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Section P -- Dental
Hand calendar.

These next questions are about dental care received during the 2 weeks (outlined in red on that calendar/beginning Monday (date) and ending this past Sunday (date)).

1a. During those 2 weeks did anyone in the family go to a dentist? Include all types of dentists, such as orthodontists, oral surgeons, and all other dental specialists, as well as dental hygienists.

[] Yes
[] No (2)
[] DK (2)

b. Who was this?
Mark "Dental visits" box in person's column.

1[] Dental visit

c. During those 2 weeks, did anyone else in the family go to a dentist?

[] Yes (Reask 1b and c)
[] No

Ask for each person with "Dental visit" in 1b.
d. During those 2 weeks, how many times did -- go to a dentist?

2-week dental visits ____

Mark box if under 2.
2a. During the past 12 months (that is, since (12-month date) a year ago), about how many visits did -- make to a dentist? (Include the (number in 1d) visits) you already told me about.)

998[] Under 2 (NP)
12-month dental visits ____
000[] None

Mark "2-week dental visit" box in person's column if visit(s) reported in 1d.
b. About how long has it been since -- last went to a dentist?

1[] Past 2 weeks not reported (Mark 1b, ask 1d)
2[] 2-week dental visit (NP)
3[] Over 2 weeks, less than 6 months (NP)
4[] 6 months, less than 1 year (NP)
5[] 1 year, less than 2 years (3)
6[] 2 years, less than 5 years (3)
7[] 5 years or more (3)
0[] Never (3)

3. What are the reasons -- has (not visited the dentist in over 12 months/never gone to the dentist)?
Do not read categories. Circle all that apply.

01[] Afraid
02[] Nervous
03[] Needles
04[] Cost
05[] Don't know dentist
06[] Dentist too far
07[] Can't get there
08[] No problems
09[] No teeth
10[] Not important
11[] Didn't think of it
88[] Other (Specify) ____
99[] Don't know

4a. Is there anyone in the family who has lost all of his or her upper (permanent) natural teeth?

[] Yes
[] No (4e)

b. Who is this?
Mark "No uppers" box in person's column.

1[] No uppers

c. Anyone else?

[] Yes (Reask 4b and c)
[] No

Ask for each person with "No uppers" in 4b.
d. Does -- have an upper denture or plate?

1[] Yes
2[] No

e. Is there anyone in the family who has lost all of his or her lower (permanent) natural teeth?

[] Yes
[] No (5)

f. Who is this?
Mark "No lowers" box in person's column.

1[] No lowers

g. Anyone else?

[] Yes (Reask 4f and g)
[] No

Ask for each person with "No lowers" in 4f.
h. Does -- have a lower denture or plate?

1[] Yes
2[] No

[p. 180]

Section P -- Dental -- Continued

Check Item 1
Refer to 4b and 4f.

1[] All family members have lost all teeth: upper and lower (Check Item 2)
8[] Other (5)

5a. Dental sealants are special plastic coatings that are planted on the tops of the back teeth to prevent tooth decay. They are different from fillings, caps, crowns, and fluoride treatments. Has anyone in the family ever had dental sealants painted on their teeth?

[] Yes
[] No (6)
[] DK (6)

b. Who is this?
Mark "Dental sealants" box in person's column.

1[] Dental sealants

c. Anyone else?

[] Yes (Reask 5b and c)
[] No

6a. In the past two weeks has anyone in the family used a mouthwash or mouthrinse at home?

[] Yes
[] No (Check Item 2)
[] DK (Check Item 2)

b. Who is this?
Mark "Mouthrinse" box in person's column.

1[] Mouthrinse

c. Anyone else?

[] Yes (Reask 6b and c)
[] No

Ask for each person with "Mouthrinse" in 6b.
d. What brand did -- use most often during the past 2 weeks?
Do not read answer categories. Circle one brand.

1[] ACT, Fluorigard, Kolynos, Listermint, Reach, StanCare
2[] Prescription fluoride rinse
3[] PLAX
4[] Scope, Listerine, Lavoris
8[] Other (Specify) ____
9[] Don't know

Ask or verify.
e. Does this mouthrinse contain fluoride?

1[] Yes
2[] No
9[] DK

Check Item 2
Refer to age.

1[] Under 2 (8)
2[] 2-17 (7)
3[] 18 and over (NP)

7. (Some schools have fluoride Mouthrinse programs.) Does -- now take part in a fluoride Mouthrinse program at school?

1[] Yes
2[] No
9[] DK

(Doctors or dentists may prescribe or provide tablets, drops, or supplements with fluoride in them. (Sometimes these are given at school.))
8. Does -- now take vitamins with fluoride in them or any other kind of fluoride tablets, drops, or supplements?

1[] Yes
2[] No
9[] DK

[p. 181]

Section P -- Dental -- Continued

These next questions refer to the 2 weeks (outlined on that calendar/beginning Monday (date) and ending Sunday (date)).

9a. During that 2 week period, did anyone in the family miss any time from work or school because of a dental problem or dental visit?

[] Yes
[] No (10)
[] DK (10)

b. Who was this?
Mark "Missed time" box in person's column.

1[] Missed time

c. Anyone else?

[] Yes (Reask 9b and c)
[] No
[] DK

Ask for each person with "Missed time" in 9b.
d. How much time did -- miss because of a dental problem or dental visit?

51[] Less than 1 hour
52[] 1 hour, less than 3 hours
53[] 3 hours, less than 5 hours
54[] 5 hours, less than 7 hours
55[] 7 or more hours


Days ____

11a. (Not counting the time missed form work or school) Was there any (other) time during those 2 weeks that anyone in the family cut down on normal activities for more than half of the day because of a dental problem or dental visit?

[] Yes
[] No (Check Item 3)
[] DK (Check Item 3)

b. Who was this?
Mark "Cut down" box in person's column.

1[] Cut down

c. Anyone else?

[] Yes (Reask 11b and c)
[] No
[] DK

Ask for each person with "Cut down" in 11b.
d. During that period, how many (other) days did -- cut down for more than half of the day because of a dental problem or dental visit?

00[] None
Days ____

Check Item 3
a. Mark first appropriate box

0[] Under 17
1[] Present for all questions
2[] Present for some questions
3[] Not present

b. Enter person number(s) of respondent(s) to "Dental" section.

Person number(s) of respondent(s) ____