8b (Go to H4 for next activity)
3[] All other (Go to 9)
Refer to H3 and 8b above.
2[] "Yes" in 8b (Go to H4 for next activity)
3[] All other (Go to 9)
Refer to H3 and 8b above.
2[] "Yes" in 8b (Skip to H5 on page 40)
3[] All other (Go to 9)
Read once -- Sometimes people just need to have someone supervise them or stay nearby in case any help is needed.
9a. Do you have someone who supervises you or stays nearby when you are (activity)?
2[] No (Skip to 11)
9[] DK (Skip to 11)
(B) Dressing
2[] No (Skip to 11)
9[] DK (Skip to 11)
(C) Eating
2[] No (Skip to 11)
9[] DK (Skip to 11)
(D) Getting in and out of bed or chairs
2[] No (Skip to 11)
9[] DK (Skip to 11)
(E) Walking
2[] No (Skip to 11)
9[] DK (Skip to 11)
(F) Getting outside
2[] No (Skip to 11)
9[] DK (Skip to 11)
(G) Using the toilet, including getting to the toilet
2[] No (Skip to 11)
9[] DK (Skip to 11)
b. Does this person provide --
2[] No
9[] DK
(2) Standby help, such as observing to see if any help is needed when you are (activity)?
2[] No
9[] DK
(B) Dressing
2[] No
9[] DK
(2) Standby help, such as observing to see if any help is needed when you are (activity)?
2[] No
9[] DK
(C) Eating
2[] No
9[] DK
(2) Standby help, such as observing to see if any help is needed when you are (activity)?
2[] No
9[] DK
(D) Getting in and out of bed or chairs
2[] No
9[] DK
(2) Standby help, such as observing to see if any help is needed when you are (activity)?
2[] No
9[] DK
(E) Walking
2[] No
9[] DK
(2) Standby help, such as observing to see if any help is needed when you are (activity)?
2[] No
9[] DK
(F) Getting outside
2[] No
9[] DK
(2) Standby help, such as observing to see if any help is needed when you are (activity)?
2[] No
9[] DK
(G) Using the toilet, including getting to the toilet
2[] No
9[] DK
(2) Standby help, such as observing to see if any help is needed when you are (activity)?
2[] No
9[] DK
10. How often do you have supervision or standby help when you are (activity)? Would you say always, sometimes, or rarely?
2[] Sometimes
3[] Rarely
9[] DK
(B) Dressing
2[] Sometimes
3[] Rarely
9[] DK
(C) Eating
2[] Sometimes
3[] Rarely
9[] DK
(D) Getting in and out of bed or chairs
2[] Sometimes
3[] Rarely
9[] DK
(E) Walking
2[] Sometimes
3[] Rarely
9[] DK
(F) Getting outside
2[] Sometimes
3[] Rarely
9[] DK
(G) Using the toilet, including getting to the toilet
2[] Sometimes
3[] Rarely
9[] DK
11. Do you need (more) supervision or standby help with (activity)?
2[] No (Go to H4 for next activity)
9[] DK (Go to H4 for next activity)
(B) Dressing
2[] No (Go to H4 for next activity)
9[] DK (Go to H4 for next activity)
(C) Eating
2[] No (Go to H4 for next activity)
9[] DK (Go to H4 for next activity)
(D) Getting in and out of bed or chairs
2[] No (Go to H4 for next activity)
9[] DK (Go to H4 for next activity)
(E) Walking
2[] No (Go to H4 for next activity)
9[] DK (Go to H4 for next activity)
(F) Getting outside
2[] No (Go to H4 for next activity)
9[] DK (Go to H4 for next activity)
(G) Using the toilet, including getting to the toilet
2[] No (Go to H5 on page 40)
9[] DK (Go to H5 on page 40)
Section H - Assistance With Key Activities - Continued
(A) Bathing or showering
Refer to 8a, 8e, 9a and 11 on page 38.
2[] All other (Go to H5 for activity (B))
2[] 2-3 times per week
3[] Once a week, or
4[] Less than once a week?
9[] DK
b. How often do you have a partial bath? Would you say -- (Read categories)
2[] 2-3 times per week,
3[] Once a week, or
4[] Less than once a week?
9[] DK
13a. During the past month, did you experience discomfort because you were not able to bathe as often as you would have liked?
If necessary: That can be either physical or emotional discomfort.
2[] No
9[] DK
b. During the past month, did you experience a burn or scald caused by bathing with water that was too hot?
2[] No (Go to H5 for activity (B))
9[] DK (Go to H5 for activity (B))
(B) Dressing
Refer to 8a, 8e, 9a and 11 on page 38.
2[] All other (Go to H5 for activity (C))
2[] 2-3 times per week, (Go to 12b)
3[] Once a week, or (Go to 12b)
4[] Do you stay in night clothes? (Go to 12b)
9[] DK (Go to 12b)
b. How often do you change your night clothes? Would you say -- (Read categories)
2[] 2-3 times per week,
3[] Once a week, or
4[] Less than once a week?
9[] DK
13. During the past month, did you experience discomfort because you were not able to change your clothes as often as you would have liked because you did not have help?
2[] No (Go to H5 for activity (C))
9[] DK (Go to H5 for activity (C))
(C) Eating
Refer to 8a, 83, 9a and 11 on page 38.
2[] All other (Go to H5 for activity (D))
2[] No
9[] DK
b. During the past month have you --
2[] No
9[] DK
(2) Lost weight even though you were not on a diet?
2[] No
9[] DK
(3) Been dehydrated, that is not had enough liquid in your diet?
2[] No (Go to H5 for activity (D))
9[] DK (Go to H5 for activity (D))
If necessary: If you were dehydrated, you might have been thirsty or lost body fluids.
Section H - Assistance With Key Activities - Continued
(D) Getting in and out of bed or chairs
Refer to 8a, 8e, 9a and 11 on page 39.
2[] All other (Go to H5 for activity (E))
2[] No (Go to 12b)
9[] DK (Go to 12b)
b. Because of a health or physical problem, do you usually stay in a chair all or most of the time?
2[] No
9[] DK
c. How often do you get out of bed? Would you say -- (Read categories)
2[] 2-3 times per week,
3[] Once a week, or
4[] Less than once a week?
9[] DK
(Go to H5 for activity (E))
(E) Walking
Refer to 8a, 8e, 9a and 11 on page 39
2[] All other (Go to H5 for activity (G))
Would you say -- (Read categories)
2[] Often enough to stretch and have a change of scenery now and then,
3[] Often enough to take care of toileting needs but not much more than that, or
4[] Not often enough even to use the bathroom?
9[] DK
(Go to H5 for activity G))
(G) Using the toilet, including getting to the toilet
Refer to 8a, 8e, 9a and 11 on page 39.
2[] All other (Skip to H6 on page 42)
If necessary: That can be either physical or emotional discomfort.
2[] No
9[] DK
b. During the past month, did you wet or soil yourself because you did not have enough help getting to the bathroom, using a bed pan or using a commode?
2[] No (Skip to 12d)
9[] DK (Skip to 12d)
c. During the past month, did you experience skin problems such as a rash or irritation because of this?
2[] No
9[] DK
d. During the past month, did you use a commode or bed pan because no help was available?
2[] No
9[] DK
(Go to H6 on page 42)
Section H - Assistance With Key Activities - Continued
Refer to question 4 for activities A-G on pages 36 and 37.
Indicate these activities marked "Yes".
Insert these marked activities when asking 14.
[] B. Dressing
[] C. Eating
[] D. Getting in and out of bed or chairs
[] E. Walking
[] F. Getting outside
[] G. Using the toilet, including getting to the toilet
[] No activities marked (Skip to 16)
Insert activities marked in H6.
14a. What (other) condition causes the trouble in (activities)?
Record conditions and ask 14b.
Ask if operation:
For what condition did you have the operation?
Record up to 5 conditions.
01[] Old age (Go to 14c)
(a) _________
(b) _________
(c) _________
(d) _________
(e) _________
b. Besides (condition), is there any other condition which causes this trouble in (activities)?
2[] No (Skip to 15)
9[] DK (Skip to 15)
c. Is this trouble in (activities) caused by any specific condition?
2[] No (Go to 15)
9[] DK (Go to 15)
15. [Was this/Were there any of these] condition(s) a result of a motor vehicle accident?
2[] No
9[] DK
16. During the past 12 months, did you receive training to increase your independence in daily living skills such as bathing, eating, or toileting?
2[] No
9[] DK
17a. Do you have difficulty controlling your bowels?
2[] No (Skip to 17c)
9[] DK (Skip to 17c)
b. How frequently do you have this difficulty -- daily, several times a week, once a week, or less than once a week?
Mark (X) only one.
2[] Several times a week
3[] Once a week
4[] Less than once a week
9[] DK
c. Do you have a colostomy or a device to help you control bowel movements?
2[] No (Skip to 18a on page 43)
9[] DK (Skip to 18a on page 43)
d. Do you need help fro another person in taking care of this device?
2[] No
9[] DK
Section H - Assistance With Key Activities - Continued
18a. Do you have difficulty controlling urination?
2[] No (Skip to 18c)
9[] DK (Skip to 18c)
b. How frequently do you have this difficulty -- daily, several times a week, once a week, or less than once a week?
Mark (X) only one.
2[] Several times a week
3[] Once a week
4[] Less than once a week
9[] DK
c. Do you have a urinary catheter or a device to help control urination?
2[] No (Skip to Item H8)
9[] DK (Skip to Item H8)
d. Do you need help from another person in taking care of this device?
2[] No
9[] DK
Status of SP
2[] All other (Go to 19 on page 44)
Section H - Assistance With Key Activities - Continued
Read to respondent: These questions are about some other activities. Please tell me about doing them by yourself.
Ask questions 19(H)-(O) before continuing to Item H9.
19. Because of a health or physical problem, do you have any difficulty --
Ask if "Doesn't do": Is this because of a health or physical problem?
If "Yes", mark box1; if "No" mark box 3.
2[] No
3[] Doesn't do for other reason
Does someone else regularly do this for you?
5[] No
(I) Shopping for groceries and personal items, such as toilet items or medicines?
2[] No
3[] Doesn't do for other reason
Does someone else regularly do this for you?
5[] No
(J) Managing your money, such as keeping track of expenses or paying bills.
2[] No
3[] Doesn't do for other reason
Does someone else regularly do this for you?
5[] No
(K) Using the telephone?
2[] No
3[] Doesn't do for other reason
Does someone else regularly do this for you?
5[] No
(L) Doing heavy house work, like scrubbing floors, or washing windows?
2[] No
3[] Doesn't do for other reason
Does someone else regularly do this for you?
5[] No
(M) Doing light housework, like doing the dishes, straightening up, or light cleaning?
2[] No
3[] Doesn't do for other reason
Does someone else regularly do this for you?
5[] No
(N) Getting to places outside of walking distance?
2[] No
3[] Doesn't do for other reason
Does someone else regularly do this for you?
5[] No
(O) Managing your medications
2[] No
3[] Doesn't do for other reason
Does someone else regularly do this for you?
5[] No
(H) Preparing your own meals
Refer to 19
2[] All other (Go to H9 for next activity)
Refer to 19
2[] All other (Go to H9 for next activity)
Refer to 19
2[] All other (Go to H9 for next activity)
Refer to 19
2[] All other (Go to H9 for next activity)
Refer to 19
2[] All other (Go to H9 for next activity)
Refer to 19
2[] All other (Go to H9 for next activity)
Refer to 19
2[] All other (Go to H9 for next activity)
Refer to 19
2[] All other (Skip to H10 on pages 46)
20. By yourself , how much difficulty do you have (activity), some, a lot, or are you unable to do it?
2[] A lot (Go to 21)
3[] Unable (Go to H9 for next activity)
9[] DK (Go to 21)
(I) Shopping for groceries and personal items
2[] A lot (Go to 21)
3[] Unable (Go to H9 for next activity)
9[] DK (Go to 21)
(J) Managing your money
2[] A lot (Go to 21)
3[] Unable (Go to H9 for next activity)
9[] DK (Go to 21)
(K) Using the telephone
2[] A lot (Go to 21)
3[] Unable (Go to H9 for next activity)
9[] DK (Go to 21)
(L) Doing heavy house work
2[] A lot (Go to 21)
3[] Unable (Go to H9 for next activity)
9[] DK (Go to 21)
(M) Doing light housework
2[] A lot (Go to 21)
3[] Unable (Go to H9 for next activity)
9[] DK (Go to 21)
(N) Getting to places outside of walking distance
2[] A lot (Go to 21)
3[] Unable (Go to H9 for next activity)
9[] DK (Go to 21)
(O) Managing your medications
2[] A lot (Go to 21)
3[] Unable (Skip to H10 on page 46)
9[] DK (Go to 21)
21. When you do not have help, is (activity) by yourself --
0[] Never do without help (Go to H9 for next activity)
2[] No
9[] DK
b. Does (activity) take a long time?
