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[p. 225]


Refer to special instructions.

[] Complete Section Y (1)

These questions are to determine what people know about AIDS, also called Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome.

1. How much would you say you know about AIDS -- a lot, some, a little, or nothing?

1[] A lot
2[] Some
3[] A little
4[] Nothing

2. In the past month, have you --

a. seen any Public Service Announcements about AIDS on television?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 9 DK

b. heard any Public Service Announcements about AIDS on the radio?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 9 DK

c. seen any Public Service Posters in airports about AIDS?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 9 DK

Hand card K1. Read list if telephone interview.
Television programs
Radio programs
Magazine articles
Newspaper articles
Street signs/billboards
Store displays/store distributed brochures
Bus/street car/subway displays
Health Department brochures
Workplace distributed brochures
School distributed brochures
Church distributed brochures
Community organization
AIDS hotline
Other source (Specify)
Received no AIDS information in the past month

3. (I'm going to read a list of possible sources of AIDS information.) In the past month, have you received information about AIDS from any of these sources?
Mark each that applies.

1[] Television programs
1[] Radio programs
1[] Magazine articles
1[] Newspaper articles
1[] Street signs/billboards
1[] Store displays/store distributed brochures
1[] Bus/street car/subway displays
1[] Health Department brochures
1[] Workplace distributed brochures
1[] School distributed brochures
1[] Church distributed brochures
1[] Community organization
1[] Friend/acquaintance
1[] AIDS hotline
8[] Other source -- Specify ____
9[] DK
0[] Received no AIDS information in past month

4. Have you ever heard the AIDS virus called by the name "HIV"?

1[] Yes
2[] No
9[] DK

[p. 226]


5. After I read each statement, tell me whether you think the statement is true or false or you don't know if it is true or false.

a. AIDS can reduce the body's natural protection against disease.

1[] True
2[] False
9[] DK

b. AIDS can damage the brain.

1[] True
2[] False
9[] DK

c. AIDS is an infectious disease caused by a virus.

1[] True
2[] False
9[] DK

d. A person can be infected with the AIDS virus and not have the disease AIDS.

1[] True
2[] False
9[] DK

e. ANY person with the AIDS virus can pass it on to someone else through sexual intercourse.

1[] True
2[] False
9[] DK

f. A pregnant woman who has the AIDS virus can give it to her baby.

1[] True
2[] False
9[] DK

g. A person who has the AIDS virus can look and feel well and healthy.

1[] True
2[] False
9[] DK

h. There are drugs available which can lengthen the life of a person infected with the AIDS virus.

1[] True
2[] False
9[] DK

i. Early treatment of the AIDS virus infection can reduce symptoms in an infected person.

1[] True
2[] False
9[] DK

j. There is a vaccine available to the public that protects a person from getting the AIDS virus.

1[] True
2[] False
9[] DK

k. There is no cure for AIDS at present.

1[] True
2[] False
9[] DK

Hand Card K2.
1. Very likely
2. Somewhat likely
3. Somewhat unlikely
4. Very unlikely
5. Definitely not possible

6. After I read each statement, tell me if you think it is likely, somewhat likely, somewhat unlikely, very unlikely, definitely not possible, or if you don't know how likely it is that a person will get AIDS or the AIDS virus infection that way.
How likely do you think it is that a person will get AIDS or the AIDS virus infection from --

a. working near someone with the AIDS virus?

1[] Very likely
2[] Somewhat likely
3[] Somewhat unlikely
4[] Very unlikely
5[] Definitely not possible
9[] DK

b. eating in a restaurant where the cook has the AIDS virus?

1[] Very likely
2[] Somewhat likely
3[] Somewhat unlikely
4[] Very unlikely
5[] Definitely not possible
9[] DK

c. sharing plates, forks, or glasses with someone who has the AIDS virus?

1[] Very likely
2[] Somewhat likely
3[] Somewhat unlikely
4[] Very unlikely
5[] Definitely not possible
9[] DK

d. using public toilets?

1[] Very likely
2[] Somewhat likely
3[] Somewhat unlikely
4[] Very unlikely
5[] Definitely not possible
9[] DK

e. sharing needles for drug use with someone who has the AIDS virus?

1[] Very likely
2[] Somewhat likely
3[] Somewhat unlikely
4[] Very unlikely
5[] Definitely not possible
9[] DK

f. being coughed or sneezed on by someone who has the AIDS virus?

