[p. 257]
Mark (X) box or ask for each non-deleted family member, including Armed Forces members living at home.
1a. In (month), did -- have a job or business?
[] 1 Yes (1b)
[] 2 No (NP, or 6 on page 42)
[] 9 DK (NP, or 6 on page 42)
b. In (month), was -- working for an employer, was -- self-employed, or both?
Read if necessary: Examples of self-employment include business, professional practice, or farm.
[] 2 Self-employed only (3)
[] 3 Both (4)
[] 9 DK (NP, or 6 on page 42)
2a. In (month), how many hours per week did -- usually work in [his/her] MAIN job?
[] 99 DK
b. Was -- paid by the hour at this MAIN job?
[] 2 No
[] 9 DK
c. In (month), how much income did -- receive BEFORE deductions from [his/her] MAIN job? Include any tips, bonuses, overtime pay, and commissions.
[] 9999999 DK
d. How long has -- worked at this MAIN job?
[] 2 More than a year, but not more than 3 years
[] 3 More than 3 years, but not more than 5 years
[] 4 More than 5 years, but not more than 10 years
[] 5 More than 10 years
[] 9 DK
e. In (month), how many hours per week did -- usually work at any OTHER jobs?
[] 88 None, only worked one job (2g)
[] 99 DK (2f)
f. In (month), how much income did -- receive BEFORE deductions in all OTHER jobs? Include any tips, bonuses, overtime pay, and commissions.
[] 9999999 DK
g. In how many of the past 12 months did -- have AT LEAST ONE job or business?
[] 12 All (D1 on page 40)
[] 99 DK (D1 on page 40)
[p. 258]
Part D -- INCOME AND ASSETS -- Continued
3a. In (month), how many hours per week did -- usually work in [his/her] MAIN business?
[] 99 DK
b. In (month), how much income did -- receive from [his/her] MAIN business? Report NET income, after business expenses
Read if necessary: For farms, include any earnings as a tenant farmer or share cropper.
[] 0 Loss
$____ (Dollars)
[] 9999999 DK
c. How long has -- worked at this MAIN business?
[] 2 More than a year, but not more than 3 years
[] 3 More than 3 years, but not more than 5 years
[] 4 More than 5 years, but not more than 10 years
[] 5 More than 10 years
[] 9 DK
d. In (month), how many hours per week did -- usually work at all OTHER businesses?
[] 88 None, only worked at one business (3g)
[] 99 DK (3e)
e. In (month), how much income did -- receive from all OTHER businesses? Report NET income, after business expenses
[] 0 loss
$____ (Dollars)
[] 9999999 DK
f. In how many of the past 12 months was -- self-employed?
[] 12 All (D1 on page 40)
[] 99 DK (D1 on page 40)
g. In how many of the past 12 months did -- have AT LEAST ONE job or business?
[] 12 All (D1 on page 40)
[] 99 DK (D1 on page 40)
[p. 259]
Part D -- INCOME AND ASSETS -- Continued
4a. In (month), how many hours per week did -- usually work in [his/her] MAIN job or business?
[] 99 DK
b. Was this a job or business?
[] 2 Business (4e)
[] 9 DK (4c)
c. Was -- paid by the hour at this MAIN job?
[] 2 No
[] 9 DK
d. In (month), how much income did -- receive BEFORE deductions from [his/her] MAIN job? Include any tips, bonuses, overtime pay and commissions
[] 9999999 DK
e. In (month), how much income did -- receive from [his/her] MAIN business? Report NET income, after business expenses.
Read if necessary: For farms, include any earnings as a tenant farmer or share cropper.
[] 0 Loss
$____ (Dollars)
[] 9999999 DK
f. How long has -- worked at this MAIN (job/business)?
[] 2 More than a year, but not more than 3 years
[] 3 More than 3 years, but not more than 5 years
[] 4 More than 5 years, but not more than 10 years
[] 5 More than 10 years
[] 9 DK
g. In (month), how many hours per week did -- usually work at all OTHER jobs or businesses?
[] 99 DK
h. In (month), how much income did -- receive from all OTHER businesses? Report NET income, after business expenses.
Read if necessary: For farms, include any earnings as a tenant farmer or share cropper.