2[] No
9[] DK
c. Is it very painful?
2[] No
9[] DK
(Go to H9 for next activity)
(I) Shopping for groceries and personal items
0[] Never do without help (Go to H9 for next activity)
2[] No
9[] DK
b. Does (activity) take a long time?
2[] No
9[] DK
c. Is it very painful?
2[] No
9[] DK
(Go to H9 for next activity)
(J) Managing your money
0[] Never do without help (Go to H9 for next activity)
2[] No
9[] DK
b. Does (activity) take a long time?
2[] No
9[] DK
c. Is it very painful?
2[] No
9[] DK
(Go to H9 for next activity)
(K) Using the telephone
0[] Never do without help (Go to H9 for next activity)
2[] No
9[] DK
b. Does (activity) take a long time?
2[] No
9[] DK
c. Is it very painful?
2[] No
9[] DK
(Go to H9 for next activity)
(L) Doing heavy house work
0[] Never do without help (Go to H9 for next activity)
2[] No
9[] DK
b. Does (activity) take a long time?
2[] No
9[] DK
c. Is it very painful?
2[] No
9[] DK
(Go to H9 for next activity)
(M) Doing light housework
0[] Never do without help (Go to H9 for next activity)
2[] No
9[] DK
b. Does (activity) take a long time?
2[] No
9[] DK
c. Is it very painful?
2[] No
9[] DK
(Go to H9 for next activity)
(N) Getting to places outside of walking distance
0[] Never do without help (Go to H9 for next activity)
2[] No
9[] DK
b. Does (activity) take a long time?
2[] No
9[] DK
c. Is it very painful?
2[] No
9[] DK
(Go to H9 for next activity)
(O) Managing your medications
0[] Never do without help (Skip to H10 on page 46)
2[] No
9[] DK
b. Does (activity) take a long time?
2[] No
9[] DK
c. Is it very painful?
2[] No
9[] DK
(Go to H10 on page 46)
Section H - Assistance With Key Activities - Continued
(H) Preparing your own meals
Refer to 19 on page 44.
2[] All others (Go to 22)
Refer to 19 on page 44.
2[] All others (Go to 22)
Refer to 19 on page 44.
2[] All others (Go to 22)
Refer to 19 on page 45.
2[] All others (Go to 22)
Refer to 19 on page 45.
2[] All others (Go to 22)
Refer to 19 on page 45.
2[] All others (Go to 22)
Refer to 19 on page 45.
2[] All others (Go to 22)
Refer to 19 on page 45.
2[] All others (Go to 22)
22a. Do you receive help from another person (activity)?
2[] No (Skip to 22e)
9[] DK (Skip to 22e)
(I) Shopping for groceries and personal items
2[] No (Skip to 22e)
9[] DK (Skip to 22e)
(J) Managing your money
2[] No (Skip to 22e)
9[] DK (Skip to 22e)
(K) Using the telephone
2[] No (Skip to 22e)
9[] DK (Skip to 22e)
(L) Doing heavy house work
2[] No (Skip to 22e)
9[] DK (Skip to 22e)
(M) Doing light housework
2[] No (Skip to 22e)
9[] DK (Skip to 22e)
(N) Getting to places outside of walking distance
2[] No (Skip to 22e)
9[] DK (Skip to 22e)
(O) Managing your medications
2[] No (Skip to 22e)
9[] DK (Skip to 22e)
b. Is this hands-on help?
2[] No (Skip to 22e)
9[] DK (Skip to 22e)
(I) Shopping for groceries and personal items
2[] No (Skip to 22e)
9[] DK (Skip to 22e)
(J) Managing your money
2[] No (Skip to 22e)
9[] DK (Skip to 22e)
(K) Using the telephone
2[] No (Skip to 22e)
9[] DK (Skip to 22e)
(L) Doing heavy house work
2[] No (Skip to 22e)
9[] DK (Skip to 22e)
(M) Doing light housework
2[] No (Skip to 22e)
9[] DK (Skip to 22e)
(N) Getting to places outside of walking distance
2[] No (Skip to 22e)
9[] DK (Skip to 22e)
(O) Managing your medications
2[] No (Skip to 22e)
9[] DK (Skip to 22e)
c. When you have hands-on help from another person, is (activity):
0[] Never do without help (Go to 22e)
2[] No
9[] DK
b. Does (activity) take a long time?
2[] No
9[] DK
c. Is it very painful?
2[] No
9[] DK
(I) Shopping for groceries and personal items
0[] Never do without help (Go to 22e)
2[] No
9[] DK
b. Does (activity) take a long time?
2[] No
9[] DK
c. Is it very painful?
2[] No
9[] DK
(J) Managing your money
0[] Never do without help (Go to 22e)
2[] No
9[] DK
b. Does (activity) take a long time?
2[] No
9[] DK
c. Is it very painful?
2[] No
9[] DK
(K) Using the telephone
0[] Never do without help (Go to 22e)
2[] No
9[] DK
b. Does (activity) take a long time?
2[] No
9[] DK
c. Is it very painful?
2[] No
9[] DK
(L) Doing heavy house work
0[] Never do without help (Go to 22e)
2[] No
9[] DK
b. Does (activity) take a long time?
2[] No
9[] DK
c. Is it very painful?
2[] No
9[] DK
(M)Doing light housework
0[] Never do without help (Go to 22e)
2[] No
9[] DK
b. Does (activity) take a long time?
2[] No
9[] DK
c. Is it very painful?
2[] No
9[] DK
(N) Getting to places outside of walking distance
0[] Never do without help (Go to 22e)
2[] No
9[] DK
b. Does (activity) take a long time?
2[] No
9[] DK
c. Is it very painful?
2[] No
9[] DK
(O) Managing your medications
0[] Never do without help (Go to 22e)
2[] No
9[] DK
(2) Does (activity) take a long time?
2[] No
9[] DK
(3) Is it very painful?
2[] No
9[] DK
e. Do you need (more) hands-on help with (activity)?
Preparing your own meals
2[] No (Go to H10 for next activity)
9[] DK (Go to H10 for next activity)
Shopping for groceries and personal items
2[] No (Go to H10 for next activity)
9[] DK (Go to H10 for next activity)
Managing your money
2[] No (Go to H10 for next activity)
9[] DK (Go to H10 for next activity)
Using the telephone
2[] No (Go to H10 for next activity)
9[] DK (Go to H10 for next activity)
Doing heavy house work
2[] No (Go to H10 for next activity)
9[] DK (Go to H10 for next activity)
Doing light housework
2[] No (Go to H10 for next activity)
9[] DK (Go to H10 for next activity)
Getting to places outside of walking distance
2[] No (Go to H10 for next activity)
9[] DK (Go to H10 for next activity)
Managing your medications
2[] No (Skip to H11 for activity (H))
9[] DK (Skip to H11 for activity (H))
(H) Preparing your own meals
Refer to H10 and 22b:
2[] "Yes" marked in 22b (Go to H11 for next activity)
3[] All other (Go to 23)
Refer to H10 and 22b:
2[] "Yes" marked in 22b (Go to H11 for next activity)
3[] All other (Go to 23)
Refer to H10 and 22b:
2[] "Yes" marked in 22b (Go to H11 for next activity)
3[] All other (Go to 23)
Refer to H10 and 22b:
2[] "Yes" marked in 22b (Go to H11 for next activity)
3[] All other (Go to 23)
Refer to H10 and 22b:
2[] "Yes" marked in 22b (Go to H11 for next activity)
3[] All other (Go to 23)
Refer to H10 and 22b:
2[] "Yes" marked in 22b (Go to H11 for next activity)
3[] All other (Go to 23)
Refer to H10 and 22b:
2[] "Yes" marked in 22b (Go to H11 for next activity)
3[] All other (Go to 23)
Refer to H10 and 22b:
2[] "Yes" marked in 22b (Skip to H12 on page 48)
3[] All other (Skip to H12 on page 48)
Read once: Sometimes people just need to have someone supervise them or stay nearby in case any help is needed.
23a. Do you have somebody who supervises you or stays nearby when you are (activity)?
2[] No (Skip to 25)
9[] DK (Skip to 25)
(I) Shopping for groceries and personal items
2[] No (Skip to 25)
9[] DK (Skip to 25)
(J) Managing your money
2[] No (Skip to 25)
9[] DK (Skip to 25)
(K) Using the telephone
2[] No (Skip to 25)
9[] DK (Skip to 25)
(L) Doing heavy house work
2[] No (Skip to 25)
9[] DK (Skip to 25)
(M) Doing light housework
2[] No (Skip to 25)
9[] DK (Skip to 25)
(N) Getting to places outside of walking distance
2[] No (Skip to 25)
9[] DK (Skip to 25)
(O) Managing your medications
2[] No (Skip to 25)
9[] DK (Skip to 25)
b. Does this person provide --
Supervisory help, such as making sure the activity is performed correctly when you are (activity)?
2[] No
9[] DK
(I) Shopping for groceries and personal items
2[] No
9[] DK
(J) Managing your money
2[] No
9[] DK
(K) Using the telephone
2[] No
9[] DK
(L) Doing heavy house work
2[] No
9[] DK
(M) Doing light housework
2[] No
9[] DK
(N) Getting to places outside of walking distance
2[] No
9[] DK
(O) Managing your medications
2[] No
9[] DK
c. Stand by help, such as observing to see if any help is needed while you are (activity)?
2[] No
9[] DK
(I) Shopping for groceries and personal items
2[] No
9[] DK
(J) Managing your money
2[] No
9[] DK
(K) Using the telephone
2[] No
9[] DK
(L) Doing heavy house work
2[] No
9[] DK
(M) Doing light housework
2[] No
9[] DK
(N) Getting to places outside of walking distance
2[] No
9[] DK
(O) Managing your medications
2[] No
9[] DK
24. How often do you have supervision or standby help when you are (activity)? Would you say always, sometimes, or rarely?
2[] Sometimes
3[] Rarely
9[] DK
(I) Shopping for groceries and personal items
2[] Sometimes
3[] Rarely
9[] DK
(J) Managing your money
2[] Sometimes
3[] Rarely
9[] DK
Using the telephone
2[] Sometimes
3[] Rarely
9[] DK
(L) Doing heavy house work
2[] Sometimes
3[] Rarely
9[] DK
(M) Doing light housework
2[] Sometimes
3[] Rarely
9[] DK
(N) Getting to places outside of walking distance
2[] Sometimes
3[] Rarely
9[] DK
(O) Managing your medications
2[] Sometimes
3[] Rarely
9[] DK
25. Do you need (more) supervision or standby help with (activity)?
2[] No (Go to H11 for next activity)
9[] DK (Go to H11 for next activity)
(I) Shopping for groceries and personal items
2[] No (Go to H11 for next activity)
9[] DK (Go to H11 for next activity)
(J) Managing your money
2[] No (Go to H11 for next activity)
9[] DK (Go to H11 for next activity)
(K) Using the telephone
2[] No (Go to H11 for next activity)
9[] DK (Go to H11 for next activity)
(L) Doing heavy house work
2[] No (Go to H11 for next activity)
9[] DK (Go to H11 for next activity)
(M) Doing light housework
2[] No (Go to H11 for next activity)
9[] DK (Go to H11 for next activity)
(N) Getting to places outside of walking distance
2[] No (Go to H11 for next activity)
9[] DK (Go to H11 for next activity)
(O) Managing your medications
2[] No (Skip to H12 on page 48)
9[] DK (Skip to H12 on page 48)
Section H - Assistance With Key Activities - Continued
(H) Preparing your own meals
Refer to 22a, 22e, 23a, and 25 on page 46.
2[] All other (Go to H12 for activity (I))
Refer to 22a, 22e, 23a, and 25 on page 46.
