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[p. 169]


Item C1

a. Refer to age and sex on Household Composition Page.
1[] Female(s) 18-49 in family (C1b)
2[] No female 18-49 in family (Section D)

b. Mark first appropriate box in each person's column.
[] Female 18-49 (C1c)
[] Other (NP)

c. Enter name of eligible female.
Enter name, then C1b for NP ____

d. Enter person number of respondent.
Person No. of Resp. ____

The next questions refer to pregnancy, breastfeeding, and smoking and are asked of women aged 18-49. In this family, the questions refer to (read names).

1a. Have any of these women given birth to a live born infant in the past 5 years?

1[] Yes
2[] No (Section D)
9[] DK (Section D)

b. Who is this?
Mark box in person's column.

1[] Child in the past 5 years

c. Anyone else?

[] Yes (Reask 1b and c)
[] No (Item C2)

Item C2

a. Refer to 1b.
1[] Box marked in 1b (C2b)
2[] Other (NP or Section D)

b. Mark first appropriate box.
1[] Available (2)
2[] Callback required (Arrange, then NP or Section D)
3[] Noninterview (Back Cover, then NP or Section D)

(Earlier I was told that you have had a baby in the past 5 years.)
These questions are about breastfeeding, pregnancy, and smoking.

2a. In what month and year was your last child born?

Month ____
Year 19____

b. Did you ever breastfeed this child?

1[] Yes (2c)
2[] No (3)
9[] DK (3)

c. Was there a period of one day or more when your breast milk was the child's only food?

1[] Yes (2d)
2[] No (2e)
9[] DK (2e)

d. For how long was this child fed only breast milk?

000[] Still only breast milk (3)

Number ____
1[] Days
2[] Weeks
3[] Months
4[] Years
999[] DK

e. How old was this child when he or she completely stopped breastfeeding?

000[] Still breastfeeding

Number ____
1[] Days
2[] Weeks
3[] Months
4[] Years
999[] DK

3. Have you smoked at least 100 cigarettes in your entire life?

1[] Yes (Mark "Sm" box, then 4)
2[] No (Mark "Sm" box, then C2 for NP or Section D)
3[] DK (Mark "Sm" box, then C2 for NP or Section D

4. Around this time last year, were you smoking cigarettes every day, some days, or not at all?

1[] Every day
2[] Some days
3[] Not at all
9[] DK

5. Do you smoke cigarettes now?

1[] Yes (6)
2[] No (7)

6. Do you now smoke cigarettes every day or some days?

1[] Every day (8)
2[] Some days (15)

7. Do you now smoke cigarettes some days or not at all?

1[] Some days (15)
2[] Not at all (C3)

8. On the average, how many cigarettes do you now smoke a day?

Cigarettes a day ____ (Number) (9)
99[] DK (9)

[p. 170]

Section C -- PREGNANCY AND SMOKING -- Continued

Item C3
Refer to question 4.

1[] "Every day" in 4 (11)
8[] Other in 4 (17)

9. Have you ever quit smoking for one day or longer?

1[] Yes (10)
2[] No (20)
9[] DK (20)

10. During the past 12 months, have you quit smoking for one day or longer?

1[] Yes (11)
2[] No (12)
9[] DK (12)

11. How many times during the past 12 months have you quit smoking for one day or longer?

Times ____ (number)
99[] DK

Hand Card C1. Read answer categories if telephone interview.

1. I quit on purpose
2. I could not smoke because I was sick
3. I could not smoke for some other reason

12. Thinking about the most recent time you stopped smoking, which of the following describes why you stopped?
Mark all that apply.

1[] I quit on purpose
2[] I could not smoke because I was sick
3[] I could not smoke for some other reason
9[] DK

Item C4
Refer to questions 6 and 7.

1[] "Every day" in 6 (13)
2[] "Not at all" in 7 (18)

13a. How long ago was the start of your most recent quit attempt that lasted one day or longer?

Month ____
Year 19____ (14)

Number ____
1[] Days ago (14)
2[] Weeks ago (14)
3[] Months ago (if one year or 12 months ago, go to 13b, otherwise go to 14)
4[] Years ago (if one year or 12 months ago, go to 13b, otherwise go to 14)
999[] DK (13b)

b. Was it within the past year or a year or more ago?