[] 0 Loss
$____ (Dollars)
[] 9999998 No other business
[] 9999999 DK
i. In (month), how much income did -- receive BEFORE deductions from all OTHER jobs? Include any tips, bonuses, overtime pay, and commissions.
[] 9999998 No other job
[] 9999999 DK
j. In how many of the past 12 months was -- self-employed?
[] 12 All (D1)
[] 99 DK (D1)
k. In how many of the past 12 months did -- have AT LEAST ONE job or business?
[] 12 All
[] 99 DK
Refer to age.
[] 8 Other (1a on page 36 for NP, or 6 on page 42)
Part D -- INCOME AND ASSETS -- Continued
5a. Thinking about -- (MAIN) job or business in (month), how many people are employed full and part time, including employees at all locations? b. Thinking about the particular location where -- worked in (month), how many people are employed THERE full and part time?
HAND CARD FD1. Read each category if telephone interview.
2. 10-24 employees
3. 25-49 employees
4. 50-99 employees
5. 100-499 employees
6. 500-999 employees
7. 1000 or more employees
[] 2 10-24 (1a on page 36 for NP, or 6)
[] 3 25-49 (1a on page 36 for NP, or 6)
[] 4 50-99 (1a on page 36 for NP, or 6)
[] 5 100-499 (1a on page 36 for NP, or 6)
[] 6 500-999 (1a on page 36 for NP, or 6)
[] 7 1,000 or more (1a on page 36 for NP, or 6)
[] 9 DK (5b)
[] 2 10-24 (1a on page 36 for NP, or 6)
[] 3 25-49 (1a on page 36 for NP, or 6)
[] 4 50-99 (1a on page 36 for NP, or 6)
[] 5 100-499 (1a on page 36 for NP, or 6)
[] 6 500-999 (1a on page 36 for NP, or 6)
[] 7 1,000 or more (1a on page 36 for NP, or 6)
[] 9 DK (1a on page 36 for NP, or 6)
6a. In (month), did anyone in the family receive Social Security or Railroad Retirement payments?
Read if necessary: Social Security checks are either automatically deposited in the bank or mailed to arrive on the 3rd of every month. If mailed, they are sent in a gold colored envelope.
[] 2 No (7)
[] 9 DK (7)
b. Who was this?
Mark (X) "SS/RR" in person's column
c. Anyone else?
[] No (6d)
[] DK (6d)
Ask 6d-g as appropriate for each person with "SS/RR" marked in 6b.
d. How much income did -- receive in (month), from Social Security or Railroad Retirement?
$____ (Dollars)
[] 9999 DK
e. How long has -- received Social Security or Railroad Retirement income?
2[] Years
99[] DK
Ask 6f-g ONLY if person is under 65; otherwise, go to 6d for NP with "SS/RR" in 6b,or 7.
f. Was -- Social Security or Railroad Retirement income received as a disability benefit?
[] 2 No (6d for NP with "SS/RR" in 6d, or 7)
[] 9 DK (6d for NP with "SS/RR" in 6d, or 7)
g. (iecause [he/she] is disabled?
[] 2 No (6d for NP with "SS/RR" in 6b, or 7)
[] 9 DK (6d for NP with "SS/RR" in 6b, or 7)
7a. (Besides --) Has anyone in the family EVER APPLIED for disability benefits from Social Security? This includes people who applied for benefits even if the claim was denied.
[] 2 No (8)
[] 9 DK (8)
b. Who was this?
Mark (X) "Applied for SSA" in person's column.
c. Anyone else?
[] No (7d)
[] DK (7d)
Ask 7d for each person with box marked in 7b.
d. How many times has -- applied for disability benefits from Social Security?
[p. 261]
Part D -- INCOME AND ASSETS -- Continued
8a. In (month), did anyone in the family receive Supplemental Security Income or SSI?
Read if necessary: Federal SSI are either automatically deposited in the bank or mailed to arrive on the first of every month. If mailed, they are sent in blue colored envelope.
[] 2 No (9)
[] 9 DK (9)
b. Who was this?
Mark (X) "SSI" in person's column
c. Anyone else?