2[] All other (Go to H12 for activity (L))
Refer to 22a, 22e, 23a, and 25 on page 47.
2[] All other (Go to H12 for activity (M))
Refer to 22a, 22e, 23a, and 25 on page 47.
2[] All other (Go to H12 for activity (N))
Refer to 22a, 22e, 23a, and 25 on page 47.
2[] All other (Skip to H13 for activity (H))
(H) Preparing your own meals
26a. During the past month, did you experience discomfort because you were unable to eat when you were hungry because no one was available to prepare food?
2[] No
9[] DK
b. During the past month, were you unable to follow a special diet because you needed help cooking?
2[] No
9[] DK
c. During the past month, were you unable to eat the kind of food you are used to and you prefer because you needed help cooking?
2[] No (Go to H12 for activity (I))
9[] DK (Go to H12 for activity (I))
(I) Shopping for groceries and personal items
26a. During the past month, were you unable to follow a special diet because you needed help shopping?
2[] No
9[] DK
b. During the past month, did you miss a meal because you were unable to shop?
2[] No (Go to H12 for activity (L))
9[] DK (Go to H12 for activity (L))
(L) Doing heavy housework
26. During the past month, did you experience distress because you were not able to wash clothes or clean up around the house?
2[] No (Go to H12 for next activity (M))
9[] DK (Go to H12 for next activity (M))
(M) Doing light housework
26. During the past month, did you experience distress because you were not able to do dishes or straighten up around the house?
2[] No (Go to H12 for next activity (N))
9[] DK (Go to H12 for next activity (N))
(N) Getting to places outside of walking distance
26a. During the past month, did you miss a doctor's or other medical appointment because you were unable to get there?
2[] No
9[] DK
b. During the past month, were you unable to go places you wanted for recreation because you did not have transportation?
2[] No
9[] DK
c. During the past month, did you run out of food because you were unable to get to the store?
2[] No (Go to H13 for activity (H))
9[] DK (Go to H13 for activity (H))
(H) Preparing your own meals
Refer to 19 on page 44.
2[] All other (Go to 27)
Refer to 19 on page 44.
2[] All other (Go to 27)
Refer to 19 on page 44.
2[] All other (Go to 27)
Refer to 19 on page 44.
2[] All other (Go to 27)
Refer to 19 on page 44.
2[] All other (Go to 27)
27. In your household, how often do you (activity)? Would you say always, sometimes, rarely, or never?
2[] Sometimes (Go to H13 for next activity)
3[] Rarely (Go to H13 for next activity)
4[] Never (Go to H13 for next activity)
9[] DK (Go to H13 for next activity)
(I) Shop for groceries and personal items
2[] Sometimes (Go to H13 for next activity)
3[] Rarely (Go to H13 for next activity)
4[] Never (Go to H13 for next activity)
9[] DK (Go to H13 for next activity)
(J) Manage your money
2[] Sometimes (Go to H13 for activity (L))
3[] Rarely (Go to H13 for activity (L))
4[] Never (Go to H13 for activity (L))
9[] DK (Go to H13 for activity (L))
(L) Do heavy housework
2[] Sometimes (Go to H13 for activity (M)))
3[] Rarely (Go to H13 for activity (M))
4[] Never (Go to H13 for activity (M))
9[] DK (Go to H13 for activity (M))
(M) Do light housework
2[] Sometimes (Skip to H14 on page 50)
3[] Rarely (Skip to H14 on page 50)
4[] Never (Skip to H14 on page 50)
9[] DK (Skip to H14 on page 50)
Section H - Assistance With Key Activities - Continued
Refer to question 19 for activities H-O on pages 44 and 45. Indicated the activities marked "Yes."
Insert these marked activities when asking 28.
[] I. Shopping for groceries and personal items
[] J. Managing your money
[] K. Using the telephone
[] L. Doing heavy housework
[] M. Doing light housework
[] N. Getting to places outside of walking distance
[] O. Managing your medication
[] No activities marked (Skip to 30)
Insert activities marked in H14.
28a. What (other) condition causes the trouble in (activities)?
Record conditions and ask 28b.
Ask if operation:
For what condition did you have the operation?
Record up to 5 conditions.
01[] Old age (Skip to 28c)
b. Besides (condition), is there any other condition which causes this trouble in (activities)?
2[] No (Skip to 29)
9[] DK (Skip to 29)
c. Is this trouble in (activities) caused by any specific condition?
2[] No (Skip to 29)
9[] DK (Skip to 29)
29. [Was this/Were any of these] condition(s) a result of a motor vehicle accident?
2[] No
9[] DK
30. During the past 12 months, did you receive training to increase your independence in life skills such as managing money, preparing meals, or doing housework?
2[] No
9[] DK
31a. During the past 12 months, that is since (today's date) a year ago, have you fallen?
2[] No (Skip to Item H16 on page 51)
9[] DK (Skip to Item H16 on page 51)
b. Have you fallen more than once in the past 12 months?
2[] No
9[] DK
c. Were you injured as a result of the fall(s)?
2[] No (Skip to 31e)
9[] DK (Skip to 31e)
d. What kind of injuries did you have -- a fracture, bruise, scrape or cut; did you lose consciousness, or did you have some other injury?
Mark (X) all that apply.
2[] Bruise, cut, or scrape
3[] Lost consciousness
4[] Other
9[] DK
e. [Did you fall/Were any of your falls] because you did not have help getting around or because your helper could not prevent you from falling?
2[] No
9[] DK
f. [Did you fall/Were any of these falls] because you felt dizzy?
2[] No
9[] DK
Section H - Assistance With Key Activities - Continued
Status of SP.
2[] All others (Go to 32)
2[] No (Skip to 33)
9[] DK (Skip to 33)
b. Were any of these new bedsores or pressure sores?
2[] No
9[] DK
33a. During the past three months, did you experience contractures, that is, joints that won't straighten out?
2[] No (Skip to Item H17)
9[] DK (Skip to Item H17)
b. Were any of these new contractures?
2[] No
9[] DK
Refer to question 8a on pages 38 and 39, columns A, D, and G. (Receives help)
Mark (X) all that apply.
2[] "Yes" in 8a for D. Getting in/out of bed/chairs (Go to 34)
3[] "Yes" in 8a for G. Using the toilet (Go to 34)
4[] All others (Skip to 35)
2[] No, physically difficult
9[] DK
If proxy respondent, ask; otherwise, skip to H18.
35. Does (sample person) need supervision to ensure [his/her] personal safety or the safety of others?
2[] No
9[] DK
Refer to questions 8a and 9a on pages 38 and 39 and questions 22a and 23a on pages 46 and 47. (Receives help and/or supervision)
Mark (X) all that apply.
[] "Yes" in 8a or 9a for B. Dressing (Insert marked activities when asking question 36 on page 52)
[] "Yes" in 8a or 9a for C. Eating (Insert marked activities when asking question 36 on page 52)
[] "Yes" in 8a or 9a for D. Getting in/out of bed/chairs (Insert marked activities when asking question 36 on page 52)
[] "Yes" in 8a or 9a for E. Walking (Insert marked activities when asking question 36 on page 52)
[] "Yes" in 8a or 9a for F. Getting outside (Insert marked activities when asking question 36 on page 52)
[] "Yes" in 8a or 9a for G. Using the toilet (Insert marked activities when asking question 36 on page 52)
[] "Yes" in 22a or 23a for H. Preparing your own meals (Insert marked activities when asking question 36 on page 52)
[] "Yes" in 22a or 23a for I. Shopping (Insert marked activities when asking question 36 on page 52)
[] "Yes" in 22a or 23a for J. Managing your money (Insert marked activities when asking question 36 on page 52)
[] "Yes" in 22a or 23a for K. Using the telephone (Insert marked activities when asking question 36 on page 52)
[] "Yes" in 22a or 23a for L. Doing heavy housework (Insert marked activities when asking question 36 on page 52)
[] "Yes" in 22a or 23a for M. Doing light housework (Insert marked activities when asking question 36 on page 52)
[] "Yes" in 22a or 23a for N. Getting places (Insert marked activities when asking question 36 on page 52)
[] "Yes" in 22a or 23a for O. Managing your medication (Insert marked activities when asking question 36 on page 52)
[] All others (Skip to item H20 on page 55)
Section H - Assistance With Key Activities - Continued
36. Who usually helps you with (activities marked in H18)?
Anyone else? Enter name or description of each helper in separate columns.
First helper
Ask 37-41 for each helper in 36.
Ask or verify:
37. Which activities does (Helper) help you with?
Mark (X) all that apply.
02[] Dressing
03[] Eating
04[] Getting in or out of bed/chairs
05[] Walking
06[] Getting outside
07[] Using or getting to the toilet
08[] Preparing your own meals
09[] Shopping for groceries
10[] Managing your money
11[] Using the telephone
12[] Doing heavy housework
13[] Doing light housework
14[] Getting to places
15[] Managing your medications
99[] DK
Ask or verify:
Hand card A5. Read answers if telephone interview.
38a. Which of these best describes (Helper)?
Mark (X) only one.
02[] Child - In household
03[] Parent - In household
04[] Spouse - Not in household
05[] Child - Not in household
06[] Parent - Not in household
07[] Other HH relative
08[] Non-HH relative
09[] HH non-relative
10[] Friend/Neighbor
11[] Unpaid volunteer from organization/business
12[] Paid employee of organization/business
13[] Paid employee of yours
14[] Other
99[] DK
Ask or verify:
b. Is (Helper) male or female?
2[] Female
9[] DK
If parent, child, spouse, or unpaid volunteer in 38a, skip to 40; otherwise ask:
39a. Is (Helper) paid?
2[] No (Skip to 40)
Hand card A1. Read answers if telephone interview.
b. Who pays for this help?
(Anyone else?)
Mark (X) all that apply.
02[] Family NOT in household
03[] Private health insurance
04[] Medicare
05[] Medicaid
06[] Rehabilitation program
07[] Employer
08[] School system
09[] VA program
10[] Other military
11[] Other private source
12[] Other public source
13[] No one/Free
99[] DK
40. During the past 2 weeks, how many days did (Helper) help you?
________ Days
99[] DK
41. On the days you receive help from (Helper), about how many hours per day does [he/she] usually help you?
99[] DK (Go to 37 for next helper, or H19)
Refer to 36 above.
(Number of helpers)
[] More than one helper (Go to 42 on page 54)
Section H - Assistance With Key Activities - Continued
42. You said that (Read all helpers) assist you. Who helps you the most? If 2 or more equally, ask the respondent to specify who he/she considers the main helper.
Name: _______
43a. During the past 12 months, has someone other than (main helper) stayed with you or assisted you so that (main helper) could go out for a while, take a break, or go on vacation?
2[] No (Skip to 44)
9[] DK (Skip to 44)
b. How many days in the past 12 months?
999[] DK
Ask 44 about only helper in 36 or main helper in 42.
44. How satisfied are you with --
2[] Somewhat satisfied
3[] Somewhat dissatisfied
4[] Very dissatisfied
9[] DK
b. The amount of assistance (helper) provides? (Would you say -- (Read categories)?)
2[] Somewhat satisfied
3[] Somewhat dissatisfied
4[] Very dissatisfied
9[] DK
c. (Helper's) willingness to do what you ask (would you say -- (Read categories)?)
2[] Somewhat satisfied
3[] Somewhat dissatisfied
4[] Very dissatisfied
9[] DK
d. (Helper's) ability to do what you need [him/her] to do? (Would you say -- (Read categories)?)
2[] Somewhat satisfied
3[] Somewhat dissatisfied
4[] Very dissatisfied
9[] DK
If helper is present or related to SP, skip to 45; otherwise ask:
How satisfied are you with --
2[] Somewhat satisfied
3[] Somewhat dissatisfied
4[] Very dissatisfied
9[] DK
f. (Helper's) trustworthiness? (Would you say -- (Read categories)?)
2[] Somewhat satisfied
3[] Somewhat dissatisfied
4[] Very dissatisfied
9[] DK
g. How (helper) treats you? (Would you say -- (Read categories)?)
2[] Somewhat satisfied
3[] Somewhat dissatisfied
4[] Very dissatisfied
9[] DK
45. Are you ever home alone for more than two hours at a time?
2[] No (Go to 46)
9[] DK (Go to 46)
46. Would it be a problem for you to be alone at home for more than two hours at a time because you would need help or feel afraid?