1[] Within the past year
2[] 1 year or more
9[] DK

14. How long ago did you actually stay off cigarettes that time before you started smoking again?

Number ____
1[] Days (20)
2[] Weeks (20)
3[] Months (20)
4[] Years (20)
999[] DK (20)

15. On how many of the past 30 days did you smoke cigarettes?

00[] None (C5)
Days ____ (16)
99[] DK (16)

16. On the average, when you smoked, how many cigarettes did you smoke a day?

Cigarettes a day ____ (Number)
99[] DK

Item C5
Refer to question 4.

1[] "Every day" in 4 (18)
8[] Other in 4 (17)

17. Have you ever smoked cigarettes every day?

1[] Yes (18)
2[] No (20)
9[] DK (20)

[p. 171]

Section C -- PREGNANCY AND SMOKING -- Continued

18a. About how long has it been since you last smoked cigarettes every day?

Number ____
1[] Days (19)
2[] Weeks (19)
3[] Months (if 1 year or 12 months ago go to 18b, otherwise go to 19)
4[] Years (if 1 year or 12 months ago go to 18b, otherwise go to 19)
999[] DK

b. Was it within the past year or a year or more ago?

1[] Within the past year
2[] 1 year or more
9[] DK

19. On the average, how many cigarettes did you smoke a day when you last smoked every day?

Cigarettes a day ____
99[] DK

Now, I will ask you some questions about smoking during your last pregnancy.

20. Were you smoking cigarettes when you became pregnant with your last child?

1[] Yes
2[] No
9[] DK

21. Did you smoke cigarettes at any time during your pregnancy with your last child?

1[] Yes (C6)
2[] No (C7)
9[] DK (C7)

Item C6
Refer to question 9.

1[] "Yes" in 9 (22)
2[] "No" or "DK" in 9 (C7)
8[] Other (22)

22. Did you quit smoking for 7 days or longer during your pregnancy with your last child?

1[] Yes (23)
2[] No (C7)
9[] DK (C7)

23. In what month of your pregnancy did you first quit for 7 days or longer?

Month ____
99[] DK

24. Did you start smoking again during that pregnancy or did you stay off cigarettes for the rest of the pregnancy?

1[] Stayed off rest of pregnancy (30
2[] Started again (25)
3[] Never started again (C7)
9[] DK (30)

25. How long did you actually stay off cigarettes that time before you started smoking again?

Number ____
1[] Days
2[] Weeks
3[] Months
4[] Years
999[] DK

26. Did you quit smoking for 7 days or longer at any other time during that pregnancy?

1[] Yes (27)
2[] No (C7)
9[] DK (C7)

27. Did you start smoking again during that pregnancy or did you stay off cigarettes for the rest of the pregnancy?

1[] Stayed off rest of pregnancy (30)
2[] Started again (28)
3[] Never started again (C7)
9[] DK (30)

28. In what month of that pregnancy did your most recent quit attempt begin?

Month ____
99[] DK

29. How long did you actually stay off cigarettes that time before you started smoking again?

Number ____
1[] Days (C7)
2[] Weeks (C7)
3[] Months (C7)
4[] Years (C7)
999[] DK (C7)

30. Did you start smoking cigarettes again at any time after your baby was born?

1[] Yes (31)
2[] No (C7)
9[] DK (C7)

[p. 172]

Section C -- PREGNANCY AND SMOKING -- Continued

31. How long after your baby was born did you start smoking cigarettes again?

Number ____
1[] Days
2[] Weeks
3[] Months
4[] Years
999[] DK

Item C7
Refer to questions 4 and 7.

1[] "Not at all" in 4 and 7 (32)
8[] Other (33)

32. Did you smoke cigarettes at all during the past 12 months?

1[] Yes (33)
2[] No (25)
9[] DK (25)

33a. During the past 12 months, how many different times did you stay overnight in a hospital?

00[] None (34)
Stays ____ (number) (33b)
99[] DK (34)

b. On how many of these hospital stays were you advised to quit smoking?

00[] None
Stays ____ (number)
99[] DK

34a. During the past 12 months, how many times have you visited a doctor or other health professional? (Do not count visits while staying overnight in a hospital.)

00[] None (35)
Visits ____ (number) (34b)
99[] DK

b. On how many of these visits were you advised to quit smoking by a doctor or other health professional?

00[] None (35)
Visits ____ (number)(C2 for NP or Section D)
99[] DK (35)

35. Has a doctor or other health professional ever advised you to quit smoking?

1[] Yes (C2 for NP or Section D)
2[] No (C2 for NP or Section D)
9[] DK (C2 for NP or Section D)