[] No
Ask 8d-e for each person with "SSI" marked in 8b.
d. How much income did -- receive in (month) for Supplemental Security Income or SSI?
[] 9999 DK
e. How long has -- received Supplement Security Income?
2[] Years
99[] DK
9a. (Besides --) Has anyone in the family EVER applied for Supplemental Security Income or SSI? This includes people who applied for benefits even if the claim was denied.
[] 2 No (10)
[] 9 DK (10)
b. Who was this?
Mark (X) "Applied for SSI" in person's column.
c. Anyone else?
[] No
Ask 9d for each person with box marked in 9b.
d. How many times has -- applied for Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
10a. In (month), did anyone in the family receive any disability pension (other than Social Security or Railroad Retirement)?
[] 2 No (11 on page 46)
[] 9 DK (11 on page 46)
b. Who was this?
Mark (X) "Disability" in person's column.
c. Anyone else?
[] No
Ask 10d for each person with "Disability" marked in 10b.
d. How much did -- receive in (month) BEFORE deductions from a disability pension?
$____ (Dollars)
[] 9999 DK
[p. 262]
Part D -- INCOME AND ASSETS -- Continued
11a. (In (month), did anyone in the family receive) Any retirement or survivor pension (other than (Social Security or Railroad Retirement/ (or) disability pension))?
[] 2 No (D2)
[] 9 DK (D2)
b. Who was this?
Mark (X) "Pension" in person's column.
c. Anyone else?
[] No
Ask 11d for each person with "Pension" marked in 11b.
d. How much income did -- receive BEFORE deductions from retirement or survivor pensions (other than (Social Security or Railroad Retirement/ (or) Disability pension)) in (month)?
$____ (Dollars)
[] 999999 DK
Refer to family composition and income in 8a on page 46 of HIS-1.
[] 2 Married couple only and family income = $20,000 or more (14 on page 48)
[] 8 Other (12)
12a. In (month), did anyone in the family receive public assistance or welfare payments from the state or local welfare office? Do not include SSI..
[] 2 No (13 on page 48)
[] 9 DK (13 on page 48)
b. Who was this?
Mark (X) "welfare" in person's column.
c. Anyone else?
[] No
Ask 12d-f for each person with "welfare" marked in 12b.
d. Did -- receive Aid to Families with Dependent Children, sometimes called AFDC or ADC, or some other type of assistance payments in (month)?
[] 2 Other
[] 3 Both
[] 9 DK
e. In how many of the past 12 months did -- receive these payments?
____ Months
[] 99 DK
f. How much income did -- receive from public assistance or welfare in (month)?
(Dollars) $____
[] 9999 DK
[p. 263]
Part D -- INCOME AND ASSETS -- Continued
13a. In (month), did anyone in the family receive food stamps?
[] 2 No (14)
[] 9 DK (14)
b. What was the total value of the food stamp allotment received in (month)? (This includes receipt of a food stamp card or vouchers, or cash grants from the state for food.)
[] 9999 DK
14a. In (month), did anyone in the family have money in any kind of savings or other bank account that EARNED interest? Do not include dividends.
Read if necessary: Include saving accounts, money market funds, treasury notes, IRA's or certificates of deposit, interest earning checking accounts, bond or any other investments that earn interest.
[] 2 No (15 on page 50)
[] 9 DK (15 on page 50)
b. Who was this?
Mark (X) "interest" in person's column
c. Anyone else?
[] No
Ask 14d-f as appropriate for each person with "Interest" marked in 14b.
d. What is your best estimate of the total amount of interest -- earned in (months)?
$____ (Dollars) (NP with "interest" in 14b, or 15)
[] 9999 DK (14e)
e. Was it more than $25 or less than $25?
[] 2 Less than $25 (NP with "interest" in 14b, or 15)
[] 3 $25 exactly (NP with "interest" in 14b, or 15)
[] 9 DK (NP with "interest" in 14b, or 15)
f. Was it --
2. $100-$499
3. $500-$999
4. $1,000-$4,999
5. $5,000 or more
Read answer categories.