2[] No (Skip to 48)
9[] DK (Skip to 48)
47. If it could be arranged, would it be better if you did not have to stay alone for as long as two hours?
2[] No
9[] DK
48a. Including the other persons living here, is there a friend, relative, or neighbor who would take care of you for a few days, if necessary?
2[] No (Skip to Item H20 on page 55)
9[] DK (Skip to Item H20 on page 55)
b. Who is this person?
Probe for description if necessary.
Mark (X) only one.
2[] HH member - unrelated
3[] Non HH member - related
4[] Non HH member - unrelated
9[] DK
49a. Again, including the other persons living here, is there a friend, relative, or neighbor who would take care of you for a few weeks, if necessary?
2[] No (Skip to Item H20 on page 55)
9[] DK (Skip to Item H20 on page 55)
b. Who is this person?
Probe for description if necessary.
Mark (X) only one.
2[] HH member - unrelated
3[] Non HH member - related
4[] Non HH member - unrelated
9[] DK
Section H - Assistance With Key Activities - Continued
Refer to questions 8e and 11 for activities A-G on pages 38 and 39. (Need [more] help or supervision)
2[] All other (Go to Item H21)
Refer to questions 22e for activities H-O on pages 46 and 47. (Need [more] help)
2[] All other (Go to Item H22)
Refer to question 25 for activities H-O on pages 46 and 47. (Need [more] supervision)
2[] All other (Skip to 53)
2[] No (Go to 50b)
3[] DK (Skip to 52)
b. Why not?
Anything else?
Read categories if necessary.
Mark (X) all that apply.
02[] Too expensive/can't afford
03[] Not sick enough to get help from agency
04[] Income too high to get help from agency
05[] Type of help needed probably not available )(Skip to 52)
06[] Quality help not available
07[] Did not know where to look for help
08[] Too sick to look for help
09[] Other
99[] DK
51. What problems have you had trying to find help?
Anything else?
Read categories if necessary.
Mark (X) all that apply.
1[] Too expensive
2[] Can't locate right type of help
3[] Can't locate adequately trained helper
4[] Can't locate helper who is available when needed
5[] Not sick enough to get help from agency
6[] Income too high to get help from agency
7[] Other
9[] DK
52. Has any agency or organization tried to find someone to help you?
2[] No
3[] DK
53. Have you ever hired someone or received help from a public agency or a non-profit agency?
2[] No (Skip to 55)
3[] DK (Skip to 55)
54a. Did you stop getting help from the person or agency even though you still needed it?
2[] No (Skip to 55)
3[] DK (Skip to 55)
b. Why did you stop getting help?
Any other reason?
Read categories if necessary.
2[] Inadequate training
3[] Unavailable when needed
4[] No longer sick enough to qualify for public agency or non-profit agency help
5[] Income too high to get help from public or non-profit agency
6[] Unreliable
7[] Language problems
8[] Other
9[] DK
Section H - Assistance With Key Activities - Continued
55a. [In the past 12 months/in the 12 months prior to moving to this (type of institution)], did you experience problems of any kind because you were home by yourself?
2[] No (Skip to 56)
3[] DK (Skip to 56)
b. What kind of problems did you have?
Anything else?
Read categories if necessary.
Mark (X) all that apply.
02[] Other accident or injury
03[] Incontinence - no reminders
04[] Incontinence - unable to get to toilet
05[] Confinement to bed or chairs
06[] Hunger or thirst
07[] Fire on stove/left stove on
08[] Fell asleep while smoking
09[] Got lost/wandered off
10[] Forgot medications
11[] Took wrong dose of medication (too much/too little)
12[] Fear
13[] Other
99[] DK
56. Because of your health, did anyone in your family ever --
2[] No
9[] DK
b. Change jobs?
2[] No
9[] DK
c. Change or reduce work hours?
2[] No
9[] DK
d. Not take a job in order to care for you?
2[] No
9[] DK
Section I - Other Services
Status of SP.
2[] All other (Go to 1)
The next questions are about medical care received at home.
1. During the past 3 months, did you get any medical treatments at home such as injections, therapy, blood or urine testing, or catheter care?
2[] No (Skip to 7)
9[] DK (Skip to 7)
2. Do you need more help or a different kind of help with your medical treatments at home?
2[] No (Skip to 4)
9[] DK (Skip to 4)
3. Have you experienced any problems because you did not have enough help or the right kind of help with home medical treatments?
2[] No
9[] DK
4. Do family members or friends help you with medical treatments at home?
2[] No (Skip to 7)
9[] DK (Skip to 7)
5. Have these friends or family members been trained by a health care professional to administer these medical treatments?
2[] Yes, some have been trained
3[] No, none have been trained
9[] DK
6a. Do you receive any home medical treatments from friends or relatives that you feel should be administered by a health professional?
2[] No (Skip to 7)
9[] DK (Skip to 7)
b. Why aren't you getting this help from a health professional?
Any other reason?
Mark (X) all that apply.
2[] Looked for help, help not available
3[] No insurance coverage
4[] Cannot afford, even with insurance coverage
5[] Don't want the treatment
6[] Getting new helper/in between helpers
7[] Other
9[] DK
7. Are there any home medical treatments that have been prescribed for you but you are not getting?
2[] No (Skip to 9)
9[] DK (Skip to 9)
8. Why aren't you getting this treatment?
Any other reason?
Mark (X) all that apply.
2[] Looked for help, help not available
3[] No insurance coverage
4[] Cannot afford, even with insurance coverage
5[] Don't want the treatment
6[] Getting new helper/in between helpers
7[] Other
9[] DK
Now I would like to ask about prescription medicines.
9. How many different prescription medicines are you supposed to use? Please count ones you should use each day and those you use regularly but not every day. Include injections, eye drops, suppositories, creams, ointments, and skin patches, but not vitamins, oxygen, or medicines you get through an IV.
Mark (X) only one.
1[] One or two (Go to 10)
2[] Three-five (Go to 10)
3[] Six-nine (Go to 10)
4[] Ten or more (Go to 10)
9[] DK (Go to 10)
The next questions are about these prescription medicines.
10. Would you say that you use medicine(s) as prescribed by the doctor -- (Read all categories)
Mark (X) only one.
2[] Most of the time, (Skip to 11 on page 58)
3[] Some of the time, (Skip to 11 on page 58)
4[] Rarely, or, (Skip to 11 on page 58)
5[] Never? (Skip to 11 on page 58)
9[] DK (Skip to 11 on page 58)
Section I - Other Services - Continued
11. Are there any prescription medicines that you are supposed to use, but --
2[] No
9[] DK
b. did not get the entire prescription filled because of the cost?
2[] No
9[] DK
c. did not refill when you ran out because of the cost?
2[] No
9[] DK
d. use less often than prescribed in order to stretch them out because of the cost?
2[] No
9[] DK
e. sometimes forget to use?
2[] No
9[] DK
f. don't use as prescribed because of the side effects?
2[] No
9[] DK
g. cannot pick up from the drug store or get delivered?
2[] No
9[] DK
h. don't use because you think you don't need it?
2[] No
9[] DK
12. Have you experienced any problems because you forgot to use your medicine or didn't use your medicine or didn't use your medicine as prescribed?
2[] No (Skip to 14)
9[] DK (Skip to 14)
13. What problems did you experience?
Anything else?
Mark (X) all that apply.
02[] Dizziness/Fainting
03[] Disorientation
04[] Overdose/Withdrawal
05[] Change in blood pressure, breathing, or other vital signs
06[] Condition for which medicine prescribed got worse
07[] Other condition(s) got worse
08[] Had to be admitted to hospital
09[] Had to go to doctor/emergency room
10[] Drug reaction
11[] Other
99[] DK
14. Do you receive help using your medications? This includes reminding you or measuring the medicines, and setting them up for you, or do you use all of your medicines completely by yourself?
Mark (X) only one.
2[] All by self
9[] DK
15. Not counting financial help, do you need (more) help with your medicine?
2[] No (Skip to 17)
9[] DK (Skip to 17)
16. What do you need (more) help with?
Anything else?
Mark (X) all that apply.
2[] Reminder/Monitoring/Measuring/Setting up/Taking medicines
3[] Other
9[] DK
These next questions are about your source of medical care.
17. Do you have a general practitioner, an internist, or family doctor?
2[] No (Skip to 26 on page 59)
9[] DK (Skip to 26 on page 59)
18. Which do you see most often -- a general practitioner, an internist, or family doctor? Mark (X) only one.
2[] Internist
3[] Family doctor
4[] DK specialty/title
5[] DK which seen more often
19. Have you see this [(provider in 18)/doctor] in the past 12 months?
2[] No (Skip to 25 on page 59)
9[] DK (Skip to 25 on page 59)
20. In the past 3 months, how many times have you seen this [(provider in 18/doctor]?
________ Times (Go to page 21 on page 59)
99[] DK (Go to page 21 on page 59)
Section I - Other Services - Continued
21. Did this [(provider in 18)/doctor] ask to see you for more [than the (number in 20) visit(s)/visits]?
2[] No
9[] DK
22. In the past 3 months, did this [(provider in 18)/doctor] refer you to another doctor, therapist, or medical professional, or send you for tests or x-rays?
2[] No (Skip to Item I2)
9[] DK (Skip to Item I2)
23. Did you or will you go for all, some, or none of the visits or tests recommended by this [(provider in 18)/doctor]?
Mark (X) only one.
2[] Some (Skip to 24)
3[] None (Skip to 24)
9[] DK (Go to Item I2)
Refer to question 21.
(Additional visits recommended)
2[] All others (Skip to 25)
Hand card A6. Read categories if telephone interview.
24. Why did you not go for (all) your recommended visits or tests?
(Anything else?)
Mark (X) all that apply.
02[] Did not like doctor or doctor's advice
03[] Went to another doctor instead
04[] Problems at place -- long wait, no bathroom, not accessible
05[] Clinic/Office in unsafe neighborhood
06[] No insurance
07[] Insurance did not cover
08[] Can't afford it
09[] Transportation problem
10[] Could not get convenient appointment
11[] Thought problem would go away, or problem went away
12[] Used home remedy
13[] Health got worse
14[] Health of other family member interfered
15[] Other reason
99[] DK
25. How would you rate this [(provider in 18)/doctor] in terms of overall quality of care and services? Would you say excellent, good, fair, or poor?
Mark (X) only one.
2[] Good
3[] Fair
4[] Poor
9[] DK
Now, I'd like to ask about the (other) types of doctors you see most often.
26a. What types of specialists do you see regularly?
Any others?
Read categories if necessary.
Mark (X) all that apply.
01[] Allergist/Immunologist (Allergy doctor)
02[] Cardiologist (Heart doctor)
03[] Dermatologist (Skin doctor)
04[] Endocrinologist (Gland/Hormone doctor)
05[] Gastroenterologist (Stomach doctor)
06[] Hematologist (Blood doctor)
07[] Nephrologist (Kidney doctor)
08[] Neurologist/Neuropathologist (Nervous system doctor)
09[] Neurosurgeon (Nervous system surgeon)
10[] Obstetrician/Gynecologist (OB/GYN)
11[] Oncologist (Cancer doctor)
12[] Ophthalmologist (Eye doctor)
13[] Orthopedist/Orthopedic surgeon (Bone and Muscle doctor)
14[] Otolaryngologist/Otorhinolaryngologist (Ear, nose, throat doctor)
15[] Physical medicine/Rehabilitation specialist (Physical therapy)
16[] Podiatrist (Foot doctor)
17[] Psychiatrist (Mental health doctor)
18[] Pulmonary/Lung specialist (Respiratory doctor)
19[] Radiologist (X-Ray/Nuclear medicine doctor)
20[] Rheumatologist (Joint doctor)
21[] Urologist (Urinary tract doctor)
22[] Other
99[] Specialist- DK type
Ask only if more than one specialist in 26a. If only one, transcribe the number of the box in 26b without asking.
b. Which of these specialists have you seen most often?
Mark (X) only one.
Section I - Other Services - Continued
27. Have you seen this [(specialist in 26b)/doctor] in the past 12 months?
2[] No (Skip to 29)
9[] DK (Skip to 29)
28. In the past 3 months, how many times have you seen this [(specialist in 26b)/doctor]? Do not count times while an overnight patient in a hospital.