1[] Very likely
2[] Somewhat likely
3[] Somewhat unlikely
4[] Very unlikely
5[] Definitely not possible
9[] DK

g. attending school with a child who has the AIDS virus?

1[] Very likely
2[] Somewhat likely
3[] Somewhat unlikely
4[] Very unlikely
5[] Definitely not possible
9[] DK

h. mosquitoes or other insects?

1[] Very likely
2[] Somewhat likely
3[] Somewhat unlikely
4[] Very unlikely
5[] Definitely not possible
9[] DK

i. being cared for by a nurse, doctor, dentist, or other health-care worker who has the AIDS virus?

1[] Very likely
2[] Somewhat likely
3[] Somewhat unlikely
4[] Very unlikely
5[] Definitely not possible
9[] DK

j. getting a blood transfusion, that is, receiving blood donated by someone else?

1[] Very likely
2[] Somewhat likely
3[] Somewhat unlikely
4[] Very unlikely
5[] Definitely not possible
9[] DK

7. Can a person get AIDS or the AIDS virus infection WHILE GIVING OR DONATING BLOOD for use by others?

1[] Yes
2[] No
9[] DK

8. Do you have any children aged 10 through 17?

1[] Yes
2[] No (12)

9. How many do you have?

Children ____

10. Have you ever discussed AIDS with (this child/any of your children aged 10 through 17?)

1[] Yes
2[] No

11. (Has this child/Have any of your children aged 10 through 17) had instruction at school about AIDS?

1[] Yes
2[] No
9[] DK

[p. 227]


12. Have you ever given or donated blood?

1[] Yes (13)
2[] No (15)
9[] DK (15)

13. Have you donated blood --

a. since March 1985?
1[] Yes (13b)
2[] No (15)
9[] DK (15)

b. in the past 12 months?
1[] Yes (14)
2[] No (15)
9[] DK (15)

14. How many times in the past 12 months have you donated blood?

00[] None in past 12 months
Times ____
97[] Refused
99[] DK

The next questions are about the blood test for the AIDS virus infection. No question will ask what the results are of any tests you may have had.
15. To the best of your knowledge, are blood donations routinely tested for the AIDS virus infection?

1[] Yes
2[] No
9[] DK

Refer to question 13a.

1[] "Yes" in question 13a (16)
8[] Others (17)

16. Was one of your reasons for donating blood because you wanted to be tested for the AIDS virus infection?

1[] Yes
2[] No

17a. (Except for blood donations since March 1985), Have you had your blood tested for the AIDS virus infection?

1[] Yes (18)
2[] No (17b)
9[] DK (31)

b. Why haven't you been tested?
Mark each that applies.

1[] Don't consider myself at risk of AIDS (31)
1[] Don't believe anything can be done if I am positive (31)
1[] Don't like needles (31)
1[] Afraid of losing job, insurance, housing, friends, family if people kenw I was positive for AIDS infection (31)
1[] Don't trust medical clinics/hospitals to keep test results confidential (31)
1[] Already know whether I have the AIDS virus infection (31)
1[] Don't know where to go for a test (31)
8[] Other (Specify) ____ (31)
9[] DK why (31)

18. How many times have you had your blood tested for the AIDS virus infection, NOT including blood donations?

Times ____
99[] DK

19. How many times in the past 12 months have you had your blood tested for the AIDS virus infection, NOT including blood donations?

00[] None in past 12 months
Times ____
99[] DK

Refer to question 18.

1[] "1 time" (21)
8[] Other (20)

[p. 228]


20. Did you have any of the AIDS blood tests --
Read list. Mark each that applies.

01[] For hospitalization or a surgical procedure?
02[] To apply for health insurance?
03[] To apply for life insurance?
04[] For employment?
05[] To apply for a marriage license?
06[] For military induction or military service?
07[] For immigration?
08[] Just to find out if you were infected?
09[] Because of referral by the doctor?
10[] Because of referral by the Health Department?
11[] Referred by your sex partner?
12[] Because it was part of the blood donation process?
13[] For some other reason? Specify ____
97[] Refused
99[] DK

21. When was your (last) blood test for the AIDS virus infection NOT including a blood donation?

Month ____
Year 19____
9999[] DK

22. Did you have your (last) AIDS blood test --
Read list. Mark each that applies.

01[] For hospitalization or a surgical procedure?
02[] To apply for health insurance?
03[] To apply for life insurance?
04[] For employment?
05[] To apply for a marriage license?
06[] For military induction or military service?
07[] For immigration?
08[] Just to find out if you were infected?
09[] Because of referral by the doctor?
10[] Because of referral by the Health Department?
11[] Referred by your sex partner?
12[] Because it was part of the blood donation process?
13[] For some other reason? Specify ____
97[] Refused
99[] DK

23. (Not including a blood donation) Where did you have your (last) blood test for the AIDS virus?
Mark only one.