[] 2 $100 - $499 (NP with "interest" in 14b, or 15)
[] 3 $500 - $999 (NP with "interest" in 14b, or 15)
[] 4 $1000 - $4999, or (NP with "interest" in 14b, or 15)
[] 5 $5000 or more (NP with "interest" in 14b, or 15)
[] 9 DK (NP with "interest" in 14b, or 15)
[p. 264]
Part D -- INCOME AND ASSETS -- Continued
15a. Did anyone in the family receive dividend income from stocks or mutual funds or income from rental property, royalties, estates, or trusts in (month)?
[] 2 No (16)
[] 9 DK (16)
b. Who was this?
Mark (X) "Dividends" box in person's column
c. Anyone else?
[] No
Ask 15d-f as appropriate for each person with "Dividends" box marked in 15b.
d. What is your best estimate of the total amount that -- received from dividends, NET rental property income, royalties, estates, or trusts in (month)?
[] 0 Loss (NP with "Dividends" in 15b, or 16)
(Dollars) $____ (NP with "Dividends" in 15b, or 16)
[] 9999 DK (15e)
e. Was it more than $25 or less than $25?
[] 2 Less than $25 (NP with "Dividends" in 15b, or 16)
[] 3 $25 exactly (NP with "Dividends" in 15b, or 16)
[] 9 DK (NP with "Dividends" in 15b, or 16)
2. $100-$499
3. $500-$999
4. $1,000-$4,999
5. $5,000 or more
f. Was it --
Read answer categories.
[] 2 $100 - $499 (NP with "Dividends" in 15b, or 16)
[] 3 $500 - $999 (NP with "Dividends" in 15b, or 16)
[] 4 $1000 - $4999, or (NP with "Dividends" in 15b, or 16)
[] 5 $5000 or more? (NP with "Dividends" in 15b, or 16)
[] 9 DK (NP with "Dividends" in 15b, or 16)
16a. In (month), did anyone in the family receive income from ANY OTHER sources, such as veterans payments, worker's or unemployment compensation, child support or alimony? Do no include lump sum payments, such as money from an inheritance or sale of a home.
[] 2 No (17 on page 52)
[] 9 DK (17 on page 52)
b. Who was this?
Mark (X) "Other income" in person's column
c. Anyone else?
[] No
Ask 16d-f as appropriate for each person with "Other income" marked in 16b.
d. How much income did -- receive in (month) from ALL OTHER sources?
(Dollars) $____ (NP with "Other income" in 16b or 17)
[] 9999 DK (15e)
e. Was it more than $25 or less than $25?
[] 2 Less than $25 (NP with "Other income" in 16b, or 17)
[] 3 $25 exactly (NP with "Other income" in 16b, or 17)
[] 9 DK (NP with "Other income" in 16b, or 17)
2. $100-$499
3. $500-$999
4. $1,000-$4,999
5. $5,000 or more
f. Was it -Read answer categories
[] 2 $100 - $499 (NP with "Other income" in 16b or 17)
[] 3 $500 - $999 (NP with "Other income" in 16b or 17)
[] 4 $1000 - $4999, or (NP with "Other income" in 16b or 17)
[] 5 $5000 or more? (NP with "Other income" in 16b or 17)
[] 9 DK (NP with "Other income" in 16b or 17)
[p. 265]
Part D -- INCOME AND ASSETS -- Continued
17a. Does anyone in the family own a car, truck, recreational vehicle, motorcycle, or boat?
[] 2 No (18)
[] 9 DK (18)
b. Altogether, how much are they worth?
HAND CARD FD3. Read categories if telephone interview.
2. $2,000-$4,999
3. $5,000-$9,999
4. $10,000-$19,999
5. $20,000-$49,999
6. $50,000-$99,999
7. $100,000 or more
[] 2 $2,000 - $4,999
[] 3 $5,000 - $9,999
[] 4 $10,000 - $19,999
[] 5 $20,000 - $49,999
[] 6 $50,000 - $99,999
[] 7 $100,000 or more
[] 9 DK
18a. Is this (house/apartment) now --
[] 2 No (Ask (2))
[] 2 No (Ask (3))
[] 2 No (19)
b. About how much is this place worth on today's market?
HAND CARD FD4. Read categories if telephone interview.