01[] Only when overnight patient (Go to 29)
________ Times (Go to 29)
99[] DK (Go to 29)
29. Did this [(specialist in 26b)/doctor] ask to see you for more [than the (number in 28) visit(s)/visits]?
2[] No
9[] DK
30. In the past 3 months, did this [(specialist in 26b)/doctor] refer you to another doctor, therapist, or medical professional, or send you for tests or x-rays?
2[] No (Skip to item I3)
9[] DK (Skip to item I3)
31. Did you or will you go for all, some, or none of the visits or tests recommended by this [(specialist in 26b)/doctor]?
Mark (X) only one.
2[] Some (Skip to 32)
3[] None (Skip to 32)
9[] DK (Go to Item I3)
Refer to question 29.
(Additional visits recommended)
2[] All others (Skip to 33)
Hand card A6. Read categories if telephone interview.
32. Why did you not go for (all) your recommended visits or tests?
(Anything else?)
Mark (X) all that apply.
02[] Did not like doctor or doctor's advice
03[] Went to another doctor instead
04[] Problems at place -- long wait, no bathroom, not accessible
05[] Clinic/Office in unsafe neighborhood
06[] No insurance
07[] Insurance did not cover
08[] Can't afford it
09[] Transportation problem
10[] Could not get convenient appointment
11[] Thought problem would go away, or problem went away
12[] Used home remedy
13[] Health got worse
14[] Health of other family member interfered
15[] Other reason
99[] DK
33. How would you rate this [(specialist in 26b)/doctor] in terms of overall quality of care and services? Would you say excellent, good, fair, or poor?
Mark (X) only one.
2[] Good
3[] Fair
4[] Poor
9[] DK
Refer to questions 18 and 27, then ask or verify:
34. During the past 12 months, which doctor have you seen the most often -- the (provider in 18) or the (specialist in 26b)?
2[] GP/Internist/Family doctor (Go to 35 on page 61)
3[] Specialist (Go to 35 on page 61)
9[] DK (Go to 35 on page 61)
Section I - Other Services - Continued
35. Now, I'm going to read you a list of items which concern visits to the doctor you see most often.
For each item, tell me if you would rate it as excellent, good, fair, or poor.
2[] Good
3[] Fair
4[] Poor
6[] NA
9[] DK
b. Their respect and attention to your privacy. (Would you say excellent, good, fair, or poor?)
2[] Good
3[] Fair
4[] Poor
6[] NA
9[] DK
c. Their personal interest in you and your condition. (Would you say excellent, good, fair, or poor?)
2[] Good
3[] Fair
4[] Poor
6[] NA
9[] DK
d. Availability in an emergency. (Would you say excellent, good, fair, or poor?)
2[] Good
3[] Fair
4[] Poor
6[] NA
9[] DK
e. Office hours for appointments. (Would you say excellent, good, fair, or poor?)
2[] Good
3[] Fair
4[] Poor
6[] NA
9[] DK
f. Being able to receive answers to questions over the telephone. (Would you say excellent, good, fair, or poor?)
2[] Good
3[] Fair
4[] Poor
6[] NA
9[] DK
g. Being able to make appointments over the telephone. (Would you say excellent, good, fair, or poor?)
2[] Good
3[] Fair
4[] Poor
6[] NA
9[] DK
h. Wait time for an appointment. (Would you say excellent, good, fair, or poor?)
2[] Good
3[] Fair
4[] Poor
6[] NA
9[] DK
i. Wait time to see the doctor. (Would you say excellent, good, fair, or poor?)
2[] Good
3[] Fair
4[] Poor
6[] NA
9[] DK
j. The location of the office or clinic. (Would you say excellent, good, fair, or poor?)
2[] Good
3[] Fair
4[] Poor
6[] NA
9[] DK
k. The accessibility of transportation to the office. (Would you say excellent, good, fair, or poor?)
2[] Good
3[] Fair
4[] Poor
6[] NA
9[] DK
l. Their handling of insurance claims. (Would you say excellent, good, fair, or poor?)
2[] Good
3[] Fair
4[] Poor
6[] NA
9[] DK
36. Has a medical professional told you that because you did
not have follow-up care ---
2[] No
9[] DK
b. You need to be hospitalized?
2[] No
9[] DK
c. You need more medical care?
2[] No
9[] DK
Section I - Other Services - Continued
The next questions are about other services you may have received.
37a. During the past 12 months, did you receive any services from _______
2[] No (Go to 37b)
9[] DK (Go to 37b)
(B) An occupational therapist
2[] No (Go to 37b)
9[] DK (Go to 37b)
(C) An audiologist
2[] No (Go to 37b)
9[] DK (Go to 37b)
(D) A speech therapist or pathologist
2[] No (Go to 37b)
9[] DK (Go to 37b)
(E) A recreational therapist
2[] No (Go to 37b)
9[] DK (Go to 37b)
(F) A visiting nurse
2[] No (Go to 37b)
9[] DK (Go to 37b)
37a. During the past 12 months, did you receive any services from _______
2[] No (Go to 37b)
9[] DK (Go to 37b)
(H) A reader or interpreter
2[] No (Go to 37b)
9[] DK (Go to 37b)
(I) An adult day care center or activity center
2[] No (Go to 37b)
9[] DK (Go to 37b)
b. Did you need the services of _______ in the past 12 months?
2[] No (Go to 37a for next service)
9[] DK (Go to 37a for next service)
(B) An occupational therapist
2[] No (Go to 37a for next service)
9[] DK (Go to 37a for next service)
(C) An audiologist
2[] No (Go to 37a for next service)
9[] DK (Go to 37a for next service)
(D) A speech therapist or pathologist
2[] No (Go to 37a for next service)
9[] DK (Go to 37a for next service)
(E) A recreational therapist
2[] No (Go to 37a for next service)
9[] DK (Go to 37a for next service)
(F) A visiting nurse
2[] No (Go to 37a for next service on page 64)
9[] DK (Go to 37a for next service on page 64)
b. Did you need the services of _______ in the past 12 months?
2[] No (Go to 37a for next service)
9[] DK (Go to 37a for next service)
(H) A reader or interpreter
2[] No (Go to 37a for next service)
9[] DK (Go to 37a for next service)
(I) An adult day care center or activity center
2[] No (Go to 42 for next service on page 66)
9[] DK (Go to 42 for next service on page 66)
38a. During the past 12 months, in how many months did you receive services from ____ ?
99[] DK
(B) An occupational therapist
99[] DK
(C) An audiologist
99[] DK
(D) A speech therapist or pathologist
99[] DK
(E) A recreational therapist
99[] DK
(F) A visiting nurse
99[] DK
38a. During the past 12 months, in how many months did you receive services from ____ ?
99[] DK
(H) A reader or interpreter
99[] DK
(I) An adult day care center or activity center
99[] DK
38b. What was the total number of times you received services from ______ during [that/those] month(s)?
99[] DK
(B) An occupational therapist
99[] DK
(C) An audiologist
99[] DK
(D) A speech therapist or pathologist
99[] DK
(E) A recreational therapist
99[] DK
(F) A visiting nurse
99[] DK
38b. During the past 12 months, in how many months did you receive services from ____ ?
99[] DK
(H) A reader or interpreter
99[] DK
(I) An adult day care center or activity center
99[] DK
Hand card A1. Read categories if telephone interview.
39a. Who paid or will pay for the services received from ______ in the past 12 months?
(Anyone else?)
Mark (X) all that apply.
02[] Family NOT in household
03[] Private health insurance
04[] Medicare
05[] Medicaid
06[] Rehabilitation program
07[] Employer
08[] School system
09[] VA program
10[] Other military
11[] Other private source
12[] Other public source
13[] No one/ Free (Skip to 40)
99[] DK (Skip to 40)
(B) An occupational therapist
02[] Family NOT in household
03[] Private health insurance
04[] Medicare
05[] Medicaid
06[] Rehabilitation program
07[] Employer
08[] School system
09[] VA program
10[] Other military
11[] Other private source
12[] Other public source
13[] No one/ Free (Skip to 40)
99[] DK (Skip to 40)
(C) An audiologist
02[] Family NOT in household
03[] Private health insurance
04[] Medicare
05[] Medicaid
06[] Rehabilitation program
07[] Employer
08[] School system
09[] VA program
10[] Other military
11[] Other private source
12[] Other public source
13[] No one/ Free (Skip to 40)
99[] DK (Skip to 40)
(D) A speech therapist or pathologist
02[] Family NOT in household
03[] Private health insurance
04[] Medicare
05[] Medicaid
06[] Rehabilitation program
07[] Employer
08[] School system
09[] VA program
10[] Other military
11[] Other private source
12[] Other public source
13[] No one/ Free (Skip to 40)
99[] DK (Skip to 40)
(E) A recreational therapist
02[] Family NOT in household
03[] Private health insurance
04[] Medicare
05[] Medicaid
06[] Rehabilitation program
07[] Employer
08[] School system
09[] VA program
10[] Other military
11[] Other private source
12[] Other public source
13[] No one/ Free (Skip to 40)
99[] DK (Skip to 40)
(F) A visiting nurse
02[] Family NOT in household
03[] Private health insurance
04[] Medicare
05[] Medicaid
06[] Rehabilitation program
07[] Employer
08[] School system
09[] VA program
10[] Other military
11[] Other private source
12[] Other public source
13[] No one/ Free (Skip to 40)
99[] DK (Skip to 40)
Hand card A1. Read categories if telephone interview.
39a. Who paid or will pay for the services received from ______ in the past 12 months?
(Anyone else?)
Mark (X) all that apply.
02[] Family NOT in household
03[] Private health insurance
04[] Medicare
05[] Medicaid
06[] Rehabilitation program
07[] Employer
08[] School system
09[] VA program
10[] Other military
11[] Other private source
12[] Other public source
13[] No one/ Free (Skip to 40)
99[] DK (Skip to 40)
(H) A reader or interpreter
02[] Family NOT in household
03[] Private health insurance
04[] Medicare
05[] Medicaid
06[] Rehabilitation program
07[] Employer
08[] School system
09[] VA program
10[] Other military
11[] Other private source
12[] Other public source
13[] No one/ Free (Skip to 40)
99[] DK (Skip to 40)
(I) An adult day care center or activity center
02[] Family NOT in household
03[] Private health insurance
04[] Medicare
05[] Medicaid
06[] Rehabilitation program
07[] Employer
08[] School system
09[] VA program
10[] Other military
11[] Other private source
12[] Other public source
13[] No one/ Free (Skip to 40)
99[] DK (Skip to 40)
Ask if more than one source in 39a. If only one, transcribe number of box marked without asking.
b. Who paid most of the cost for the services received form ______ in the past months? Record number of main source.
99[] DK
(B) An occupational therapist
99[] DK
(C) An audiologist
99[] DK
(D) A speech therapist or pathologist
99[] DK
(E) A recreational therapist
99[] DK
(F) A visiting nurse
99[] DK
Ask if more than one source in 39a. If only one, transcribe number of box marked without asking.
b. Who paid most of the cost for the services received form ______ in the past months? Record number of main source.
99[] DK
(H) A reader or interpreter
99[] DK
(I) An adult day care center or activity center
99[] DK
Ask only if box 01 marked in 39a; otherwise, skip to 40.
c. During the past 12 months, about how much did you or your family pay for the services received from ____? Do not count any money that has been or will be reimbursed by insurance or any other source.
999999[] DK
(B) An occupational therapist
999999[] DK
(C) An audiologist
999999[] DK
(D) A speech therapist or pathologist
999999[] DK
(E) A recreational therapist
999999[] DK
(F) A visiting nurse
999999[] DK
Ask only if box 01 marked in 39a; otherwise, skip to 40.
c. During the past 12 months, about how much did you or your family pay for the services received from ____? Do not count any money that has been or will be reimbursed by insurance or any other source.