01[] AIDS clinic/counseling/testing site
02[] Community health clinic
03[] Clinic run by employer
04[] Doctor/HMO
05[] Hospital/emergency room/outpatient clinic
06[] STD clinic
07[] Family planning clinic
08[] Parental clinic
09[] Tuberculosis clinic
10[] Public clinic
11[] Other clinic
12[] Drug treatment facility
13[] Military induction or military service site
14[] Immigration site
98[] Other location (Specify) ____
99[] DK

[p. 229]


The next questions concern counseling about the AIDS virus infection, that is, discussing transmission, prevention or treatment of AIDS virus infection.

24. Did you receive any counseling at the time of your (last) blood test for the AIDS virus infection?

1[] Yes
2[] No
9[] DK

25. Did you get the results of your (last) blood test?

1[] Yes (27)
2[] No
9[] DK

26. Was this because you decided you didn't want the results or was it because you were unable to get the results?
Mark only one.

1[] Didn't want results (31)
2[] Unable to get results (31)
3[] Both (31)
8[] Other (Specify) ____ (31)
9[] DK (31)

27. Did you also receive any counseling about the AIDS virus when you received the results of your (last) test?

1[] Yes
2[] No
9[] DK

28. Were the results given in person, by telephone, by mail or in some other way?
Mark only one.

1[] In person
2[] By telephone
3[] By mail
8[] In some other way

29. Do you believe the results of your (last) test were accurate?

1[] Yes
2[] No
9[] DK

30. Do you feel that the confidentiality of the results of your (last) test for the AIDS virus infection was handled properly?

1[] Yes
2[] No
9[] DK

31. Do you expect to have a blood test for the AIDS virus infection in the next 12 months?

1[] Yes (32)
2[] No (34)
9[] DK (34)

32. I am going to read some reasons people might have the blood test. Tell me if each statement explains why you expect to have the blood test in the next 12 months.

a. Because it will be part of a blood donation.

1[] Yes
2[] No
9[] DK

b. Because it will be part of hospitalization or surgery you expect to have.

1[] Yes
2[] No
9[] DK

c. Because you expect to apply for life or health insurance.

1[] Yes
2[] No
9[] DK

d. Because you expect to apply for a job.

1[] Yes
2[] No
9[] DK

e. Because you expect to join the military.

1[] Yes
2[] No
9[] DK

f. Because you expect to apply for a marriage license.

1[] Yes
2[] No
9[] DK

g. Because you want to know the results.

1[] Yes
2[] No
9[] DK

h. Because it will be a required part of some other activity that includes automatic AIDS testing.

1[] Yes
2[] No
9[] DK

33. Where will you go to have a blood test for the AIDS virus infection?
Mark only one.

01[] AIDS clinic/counseling/testing site
02[] Community health clinic
03[] Clinic run by employer
04[] Doctor/HMO
05[] Hospital/emergency room/outpatient clinic
06[] STD clinic
07[] Family planning clinic
08[] Parental clinic
09[] Tuberculosis clinic
10[] Public clinic
11[] Other clinic
12[] Drug treatment facility
13[] Military induction or military service site
14[] Immigration site
15[] Home collection/testing kit
98[] Other location (Specify) ____
99[] DK

[p. 230]


34. Tell me whether you think the following statements about the blood test for the AIDS virus infection are true or false or if you do not know whether they are true or false.

a. Sometimes the results of a blood test for the AIDS virus infection can be wrong.

1[] True
2[] False
9[] DK

b. After a person becomes infected with the AIDS virus, there can be a period of time before the test shows the infection.

1[] True
2[] False
9[] DK

35. A new and accurate method for learning your HIV status is being considered. To use this method, you would take a blood sample from your finger and send it to a laboratory for testing. You would receive the results confidentially in the mail or by telephone.