2. $25,000-$49,999
3. $50,000-$99,999
4. $100,000-$199,999
5. $200,000-$299,999
6. $300,000-$499,999
7. $500,000 or more
Mark (X) only one.
[] 2 $25,000 - $49,999
[] 3 $50,000 - $99,999
[] 4 $100,000 - $199,999
[] 5 $200,000 - $299,999
[] 6 $300,000 - $499,999
[] 7 $500,000 or more
[] 9 DK
c. Is it fully paid for or do you still owe something?
[] 2 Still owe something (18d)
[] 9 DK (19)
d. What is the monthly mortgage payment?
HAND CARD FD5. Read categories if telephone interview.
2. $500-$999
3. $1,000-$1,999
4. $2,000 or more
[] 2 $500 -$999 (19)
[] 3 $1,000 - $1,999 (19)
[] 4 $2,000 or more (19)
[] 9 DK (19)
e. What is the monthly rent?
HAND CARD FD5. Read categories if telephone interview.
2. $500-$999
3. $1,000-$1,999
4. $2,000 or more
[] 2 $500 - $999
[] 3 $1,000 - $1,999
[] 4 $2,000 or more
[] 9 DK
f. Does the monthly rent include meals and/or utilities?
[] 2 No
[] 9 DK
19. (Do you/Does your family) own any other assets, such as another house, a business, or stocks and bonds?
[] 2 No (Item D3)
[] 9 DK (Item D3)
20a. (Do you/Does your family) own other property, such, as another home, rental property, or land?
[] 2 No (21)
[] 9 DK (21)
b. If (you/your family) sold this other property now and paid off any debts on it, about how much would (you/your family) get?
HAND CARD FD4. Read categories if telephone interview.
2. $25,000-$49,999
3. $50,000-$99,999
4. $100,000-$199,999
5. $200,000-$299,999
6. $300,000-$499,999
7. $500,000 or more
[] 2 $25,000 - $49,999
[] 3 $50,000 - $99,999
[] 4 $100,000 - $199,999
[] 5 $200,000 - $299,999
[] 6 $300,000 - $499,999
[] 7 $500,000 or more
[] 9 DK
[p. 266]
Part D -- INCOME AND ASSETS -- Continued
21a. (Besides this property) (Do you/Does your family) own part or all of a business, farm, or professional practice?
[] 2 No (22)
[] 9 DK (22)
b. If (you/your family) sold this business, farm, or professional practice now and paid off any debts on it, about how much would (you/your family) get?
HAND CARD FD4. Read categories if telephone interview.
2. $25,000-$49,999
3. $50,000-$99,999
4. $100,000-$199,999
5. $200,000-$299,999
6. $300,000-$499,999
7. $500,000 or more
[] 2 $25,000 - $49,999
[] 3 $50,000 - $99,999
[] 4 $100,000 - $199,999
[] 5 $200,000 - $299,999
[] 6 $300,000 - $499,999
[] 7 $500,000 or more
[] 9 DK
22a. (Do you/Does your family) have any other savings, assets, or property? Include stocks and bonds and certificates of deposit (CDs).
[] 2 No (Item D3)
[] 9 DK (Item D3)
b. Altogether, what is the present value of these other savings, assets, or property?
HAND CARD FD4. Read categories if telephone interview.
2. $25,000-$49,999
3. $50,000-$99,999
4. $100,000-$199,999
5. $200,000-$299,999
6. $300,000-$499,999
7. $500,000 or more
[] 2 $25,000 - $49,999
[] 3 $50,000 - $99,999
[] 4 $100,000 - $199,999
[] 5 $200,000 - $299,999
[] 6 $300,000 - $499,999
[] 7 $500,000 or more
[] 9 DK
About how often did the Respondent appear to answer the questions in Part D, Income and Assets accurately?
[] 2 Most of the time
[] 3 Some of the time
[] 4 Rarely or never
[] 9 DK
About how often did the Respondent appear to answer the questions in Part D, Income and Assets honestly?
[] 2 Most of the time
[] 3 Some of the time
[] 4 Rarely or never
[] 9 DK
Enter the person number of the respondent. If more than one, enter the person number of the one who answered the most questions in Part D.