999999[] DK
(H) A reader or interpreter
999999[] DK
(I) An adult day care center or activity center
999999[] DK
40. During (month), did you receive services from ______?
2[] No (Go to 41)
9[] DK (Skip to 37a for next service)
(B) An occupational therapist
2[] No (Go to 41)
9[] DK (Skip to 37a for next service)
(C) An audiologist
2[] No (Go to 41)
9[] DK (Skip to 37a for next service)
(D) A speech therapist or pathologist
2[] No (Go to 41)
9[] DK (Skip to 37a for next service)
(E) A recreational therapist
2[] No (Go to 41)
9[] DK (Skip to 37a for next service)
(F) A visiting nurse
2[] No (Go to 41)
9[] DK (Skip to 37a for next service on page 64)
40. During (month), did you receive services from ______?
2[] No (Go to 41)
9[] DK (Skip to 37a for next service)
(H) A reader or interpreter
2[] No (Go to 41)
9[] DK (Skip to 37a for next service)
(I) An adult day care center or activity center
2[] No (Go to 41)
9[] DK (Skip to 42 for next service on page 66)
Hand card A7. Read categories if telephone interview.
41. Why didn't you receive services from _____ [in (month)/ in the past 12 months]?
(Anything else?)
Mark (X) all that apply.
01[] Provider thinks no longer needed
02[] Too expensive/cannot afford
03[] Insurance doesn't cover
04[] Insurance no longer covers
05[] No longer on Medicaid
06[] Provider not available
07[] Didn't like provider
08[] Transportation problems
09[] Could not take time off from work
10[] Other
99[] DK
(B) An occupational therapist
01[] Provider thinks no longer needed
02[] Too expensive/cannot afford
03[] Insurance doesn't cover
04[] Insurance no longer covers
05[] No longer on Medicaid
06[] Provider not available
07[] Didn't like provider
08[] Transportation problems
09[] Could not take time off from work
10[] Other
99[] DK
(C) An audiologist
01[] Provider thinks no longer needed
02[] Too expensive/cannot afford
03[] Insurance doesn't cover
04[] Insurance no longer covers
05[] No longer on Medicaid
06[] Provider not available
07[] Didn't like provider
08[] Transportation problems
09[] Could not take time off from work
10[] Other
99[] DK
(D) A speech therapist or pathologist
01[] Provider thinks no longer needed
02[] Too expensive/cannot afford
03[] Insurance doesn't cover
04[] Insurance no longer covers
05[] No longer on Medicaid
06[] Provider not available
07[] Didn't like provider
08[] Transportation problems
09[] Could not take time off from work
10[] Other
99[] DK
(E) A recreational therapist
01[] Provider thinks no longer needed
02[] Too expensive/cannot afford
03[] Insurance doesn't cover
04[] Insurance no longer covers
05[] No longer on Medicaid
06[] Provider not available
07[] Didn't like provider
08[] Transportation problems
09[] Could not take time off from work
10[] Other
99[] DK
(F) A visiting nurse
01[] Provider thinks no longer needed
02[] Too expensive/cannot afford
03[] Insurance doesn't cover
04[] Insurance no longer covers
05[] No longer on Medicaid
06[] Provider not available
07[] Didn't like provider
08[] Transportation problems
09[] Could not take time off from work
10[] Other
99[] DK
Hand card A7. Read categories if telephone interview.
41. Why didn't you receive services from _____ [in (month)/ in the past 12 months]?
(Anything else?)
Mark (X) all that apply.
01[] Provider thinks no longer needed
02[] Too expensive/cannot afford
03[] Insurance doesn't cover
04[] Insurance no longer covers
05[] No longer on Medicaid
06[] Provider not available
07[] Didn't like provider
08[] Transportation problems
09[] Could not take time off from work
10[] Other
99[] DK
(H) A reader or interpreter
01[] Provider thinks no longer needed
02[] Too expensive/cannot afford
03[] Insurance doesn't cover
04[] Insurance no longer covers
05[] No longer on Medicaid
06[] Provider not available
07[] Didn't like provider
08[] Transportation problems
09[] Could not take time off from work
10[] Other
99[] DK
(I) An adult day care center or activity center
01[] Provider thinks no longer needed
02[] Too expensive/cannot afford
03[] Insurance doesn't cover
04[] Insurance no longer covers
05[] No longer on Medicaid
06[] Provider not available
07[] Didn't like provider
08[] Transportation problems
09[] Could not take time off from work
10[] Other
99[] DK
Section I - Other Services - Continued
42a. During the past 12 months, did you receive any services from _______
2[] No (Go to 42b)
9[] DK (Go to 42b)
(K) Services from a center for independent living
2[] No (Go to 42b)
9[] DK (Go to 42b)
(L) Respiratory services
2[] No (Go to 42b)
9[] DK (Go to 42b)
(M) Social work services
2[] No (Go to 42b)
9[] DK (Go to 42b)
(N) Transportation services
2[] No (Go to 42b)
9[] DK (Go to 42b)
b. Did you need _______ in the past 12 months?
2[] No (Go to 42a for next service)
9[] DK (Go to 42a for next service)
(K) Services from a center for independent living
2[] No (Go to 42a for next service)
9[] DK (Go to 42a for next service)
(L) Respiratory services
2[] No (Go to 42a for next service)
9[] DK (Go to 42a for next service)
(M) Social work services
2[] No (Go to 42a for next service)
9[] DK (Go to 42a for next service)
(N) Transportation services
2[] No (Skip to 47 on page 68)
9[] DK (Skip to 47 on page 68)
43a. During the past 12 months, in how many months did you receive ______ ?
99[] DK
(K) Services from a center for independent living
99[] DK
(L) Respiratory services
99[] DK
(M) Social work services
99[] DK
(N) Transportation services
99[] DK
b. What was the total number of times you received services ______ during [that/those] month(s)?
99[] DK
(K) Services from a center for independent living
99[] DK
(L) Respiratory services
99[] DK
(M) Social work services
99[] DK
(N) Transportation services
99[] DK
Hand card A1. Read categories if telephone interview.
44a. Who paid or will pay for ______ in the past 12 months?
(Anyone else?)
Mark (X) all that apply.
02[] Family NOT in household
03[] Private health insurance
04[] Medicare
05[] Medicaid
06[] Rehabilitation program
07[] Employer
08[] School system
09[] VA program
10[] Other military
11[] Other private source
12[] Other public source
13[] No one/ Free (Skip to 45)
99[] DK (Skip to 45)
(K) Services from a center for independent living
02[] Family NOT in household
03[] Private health insurance
04[] Medicare
05[] Medicaid
06[] Rehabilitation program
07[] Employer
08[] School system
09[] VA program
10[] Other military
11[] Other private source
12[] Other public source
13[] No one/ Free (Skip to 45)
99[] DK (Skip to 45)
(L) Respiratory services
02[] Family NOT in household
03[] Private health insurance
04[] Medicare
05[] Medicaid
06[] Rehabilitation program
07[] Employer
08[] School system
09[] VA program
10[] Other military
11[] Other private source
12[] Other public source
13[] No one/ Free (Skip to 45)
99[] DK (Skip to 45)
(M) Social work services
02[] Family NOT in household
03[] Private health insurance
04[] Medicare
05[] Medicaid
06[] Rehabilitation program
07[] Employer
08[] School system
09[] VA program
10[] Other military
11[] Other private source
12[] Other public source
13[] No one/ Free (Skip to 45)
99[] DK (Skip to 45)
(N) Transportation services
02[] Family NOT in household
03[] Private health insurance
04[] Medicare
05[] Medicaid
06[] Rehabilitation program
07[] Employer
08[] School system
09[] VA program
10[] Other military
11[] Other private source
12[] Other public source
13[] No one/ Free (Skip to 45)
99[] DK (Skip to 45)
Ask if more than one source in 44a. If only one, transcribe number of box marked without asking.
b. Who paid most of the cost for the services received form ______ in the past months? Record number of main source.
99[] DK
(K) Services from a center for independent living
99[] DK
(L) Respiratory services
99[] DK
(M) Social work services
99[] DK
Transportation services
99[] DK
Ask only if box 01 marked in 44a; otherwise, skip to 45.
c. During the past 12 months, about how much did you or your family pay for ____? Do not count any money that has been or will be reimbursed by insurance or any other source.
999999[] DK
(K) Services from a center for independent living
999999[] DK
(L) Respiratory services
999999[] DK
(M) Social work services
999999[] DK
(N) Transportation services
999999[] DK
45. During (month), did you receive ______?
2[] No (Go to 46)
9[] DK (Skip to 42a for next service)
(K) Services from a center for independent living
2[] No (Go to 46)
9[] DK (Skip to 42a for next service)
(L) Respiratory services
2[] No (Go to 46)
9[] DK (Skip to 42a for next service)
(M) Social work services
2[] No (Go to 46)
9[] DK (Skip to 42a for next service)
(N) Transportation services
2[] No (Go to 46)
9[] DK (Skip to 47 on page 68)
Hand card A7. Read categories if telephone interview.
46. Why didn't you receive _____ [in (month)/ in the past 12 months]?
(Anything else?)
Mark (X) all that apply.
01[] Provider thinks no longer needed
02[] Too expensive/cannot afford
03[] Insurance doesn't cover
04[] Insurance no longer covers
05[] No longer on Medicaid
06[] Provider not available
07[] Didn't like provider
08[] Transportation problems
09[] Could not take time off from work
10[] Other
99[] DK
(K) Services from a center for independent living
01[] Provider thinks no longer needed
02[] Too expensive/cannot afford
03[] Insurance doesn't cover
04[] Insurance no longer covers
05[] No longer on Medicaid
06[] Provider not available
07[] Didn't like provider
08[] Transportation problems
09[] Could not take time off from work
10[] Other
99[] DK
(L) Respiratory services
01[] Provider thinks no longer needed
02[] Too expensive/cannot afford
03[] Insurance doesn't cover
04[] Insurance no longer covers
05[] No longer on Medicaid
06[] Provider not available
07[] Didn't like provider
08[] Transportation problems
09[] Could not take time off from work
10[] Other
99[] DK
(M) Social work services
01[] Provider thinks no longer needed
02[] Too expensive/cannot afford
03[] Insurance doesn't cover
04[] Insurance no longer covers
05[] No longer on Medicaid
06[] Provider not available
07[] Didn't like provider
08[] Transportation problems
09[] Could not take time off from work
10[] Other
99[] DK
(N) Transportation services
01[] Provider thinks no longer needed
02[] Too expensive/cannot afford
03[] Insurance doesn't cover
04[] Insurance no longer covers
05[] No longer on Medicaid
06[] Provider not available
07[] Didn't like provider
08[] Transportation problems
09[] Could not take time off from work
10[] Other
99[] DK
Section I - Other Services - Continued
Hand card A8.
47a. Are you currently on a waiting list for any of these services? Read categories in 47b if telephone interview.
2[] No (Skip to 48)
9[] DK (Skip to 48)
b. For which of these services are you on a waiting list?
(Any others?)
Mark (X) all that apply.
02[] An occupational therapist
03[] An audiologist
04[] A speech therapist or pathologist
05[] A recreational therapist
06[] A visiting nurse
07[] A personal care attendant, other than a family member or friend
08[] A reader or interpreter
09[] An adult day care center or day activity center
10[] Services for alcohol or drug abuse
11[] Services from a center for independent living
12[] Respiratory therapy services
13[] Social work services
14[] Transportation services
99[] DK
48a. During the past 12 months, did you stay overnight in a hospital or other facility to receive mental health services? Do not include treatment for substance abuse.
2[] No (Skip to 52 on page 69)
9[] DK (Skip to 52 on page 69)
Hand card A9. Read categories if telephone interview.
b. Where did you receive inpatient mental health services in the past 12 months?
(Anywhere else?)
Mark (X) all that apply.
2[] Psychiatric services in a general hospital
3[] Other hospital
4[] Residential treatment center
5[] Other place
9[] DK
49a. During the past 12 months, how many times altogether were you admitted to (place in 48b) for mental health care?
99[] DK
b. During the past 12 months, how many nights altogether did you spend in the (place(s) in 48b)?
999[] DK
Refer to question 49a.
(Number of admissions)
2[] 2 or more admissions (Skip to 50b)
3[] All other (Skip to 50c)
2[] No (Skip to 51 on a page 69)
9[] DK (Skip to 51 on a page 69)
b. How many of the (number in 49a) admissions were on an emergency basis?
________ Emergency admissions (skip to 51 on page 69)
99[] DK (skip to 51 on page 69)
c. Were any of the admissions in the past 12 months on an emergency basis?