If this test were available, how likely would you be to use it -- very likely, somewhat likely, somewhat unlikely, very unlikely, or you don't know how likely you would be to use it?

1[] Very likely
2[] Somewhat likely
3[] Somewhat unlikely
4[] Very unlikely
9[] DK

36. If such a test were available, would you be more likely to use the new method, to go to a doctor's office or clinic, or not to be tested?
Mark only one.

1[] To use the new method
2[] To go to a doctor's office or clinic
3[] Not be tested

37. Have you ever heard of a drug called AZT, also known as Zidovudine (Zi-doo-view-deen) (ZDV) or Retrovir?

1[] Yes (38)
2[] No (39)
9[] DK (39)

Hand card K3. Read all categories.

a. AZT can delay or slow down the symptoms of AIDS virus infection
b. AZT cures people with AIDS
c. AZT has no known side effects
d. AZT is appropriate for a person with the AIDS virus infection ONLY at certain times during the illness
e. There are other drugs available to treat AIDS related illnesses

38. Tell me whether you think the following statements about AZT are true or false or if you don't know whether they are true or false.

a. AZT can delay or slow down the symptoms of AIDS virus infection.

1[] True
2[] False
9[] DK

b. AZT cures people with AIDS.

1[] True
2[] False
9[] DK

c. AZT has no known side effects.

1[] True
2[] False
9[] DK

d. AZT is appropriate for a person with the AIDS virus infection ONLY at certain times during the illness.

1[] True
2[] False
9[] DK

e. There are other drugs available to treat AIDS related illnesses.

1[] True
2[] False
9[] DK

39. Did you have a blood transfusion at any time between 1977 and 1985?

1[] Yes
2[] No
9[] DK

40. Do you have frequent blood transfusions because of Sickle Cell or Chronic Anemia?

1[] Yes
2[] No
9[] DK

Some people use condoms to keep from getting the AIDS virus through sexual activity.
41. How effective do you think the use of a condom is to prevent getting the AIDS virus through sexual activity? Would you say very effective, somewhat effective, not at all effective, or you don't know how effective it is?

1[] Very effective
2[] Somewhat effective
3[] Not at all effective
4[] Don't know how effective
9[] Don't know method (43)

42. Tell me whether you think the following statements are true or false or whether you don't know if they are true or false.

a. Latex condoms and natural membrane condoms are equally good at preventing transmission of the AIDS virus.

1[] True
2[] False
9[] DK

b. Oil-based lubricants can cause latex condoms to break.

1[] True
2[] False
9[] DK

43. What are your chances of having the AIDS virus; would you say high, medium, low, or none?

1[] High (45)
2[] Medium
3[] Low
4[] None
7[] Refused
9[] DK

44. What are your chances of getting the AIDS virus; would you say high, medium, low, or none?

1[] High
2[] Medium
3[] Low
4[] None
7[] Refused
9[] DK

[p. 231]


45. Have you ever had a co-worker who had AIDS or the AIDS virus?

1[] Yes
2[] No
3[] Never worked, never had a co-worker
9[] Don't know if someone has/had AIDS or the AIDS virus

46. (Besides a co-worker) Have you had a friend or relative who has AIDS or the AIDS virus?

1[] Yes
2[] No
9[] Don't know if someone has/had AIDS or the AIDS virus

Hand card K4. Read list if telephone interview.

a. You have hemophilia or another blood clotting disorder and have received clotting factor concentrations since 1977.
b. You are a man who has had sex with another man at some time since 1977, even one time.
c. You have taken illegal drugs by needle at any time since 1977.
d. You have had sex for money or drugs since 1977.
e. Since 1977, you are or have been the sex partner of any person who could answer "Yes" to any of the items above on this card.

47. (I'm going to read a list of statements. AFTER I have read them all,) Tell me if ANY of these statements is true for YOU.
a. You have hemophilia or another blood clotting disorder and have received clotting factor concentrations since 1977.
b. You are a man who has had sex with another man at some time since 1977, even one time.
c. You have taken illegal drugs by needle at any time since 1977.
d. You have had sex for money or drugs at any time since 1977.
e. Since 1977, you are or have been the sex partner of any person who could answer "Yes" to any of the above items (I have read./above on this card.)

1[] Yes to at least one statement
2[] No to all statements