[p. 167]
These questions are about injuries.
1a. During the past 12 months, did anyone in the family have a head injury where he or she lost consciousness or completely blacked out?
2[] No (B1)
9[] DK (B1)
b. Who was this?
Mark "Head injury" box in appropriate person's column.
c. Did anyone else have such a head injury in the past 12 months?
2[] No (B1)
9[] DK (B1)
8[] Other (B2)
2a. How many injuries did -- have in the past 12 months where -- lost consciousness or completely blacked out?
b. Did -- receive medical care for -- most recent head injury?
2[] No (2e)
9[] DK (2e)
c. Where did -- first get medical care for this head injury, at a doctor's office, clinic, hospital, or some other place? (Do not count care in an ambulance).
If doctor's office: Was this office in a hospital?
If hospital: Was it the emergency room or an outpatient clinic?
If clinic: Was it a hospital outpatient clinic, a company clinic, or some other kind of clinic?
02[] Company clinic
03[] Urgent care center
04[] Other clinic
05[] Other non-hospital (Specify) ____
07[] Emergency room
08[] Doctor's office
98[] Other hospital (specify) ____
d. Did -- stay in a hospital overnight or longer because of this head injury?
2[] No (2e)
9[] DK (2e)
e. Did this head injury cause -- to cut down for more than half of the day on the things -- usually does?
2[] No (3a)
9[] DK (3a)
f. Altogether, how many nights did -- stay in the hospital because of this head injury?
999[] DK
g. When -- was discharged form the hospital, was -- transferred to a rehabilitation center or extended care facility because of this head injury?
2[] No (3a)
9[] DK (3a)
[p. 168]
Section B -- UNINTENTIONAL INJURIES -- Continued
3a. Where did -- head injury happen?
2[] Street or highway (includes roadway and public sidewalks)
3[] Industrial place (includes premises)
4[] School (includes premises)
5[] Place of recreation and sports, except at school
8[] Other
9[] DK
b. Was -- at work at -- job or business when this injury occurred?
2[] No
9[] DK
c. What was the cause of this head injury?
2[] Other accident (Specify) ____
3[] Assault (Item B2)
4[] Other non-accident (Specify) ____
9[] DK
Mark box or ask.
d. At the time of the head injury, was -- playing sports or engaged in some other physical activity or exercise?
2[] Other physical activity (Specify) ____
3[] Not playing sports or other physical activity
9[] DK
2[] 65 and over (4)
4a. During the past 12 months, has -- fallen?
2[] No (Item B1 for NP)
9[] DK (Item B1 for NP)
b. How many times?
9[] DK
c. Did -- break -- hip as a result of (this/any of these) fall(s)?
2[] No (4d)
9[] DK (4d)
d. (Did this fall result/how many of these falls resulted) in an injury where -- had to cut down for more than half of the day on the things -- usually does?
Fall(s) ____
[] 9 DK
e. (For how many of these falls) Did -- receive medical care?
Fall(s) ____ (Number) (Item B1 for NP)
9[] DK