2[] No (Skip to 51 on page 69)
9[] DK (Skip to 51 on page 69)
d. How many admissions were on an emergency basis?
99[] DK
Section I - Other Services - Continued
Hand card A1. Read categories if telephone interview.
51a. Who paid or will pay for the inpatient mental health services you received during the past 12 months?
(Anyone else?)
Mark (X) all that apply.
02[] Family not in household
03[] Private health insurance
04[] Medicare
05[] Medicaid
06[] Rehabilitation program
07[] Employer
08[] School system
09[] VA program
10[] Other military
11[] Other private source
12[] Other public source
13[] No one/Free (Skip to 52)
99[] DK (Skip to 52)
Ask if more than one source in 51a. If only one source, transcribe number of box marked without asking.
b. Who paid most of the cost for the inpatient mental health services?
Record number of main source.
99[] DK
Ask only if box 01 marked in 51a; otherwise, skip to 52.
c. During the past 12 months, about how much did you or your family pay for your inpatient mental health services? Do not count any money that has been or will be reimbursed by insurance or any other source.
99999[] DK
52a. During the past 12 months, did you receive any outpatient mental health services, including mental health services received from a general practitioner? Do not include treatment for substance abuse or smoking cessation.
2[] No (Skip to 56 on page 70)
9[] DK (Skip to 56 on page 70)
Hand card A10. Read categories if telephone interview.
b. From whom did you receive outpatient mental health services during the past 12 months?
(Anyone else?)
Mark (X) all that apply.
2[] Psychologist
3[] Nurse
4[] Social worker
5[] Other mental health counselor or therapist
6[] General practitioner or other medical doctor
7[] Other health professional
9[] DK
Hand card A11. Read categories if telephone interview.
c. Where did you receive outpatient mental health services during the past 12 months?
(Anywhere else?)
Mark (X) all that apply.
2[] Outpatient mental health clinic, such as a community mental health center
3[] Out patient medical clinic
4[] HMO
5[] Other place
9[] DK
53a. During the past 12 months, in how many months did you receive outpatient mental health services?
99[] DK
b. Altogether, how many outpatient mental health visits did you make during [that/those] (number in 53a) month(s)?
999[] DK
Refer to question 53b.
(Number of visits)
2[] 2 or more visits (Skip to 54b on page 70)
9[] All other (Skip to 54c on page 70)
Section I - Other Services - Continued
54a. Was this visit on an emergency basis?
2[] No (Skip to 55)
9[] DK (Skip to 55)
b. How many of the (number in 53b) visits were on an emergency basis?
_______ Emergency visits (Skip to 55)
999[] DK (Skip to 55)
c. Were any of the visits in the past 12 months on an emergency basis?
2[] No (Skip to 55)
9[] DK (Skip to 55)
d. How many visits were on an emergency basis?
999[] DK
Hand card A1. Read categories if telephone interview.
55a. Who paid or will pay for the outpatient mental health services you received during the past 12 months?
(Anyone else?)
Mark (X) all that apply.
02[] Family not in household
03[] Private health insurance
04[] Medicare
05[] Medicaid
06[] Rehabilitation program
07[] Employer
08[] School system
09[] VA program
11[] Other private source
12[] Other public source
13[] No one/Free (Skip to 56)
99[] DK (Skip to 56)
Ask if more than one source in 55a; otherwise skip to 56.
c. During the past 12 months, did you receive any services from a mental health community support program?
Read if necessary: A community support program for clients with mental or emotional problems makes available mental health, health, social and support services based on individual need.
2[] No
9[] DK
57. During the past 12 months, were you on a waiting list for outpatient mental health services?
2[] No
9[] DK
Refer to questions 48a on page 68, 52a, on page 69, and question 56 above.
(Any mental health services)
2[] All other (Skip to 59 on page 71)
Section I - Other Services - Continued
58a. Did you receive any mental health services during (month)? Do not include treatment for substance abuse or smoking cessation.
2[] No (Go to 58b)
9[] DK (Skip to 59)
Hand card A7. Read categories if telephone interview.
b. Why didn't you get mental health services during (month)?
(Any other reason?)
Mark (X) all that apply.
01[] Provider thinks no longer necessary
02[] Too expensive/can't afford
03[] Insurance does not cover
04[] Insurance no longer covers
05[] No longer on Medicaid
06[] Provider not available
07[] Didn't like provider
08[] Transportation problems
09[] Could not take time off from work
10[] Other reasons
99[] DK
59a. During the past 12 months, have you needed any mental health services or counseling that you have not received?
2[] No (Skip to 60)
9[] DK (Skip to 60)
Hand card A12. Read categories if telephone interview.
b. Which of these statements explain why you did not receive the mental health services you needed?
(Any other reason?)
Mark (X) all that apply.
01[] Too expensive/can't afford
02[] Didn't know where to get services
03[] No mental health services nearby
04[] No nearby provider who accepts Medicaid
05[] Private insurance does not cover the services
06[] Did not have insurance
07[] Transportation problems
08[] Trouble finding the right kind of mental health professional
09[] Language barrier
10[] Could not take time off from work
11[] Other reasons
99[] DK
60. Because of a physical, mental or emotional problem, did you receive any training during the past 12 months in social skills, such as making and keeping friends or how to interact with other people?
2[] No
9[] DK
The next questions are about the coordination of services.
61a. Is there any one doctor who you think of as the one who coordinates your overall medical care? By coordinating, I mean one who keeps in touch wit the different doctors or therapists whom you see, who knows the results of all tests and treatments that you have, and who is aware of your different prescription medicines?
2[] No
9[] DK
b. Do your doctors talk to each other about your health and the care you get, including any tests or medications?
2[] No
3[] Only one doctor
9[] DK
62a. Is there anyone who is not a doctor who coordinates your medical care?
2[] No (Skip to 63 on page 72)
3[] Does by self (Skip to 63 on page 72)
9[] DK (Skip to 63 on page 72)
b. Who does this for you?
Anyone else
Mark (X) all that apply.
1[] Friend/Family member
2[] Nurse
3[] Therapist
4[] Social worker
5[] Hospital discharge planner
6[] Case manager
7[] Other
9[] DK
Section I - Other Services - Continued
63a. Does any physician or someone in a physician's office help you with arranging non-medical care, like social services and personal care?
2[] No (Skip to 64)
3[] Does by self (Skip to 64)
9[] DK (Skip to 64)
b. Is this person or does this person work for a general care physician or a specialist?
Mark (X) only one.
2[] Specialist
3[] Someone else
9[] DK
c. Is this person a -- (Read each category)
Mark (X) all that apply.
2[] Therapist?
3[] Nurse?
4[] Social worker?
5[] Hospital discharge planner?
6[] Case manager?
7[] Something else?
9[] DK
64a. Does anyone not in a physician's office help you with arranging non-medical services?
2[] No (Skip to Item I7)
3[] Does by self (Skip to Item I7)
9[] DK (Skip to Item I7)
b. Who does this for you?
Anyone else?
Mark (X) all that apply.
1[] Friend/Family member
2[] Nurse
3[] Therapist
4[] Social worker
5[] Hospital discharge planner
6[] Case manager
7[] Other
9[] DK
Refer to questions 61a and 62a on page 71, 63a and 64a above.
(Service coordinator)
2[] "Yes" marked in 62a and or 64a (Go to Item I8)
3[] All others (Skip to 69 on page 73)
Refer to question 62b on page 71 and 64b above.
(Who arranges services)
2[] "Self" only in 62b and 64b (Skip to 70 on page 73)
Hand card A13. Read categories if telephone interview.
65. What kinds of medical or non-medical services are provided for you?
(Anything else?)
Mark (X) all that apply.
02[] Makes appointments with nurses/therapists/dieticians
03[] Follows up to be sure appointments are kept
04[] Arranges transportation to appointments
05[] Makes referrals to doctors
06[] Makes referrals to nurses/therapists/dieticians
07[] Checks to see if needs or conditions have changed
08[] Makes sure I am doing exercises or following diet
09[] Reviews medications
10[] Explains medical procedures or terms
11[] Helps with insurance or other benefits
12[] Arranges for home care
13[] Arranges for vocational rehabilitation services
14[] Helps develop a personal care plan
15[] Evaluates need for services
16[] Arranges special education services
17[] Tries to find volunteers to help me
18[] Tries to find workers/agencies to help me
19[] Arranges for home delivered meals
20[] Makes sure friends/family are able to help me
21[] Other
99[] DK
Refer to questions 64b above.
(Who arranges services)
2[] All others (Skip to 70 on page 73)
Section I - Other Services - Continued
66a. You said that someone not in a physician's office helps you with arranging non-medical services. Was any of this help paid for?
2[] No (Skip to 68)
9[] DK (Skip to 68)
Hand card A1. Read categories if telephone interview.
b. Who paid or will pay for this help?
(Anyone else?)
Mark (X) all that apply.
02[] Family not in household
03[] Private health insurance
04[] Medicare
05[] Medicaid
06[] Rehabilitation program
07[] Employer
08[] School system
09[] VA program
10[] Other military
11[] Other private source
12[] Other public source
99[] DK (Skip to 67)
Ask if more than one source in 66b. If only one source, transcribe the number of the box marked without asking.
c. Who paid for most of the cost of this help?
Record number of the main source.
99[] DK
67. In the past 6 months, about how many times did you see or talk to the person or persons who help arrange your non-medical services?
2[] Per month
3[] Per six months
999[] DK
68. Overall, how satisfied are you with the job the person or persons have done to help you with arranging your non-medical services? Would you say very satisfied, somewhat satisfied, somewhat dissatisfied, or very dissatisfied?
Mark (X) only one.
2[] Somewhat satisfied (Skip to 70)
3[] Somewhat dissatisfied (Skip to 70)
4[] Very dissatisfied (Skip to 70)
9[] DK (Skip to 70)
69. During the past 12 months, have you felt that you needed someone to arrange or coordinate personal care or social services?
2[] No
3[] Never thought about it
9[] DK
70a. Do you need help filling out insurance forms or benefit applications?
Mark (X) only one.
2[] No (Go to 70b)
3[] Never filled forms/applications (Skip to item I10 on page 74)
9[] DK (Go to 70b)
b. Who helps you fill out insurance forms or applications for public programs or benefits?
Mark (X) all that apply.
1[] Household member
2[] Friend/Other relative not in household
3[] Paid caregiver
4[] Volunteer from organization
5[] Other
9[] DK
Section I - Other Services - Continued
Refer to questions 42a, Service K on page 66.
(Center for Independent Living)
2[] All others (Skip to Item I11)
2[] No
9[] DK
b. Employment counseling, training, or referral?
2[] No
9[] DK
c. Help with accommodations at home?
2[] No
9[] DK
d. Help with accommodations at work?
2[] No
9[] DK
e. Help with accommodations in transportation?
2[] No
9[] DK
f. Legal rights counseling?
2[] No
9[] DK
g. Attendant referral or personal assistant services?
2[] No
9[] DK
h. Recreational services?
2[] No
9[] DK
i. Transportation services?
2[] No
9[] DK
j. Getting assistive technology?
2[] No
9[] DK
k. Advocacy services?
2[] No
9[] DK
Refer to 37a, Service I on page 65.
(Adult Day Care)
2[] All others (Skip to Section J on page 75)
Hand card A14. Read categories if telephone interview.
72. Which services did you receive from an adult day care center or day activities center?
(Anything else?)
Mark (X) all that apply.
02[] Socialization
03[] Recreational activities
04[] Recreational therapy
05[] Speech therapy
06[] Physical therapy
07[] Occupational therapy
08[] Social services
09[] Nutritional services
10[] Meals
11[] Counseling for participants or families
12[] Referrals to outside services
13[] Nursing services
14[] Monitoring medications
15[] Coordinating care with physicians
16[] Personal care services (such as bathing, feeding)
17[] Vocational rehabilitation services
18[] Other
00[] None
99[] DK
Section J - Self Direction
Reminder: If SP is institutionalized, skip to Section K on page 78.
1a. Do you give your own consent for medical care, or does someone else do that for you?
2[] Someone else gives consent (Go to 1b)
3[] It varies (Go to 1b)
9[] DK (Skip to Item J1)
b. Who generally gives medical consent for you?
Mark (X) only one.
2[] Legal guardian
3[] Agency or school staff member
4[] Someone else
9[] DK
Refer to SP's age.
