[p. 165]
Section IZ -- Immunization
Enter person number and first name of sample child under 6.
First name ____
Enter person number of respondent.
These questions refer to (read name), and are about immunizations that -- may have received. It would be helpful if we could refer to -- shot record.
Refer to shot record.
2 [] Not available (8)
1. Transcribe from shot record
2 [] No (Next vaccine)
[] 2 No (Next vaccine)
2 [] No (Next vaccine)
2 [] MMR
9 [] DK
DAY ____
YR 19____
2 [] MMR
9 [] DK
DAY ____
YR 19____
2 [] MMR
9 [] DK
DAY ____
YR 19____
2 [] MMR
9 [] DK
DAY ____
YR 19____
2 [] No (Next vaccine)
2 [] No (2)
2. Are all of the immunizations that -- ever received included on this shot record?
2 [] No (3)
9 [] DK (3)
3a. Has -- ever received an additional DTP shot (sometimes called a DPT shot, diptheria-tetanus-pertussis shot, baby shot, or three-in-one-shot)?
2 [] No (4)
9 [] DK (4)
b. How many additional DTP shots has -- received?
8 [] All
9 [] DK
4a. Has -- ever received an additional polio vaccine by mouth (pink drops) or a polio shot?
2 [] No (5)
9 [] DK (5)
b. How many additional polio vaccines has -- received?
8 [] All
9 [] DK
[p. 166]
Section IZ -- IMMUNIZATION -- Continued
5a. Has -- ever received an additional measles or MMR (Measles-Mumps-Rubella) shot?
2 [] No (6)
9 [] DK (6)
b. How many additional measles or MMR shots has -- received?
8 [] All
9 [] DK
6a. Has -- ever received an additional HIB shot? This shot is for meningitis and called Haemophilus influenzae (HA-MA-FI-LUS IN-FLU-EN-ZI), HIB vaccine or H. flu vaccine.
2 [] No (7a)
9 [] DK (7a)
b. How many additional HIB shots has -- received
8 [] All
9 [] DK
7a. Has -- ever received an additional Hepatitis B shot?
2 [] No (10)
9 [] DK (10)
b. How many additional Hepatitis B shots has -- received?
8 [] All (10)
9 [] DK (10)
8. Has -- ever received an immunization (that is a shot or drops)?
2 [] No (Item IZ3)
9 [] DK (Item IZ3)
2 [] No (Next vaccine)
9 [] DK (Next vaccine)
2 [] No (Next vaccine)
9 [] DK (Next vaccine)
2 [] No (Next vaccine)
9 [] DK (Next vaccine)
2 [] No (Next vaccine)
9 [] DK (Next vaccine)
2 [] No (10)
9 [] DK (10)
9b. How many (vaccine) shots did -- ever receive?
88 [] All (9a, next vaccine)
99 [] DK (9a, next vaccine)
88 [] All (9a, next vaccine)
99 [] DK (9a, next vaccine)
88 [] All (9a, next vaccine)
99 [] DK (9a, next vaccine)
88 [] All (9a, next vaccine)
99 [] DK (9a, next vaccine)
88 [] All (10)
99 [] DK (10)
10. Are you the person who took -- for most of -- shots? (Most means at least 1/2 of the shots)
2 [] No
9 [] DK
11. In your opinion, has -- received all of the recommended shots for -- age?
2 [] No
9 [] DK
[p. 167]
Section IZ -- IMMUNIZATION -- Continued
About how often did the respondent appear to answer the questions in Immunization accurately?
2 [] Most of the time
3 [] Some of the time
4 [] Rarely or never
9 [] DK
About how often did the respondent appear to answer the questions in Immunization honestly?
2 [] Most of the time
3 [] Some of the time
4 [] Rarely or never
9 [] DK