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Section P -- Pregnancy and Smoking

Person number ____

Item P1
Refer to age and sex on Household Composition Page.

[] Females 18-44 in family (Enter person number and name of all females 18-44; then 1)
[] No females 18-44 in family (Section Q)
First name ____

These next few questions refer to smoking and pregnancy and are asked of women aged 18-44. In this family the questions refer to (read names).
1a. Are any of these women now pregnant?

1[] Yes
2[] No (2)
9[] DK (2)

b. Who is this?
Mark box in person's column.

[] Yes, pregnant now

c. Anyone else?

[] Yes (Reask 1b and c)
[] No

2a. Have any of these women given birth to a live born infant in the past 5 years?

1[] Yes
2[] No (Item P2)
9[] DK (Item P2)

b. Who is this?
Mark box in person's column.

[] Yes, child past 5 years

c. Anyone else?

[] Yes (Reask 2b and c)
[] No

Item P2
Mark first appropriate box.

[] 1b and 2b blank, refused, or DK for all eligible females. (Section Q)
1[] Available, "Yes" in 2b (3)
2[] Available, "Yes" in 1b (4)
3[] Callback required (NP)
4[] Noninterview (Cover page, then NP)
8[] Other (NP)

3. In what month and year was your last child born?

Month ____
Year 19____

4. Have you smoked at least 100 cigarettes in your entire life?

1[] Yes (Mark "Sm" box, then 5)
2[] No "Mark Sm" box, then P2 for NP)

5a. Do you smoke cigarettes now?

1[] Yes (6)
2[] No

b. About how long has it been since you last smoked cigarettes fairly regularly?

[] Less than 1 day

Number ____
[] Days
[] Weeks
[] Months
[] Years
[] Never smoked regularly (p3)

6. On the average, about how many cigarettes a day (do you now smoke/did you smoke when you last smoked regularly)?

00[] Less than 1 per day
Number ____

Item P3
Refer to question 5a.

[] "No" in 5a (P4)
[] Other (7)

7. Have you ever made a serious attempt to stop smoking cigarettes?

1[] Yes
2[] No (P4)
9[] DK (P4)

8a. When was the start of your most recent serious quit attempt?

Number ____
[] Days ago
[] Weeks ago
[] Months ago
[] Years ago
9[] DK

b. How long did you actually stay off cigarettes that time?

[] Less than 1 day (P4)

Number ____ (P4)
[] Days (P4)
[] Weeks (P4)
[] Months (P4)
[] Years (P4)
9[] DK


Section P -- Pregnancy and Smoking -- Continued

Item P4
Refer to questions 1b and 5a.

[] "Yes" in 1b and "Yes" in 5a (10
[] "Yes" in 1b and "No" in 5a (9)
[] Other (P5)

9. Have you smoked cigarettes at any time during this pregnancy?

1[] Yes
2[] No (P5)

10. On the average, about how many cigarettes a day did you smoke before you found out you were pregnant this time?

Number ____
96[] Did not smoke regularly

11. On the average, about how many cigarettes a day did you smoke after you found out you were pregnant this time?

Number ____
96[] Did not smoke regularly

Item P5
Refer to question 2b.

[] "Yes" in 2b (12)
[] Other (16)

12. Did you smoke cigarettes at all during the 12 months before your last child was born in (month and year in 3)?

1[] Yes
2[] No (16)

13. On the average, about how many cigarettes a day did you smoke before you found out you were pregnant?

Number ____
96[] Did not smoke regularly

14. On the average, about how many cigarettes a day did you smoke after you found out you were pregnant?

Number ____
96[] Did not smoke regularly
00[] None (16)

15. In general, would you say that you smoked cigarettes during most of that pregnancy?

1[] Yes
2[] No
8[] Other

16. Did a doctor ever advise you to quit or cut down on smoking?

1[] Yes (P2 for NP)
2[] No (P2 for NP)
9[] DK (P2 for NP)