2[] Age 21 and over (Skip to Section K on page 78)
2[] No
9[] DK
3. Do you currently have an Individual Written Rehabilitation Plan or IWRP?
2[] No
9[] DK
Section J - Self Direction - Continued
Special education is a program designed to meet the individual needs of persons with special needs. It is paid for by the public school system and may take place at a regular school, a special school, a private school, at home, or at a hospital.
4a. During the past 12 months, have you received any type of services or benefits through special education? Do not include gifted or talented programs.
2[] No (Skip to 5 on page 77)
9[] DK (Skip to 5 on page 77)
Hand card A15. Read categories if telephone interview.
b. During the past 12 months, which of these services or benefits did you receive through special education programs?
(Anything else?)
Mark (X) all that apply.
02[] Speech/Language therapy
03[] Audiology services for hearing problems (such as testing, evaluation, and training)
04[] Mental health or counseling services
05[] Developmental testing
06[] Physical therapy
07[] Occupational therapy
08[] Recreational therapy
09[] Respiratory therapy
10[] Social work services
11[] Eyeglasses
12[] Hearing aids
13[] Wheelchair
14[] Other assistive devices and training in their use
15[] Medical services for diagnostic and evaluation purposes
16[] Communication services (such as a reader, interpreter, or writer)
17[] Nursing services
18[] Other
99[] DK
Hand card A16. Read categories if telephone interview.
c. During the past 12 months, have you received special education for any of these conditions?
(Anything else?)
Mark (X) all that apply.
02[] Speech or language problems
03[] Mental retardation
04[] Emotional disturbances
05[] Deaf and blind
06[] Hearing, including deafness or hard of hearing
07[] Visual, including blindness and other problems
08[] Orthopedic problems
09[] Autism
10[] Traumatic brain injury
11[] Developmental delay
12[] Multiple disabilities
13[] Other health problem
14[] Not a specific condition
99[] DK
Hand card A17. Read categories if telephone interview.
d. During the past 12 months, where did you receive these special education services?
Mark (X) all that apply.
02[] Resource room in regular school
03[] Separate class all day or part of a day in regular school
04[] Special school-day school
05[] Special school-residential school
06[] Home
07[] Hospital or institution
08[] Provider's office
09[] Other
99[] DK
e. Have you received any of these special education services during the past month?
2[] No (Go to 4f)
9[] DK (Skip to 5 on page 77)
f. Why haven't you received any special education services in the past month?
Any other reason?
Mark (X) all that apply.
1[] Provider/school thinks services no longer necessary
2[] On vacation from school
3[] Provider/service no longer available
4[] Didn't like provider/service
5[] Transportation problems
6[] Could not take time off from work to arrange it
7[] Other reason
9[] DK
Section J - Self Direction - Continued
5. During the past 12 months, did you receive any instruction through special education about how to get and keep a job?
2[] No
9[] DK
6a. During the past 12 months, have you tried to get any (additional) special education services?
2[] No (Skip to 7)
9[] DK (Skip to 7)
Hand card A15. Read categories if telephone interview.
b. What (additional) special education services did you try to get?
(Anything else?)
Mark (X) all that apply.
02[] Speech/Language therapy
03[] Audiology services for hearing problems (such as testing, evaluation, and training)
04[] Mental health or counseling services
05[] Developmental testing
06[] Physical therapy
07[] Occupational therapy
08[] Recreational therapy
09[] Respiratory therapy
10[] Social work services
11[] Eyeglasses
12[] Hearing aids
13[] Wheelchair
14[] Other assistive devices and training in their use
15[] Medical services for diagnostic and evaluation purposes
16[] Communication services (such as a reader, interpreter, or writer)
17[] Nursing services
18[] Other
99[] DK
c. During the past 12 months were you on a waiting list for any special education services?
2[] No
9[] DK
Hand card A18. Read categories if telephone interview.
d. What problems did you have trying to get (additional) special education services during the past 12 months?
(Anything else?)
Mark (X) all that apply.
1[] Service is not available
2[] Had trouble finding the right kind of service
3[] Services available are inadequate
4[] School did not think services were needed
5[] School would not test for disabilities
6[] School would not help in finding services
7[] Could not take time off from work to arrange it.
8[] Other problems
9[] DK
7. Overall, how satisfied are you with the educational services that you receive? Are you very satisfied, somewhat satisfied, somewhat dissatisfied, or very dissatisfied?
1[] Very satisfied
2[] Somewhat satisfied
3[] Somewhat dissatisfied
4[] Very dissatisfied
9[] DK
Section K - Family Structure, Relationships, and Living Arrangements
1. Are you now married, widowed, divorced, separated, or have you never been married?\
If married, probe as necessary to determine if the spouse is a current household member.
Mark (X) only one.
2[] Married - spouse not in HH (Go to 2a)
3[] Widowed (Go to 2b)
4[] Divorced (Go to 2b)
5[] Separated (Go to 2b)
6[] Never married (Skip to Item K1)
9[] DK (Skip to Item K1)
2a. How long have you been married to your current spouse?
________ Years (Skip to Item K1)
99[] DK (Skip to Item K1)
b. How long have you been [widowed/divorced/separated]?
________ Years
99[] DK
Status of SP
2[] All others (Go to 3)
________ Household members (Go to 4)
99[] DK (Go to 4a)
4a. What are the names of all persons living in your household?
Enter SP on line 1, all others on subsequent lines.
If more than 9 household members, continue listing in the Notes space.
b. If necessary, ask: What is (name's) sex?
c. If necessary, ask: How is (name) related to you? Record relationship to sample person.
4a. Name (First/Middle initial/Last)
02 ______
03 ______
04 ______
05 ______
06 ______
07 ______
08 ______
09 ______
b. Sex
1[] M
2[] F
1[] M
2[] F
1[] M
2[] F
1[] M
2[] F
1[] M
2[] F
1[] M
2[] F
1[] M
2[] F
1[] M
2[] F
1[] M
2[] F
c. Relationship to SP
02 ______
03 ______
04 ______
05 ______
06 ______
07 ______
08 ______
09 ______
Section K - Family Structure, Relationships, and Living Arrangements - Continued
5a. Including step and adopted children, how many living sons do you have?
________ Sons
99[] DK
b. Including step and adopted children, how many living daughters do you have?
________ Daughters
99[] DK
Refer to 5a and 5b above.
(Living children)
2[] All others (Skip to Item K4 on page 80)
Refer to question 4 on page 78.
(Household composition)
2[] All others (Go to 6)
If asked, "Here" means where the SP resides.
2[] Hours
3[] Days
999[] DK
b. How often do you see [any of your children/your son/ your daughter]?
2[] Per week
3[] Per year
999[] DK
c. How often do you get mail from [any of your children/your son/your daughter]?
2[] Per week
3[] Per year
999[] DK
7. [Do your children/Does your son/Does your daughter] routinely give you money to help with your living expenses or pay your bills?
2[] No
3[] DK
Section K - Family Structure, Relationships, and Living Arrangements - Continued
Refer to question 4 on page 78.
(Household composition)
Mark (X) first appropriate box.
2[] SP lives alone (Skip to 11)
3[] SP lives w/spouse only (Skip to 11)
4[] Other (Go to 8)
2[] No (Skip to 11)
9[] DK (Skip to 11)
9. Do you live with [these people/this person] now because you need to share living expenses?
2[] No
9[] DK
10. Do you live with [these people/this person] now because of a health or physical problem you have?
2[] No
9[] DK
11. Including step and adopted brothers, how many living brothers do you have?
________ Brothers
99[] DK
12. Including step and adopted sisters, how many living sisters do you have?
________ Sisters
99[] DK
Ask or verify:
13a. Is your mother still living?
2[] No
9[] DK
b. Is your father still living?
2[] No
9[] DK
Section K - Family Structure, Relationships, and Living Arrangements - Continued
Refer to Item K4
(SP's living arrangements)
2[] Box 4 marked (Skip to 15)
The next few questions are about contact you have with family members (other than your spouse or children)
14a. How quickly can any member of your family (other than your spouse or children) get here?
If asked, "Here" means where the SP resides
2[] Hours
3[] Days
999[] DK
b. How often do you see any member of your family (other than your spouse or children)?
2[] Per week
3[] Per year
999[] DK
c. How often do you talk on the telephone with any member of your family (other than your spouse or children)?
2[] Per week
3[] Per year
999[] DK
d. How often do you get mail from any member of your family (other than your spouse or children)
2[] Per week
3[] Per year
999[] DK
15. Do any members of your family (other than your spouse or children) routinely give you money to help with your living expenses or pay your bills?
2[] No
9[] DK
Section O - Update Contact Person Information
The National Center for Health Statistics may wish to contact you again to obtain additional health related information.
Refer to CP on label.
2[] No CP on label (Ask 1b)
2[] No (Go to 1b)
b. The National Center for Health Statistics would like the name, address, and telephone number of a relative or friend who would know where you could be reached in case we need additional health information in the future but cannot reach you. Please give me the name of someone who is not currently living in the household.
2. Contact Person Current Information
First name
Number and street
ZIP Code
Area code
1[] None
7[] Refused
Section P - Interviewer Observations
Mark (X) the one that best represents this interview.
2[] Self response with assistance (Go to 1a)
3[] Proxy (Skip to 1b)
Ask or verify:
1a. How is (assistant) related to you?
If more than one assistant, indicate the relationship of the one you consider to be the main assistant.
01[] Spouse (Skip to 1c)
02[] Son/Daughter (Skip to 1c)
03[] Son-in-law/Daughter-in-law (Skip to 1c)
04[] Grandchild/Great grandchild (Skip to 1c)
05[] Brother/Sister (Skip to 1c)
06[] Brother-in-law/Sister-in-law (Skip to 1c)
07[] Aunt/Uncle/Cousin (Skip to 1c)
08[] Niece/Nephew (Skip to 1c)
09[] Relative (Skip to 1c)
10[] Roommate/Friend/Neighbor (Skip to 1c)
11[] Other non-relative (Skip to 1c)
b. How are you related to (sample person)?
If more than one proxy, direct this question to the one you consider to be the main proxy.
01[] Spouse
02[] Son/Daughter
03[] Son-in-law/Daughter-in-law
04[] Grandchild/Great grandchild
05[] Brother/Sister
06[] Brother-in-law/Sister-in-law
07[] Aunt/Uncle/Cousin
08[] Niece/Nephew
09[] Relative
10[] Roommate/Friend/Neighbor
11[] Other non-relative
Ask or verify:
c. Do(es) [you/(assistant)] live here?
2[] No
9[] DK
Mark each to indicate why a proxy/assistant was needed.
2[] No
b. Sample person institutionalized
2[] No
c. Sample person's hearing problem
2[] No
d. Sample person's speech problem
2[] No
e. Sample person's language problem
2[] No
f. Sample person's poor memory, senility, or confusion
2[] No
g. Sample person's Alzheimer's disease
2[] No
h. Sample person's other mental condition
2[] No
i. Sample person's other physical illness and/or disability
2[] No
j. Other non-health related reason
2[] No
Refer to SP's age.
2[] Under 70 (end interview)
The "respondent" in the following items refers to the sample person if he/she answered questions with or without assistance, or to the proxy if the sample person was not interviewed.
3. Do you feel the --
2[] No
9[] DK
b. Respondent's answers were reasonably accurate?
2[] No
9[] DK
c. Respondent understood the questions?
2[] No
9[] DK
Section P - Interviewer Observations - Continued
4a. Was there a section which seemed to be particularly upsetting or problematic to the respondent?
2[] No (Skip to 5)
b. Which section(s)?
Mark (X) all that apply.
02[] B. Transportation
03[] C. Social activity
04[] D. Work history/employment
05[] E. Vocational rehabilitation
06[] F. Assistive devices and technologies
07[] G. Health insurance
08[] H. Assistance with key activities
09[] I. Other services
10[] J. Self direction
11[] K. Family structure
12[] L. Conditions and impairments
13[] M. Health opinions and behaviors
14[] N. Community services
15[] O. Contact person
5. How tiring did the interview seem to be for respondent?
2[] A little tiring
3[] Not tiring
6. Did the respondent have difficulty hearing you during the interview?
2[] No (End interview)
9[] DK (End interview)
7. Do you feel the respondent's hearing difficulty affected the interview?
2[] No