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Section S -- Injury Control and Child Safety and Health

Item S1
Refer to household composition.

1[] Children under 10 in family (1)
2[] No children under 10 in family (S2)

These questions are about preventing injuries to children.
1a. Have you ever heard about poison control centers?

1[] Yes
2[] No (2)

b. Do you have the telephone number for a Poison Control Center in your area?

1[] Yes
2[] No
9[] DK

2. There is a medication called Ipecac (ip'i kak) Syrup which is sometimes taken to cause vomiting after something poisonous is swallowed. Do you now have any Ipecac Syrup in this household?

1[] Yes
2[] No
9[] DK

Item S2
Refer to household composition.

[] Children under 18 in family (S3)
[] No children under 18 in family (7 on page 12)
Item S3
Enter person number and name of all children under 18; then mark box.

Person number ____
First name ____
[] Under 5 (3)
[] 5-17 (5)

3. When -- was brought home from the hospital following birth, was [he/she] buckled in a car safety seat?

1[] Yes
2[] No
3[] Not born in hospital
4[] Didn't ride home in "car"
9[] DK

4a. Does -- now have a car safety seat?

1[] Yes
2[] No (5)
9[] DK (5)

b. When riding in a car, is -- buckled in a car safety seat all or most of the time, some of the time, once in awhile, or never?

1[] All or most of the time (S4)
2[] Some of the time (S4)
3[] Once in awhile (S4)
4[] Never (5)
9[] DK (5)

(These questions are about preventing injuries.)

5. When riding in a car, does -- wear a seat belt all or most of the time, some of the time, once in awhile, or never?

1[] All or most of the time
2[] Some of the time
3[] Once in a while
4[] Never
5[] Uses child safety seat
9[] DK

Item S4
Refer to age.

[] Under 5 (6)
[] 5-17 (S5)

These questions are about breast-feeding.
6a. Was -- ever breast-fed?

1[] Yes
2[] No (S5)
9[] DK (S5)

b. How old was -- when [he/she] completely stopped breast-feeding?

0[] Still breast-fed

Age ____
[] Days
[] Weeks
[] Months
[] Years

Item S5

1[] Child's parent (S3 for NP)
2[] Guardian; not child's parent (S3 for NP)
8[] Other (S3 for NP)


Section S -- Injury Control and Child Safety and Health -- Continued

(The next questions are about preventing injuries.)

7. When driving or riding in a car, do you wear a seat belt all or most of the time, some of the time, once in awhile, or never?

1[] All of most of the time
2[] Some of the time
3[] Once in awhile
4[] Never
5[] Don't ride in car

8a. How many smoke detectors are installed in this home?

01[] Only 1 (8c)
Number ____ (8b)
00[] None (9)
99[] DK (9)

b. How many of them are now working?

Number ____ (8d)
00[] None (8f)
99[] DK (8f)

c. Is it now working?

1[] Yes
2[] No (8f)
9[] DK (8f)

d. How do you know (it is/they are) working?
Mark all that apply.

1[] Tested it/them
1[] It/they went off because of smoke
1[] It/they went off while cooking
1[] Changed the batteries
1[] The light is on
1[] Beeps when battery is low
1[] Other

e. Any other way?

[] Yes (Reask 8d and e)
[] No

f. (Is it/Are any of the smoke detectors) next to a sleeping area?

1[] Yes
2[] No
9[] DK

9a. Do you know about what the hot water temperature is in this home?

1[] Yes
2[] No (10)
3[] No hot water source in home (11)

b. About what temperature is the hot water?

Temperature ____
1[] High
2[] Low or vacation setting
3[] Medium

c. How did you estimate the hot water temperature?
Mark only one.

1[] The setting on hot water heater
2[] Tested with thermometer
3[] Guessed
4[] Both, the setting on heating and tested with thermometer
8[] Other

10. In the past 12 months, have you (or has anyone in your household) used a thermometer to test the temperature of the hot water here?

1[] Yes
2[] No
9[] DK

11. Above what temperature will hot water cause scald injuries?

Temperature ____
999[] DK