Person No. ____
Mark "2-wk. ref. pd." box without asking if "DV" or "HS" in C2 as source.
2. When did [--/anyone] last see or talk to a doctor or assistant about --'s (condition)?
1[] 2-wk. ref. pd.
2[] Over 2 weeks, less than 6 months
3[] 6 mos., less than 1 yr.
4[] 1yr., less than 2 yrs.
5[] 2 yrs., less than 5 yrs
6[] 5yrs. or more
7[] Dr. seen, DK when
8[] DK if Dr. seen (3b)
9[] Dr. never seen (3b)
3a. (Earlier you told me about --'s (condition)) Did the doctor or assistant call the (condition) by a more technical or specific name?
2[] No
9[] DK
Ask 3b if "Yes" in 3a, otherwise transcribe condition name from item 1 without asking;
b. What did he or she call it?
1[] Color Blindness (NC)
2[] Cancer (3e)
3[] Normal pregnancy, normal delivery, vasectomy (5)
4[] Old age (NC)
8[] Other (3c)
c. What was the cause of --'s (condition in 3b)?
Mark the box if accident or injury.
d. Did the (condition in 3b) result from an accident or injury?
2[] No
Ask 3e if the condition name in 3b includes any of the following words:
e. What kind of (condition in 3b) is it?
Ask 3f only if allergy or stroke in 3b-e:
f. How does the [allergy/stroke] now affect --?
For Stroke, fill remainder of this condition page for the first present effect. Enter in item C2 and complete a separate condition page for each additional present effect.
Ask 3g if there is an impairment (refer to Card CP2) or any of the following entries in 3b-f:
Ache (except head or ear)
Bleeding (except menstrual)
Blood clot
Cramps (except menstrual)
Varicose veins
g. What part of the body is affected? Specify ____
Head.... skull, scalp, face
Back/spine/vertebrae...upper, middle, lower
Side...left or right
Ear...inner or outer; left, right or both
Eye.... left, right, or both
Arm.... shoulder, upper, elbow, lower or wrist; left, right, or both
Hand....entire hand or fingers only; left, right, or both
Leg....hip, upper, knee, lower, or ankle; left, right or both
Foot....entire foot, arch, or toes only; left, right, or both
Except for eyes, ears or internal organs, ask 3h if there are any of the following entries in 3b-f:
h. What part of the (part of body in 3b - g) is affected by the [infection/sore/soreness] -- the skin, muscle, bone or some other part?
Ask if there are any of the following entries in 3b-f:
4. Is this [tumor/cyst/growth] malignant or benign?
2[] Benign
9[] DK
5. a. When was -- (condition in 3b/3f) first noticed?
Ask probes if necessary:
(Was it on or since (first date of 2-week ref. period) or was it before that date)
(Was it less than 3 months or more than 3 months ago?)
(Was it less than 1 year or more than 1 year ago?)
(Was it less than 5 years or more than 5 years ago?)
2[] Over 2 weeks to 3 months
3[] Over 3 months to 1 year
4[] Over 1 year to 5 years
5[] Over 5 years
b. When did -- (name if injury in 3b)?
Ask probes if necessary:
(Was it on or since (first date of 2-week ref. period) or was it before that date)
(Was it less than 3 months or more than 3 months ago?)
(Was it less than 1 year or more than 1 year ago?)
(Was it less than 5 years or more than 5 years ago?)
2[] Over 2 weeks to 3 months
3[] Over 3 months to 1 year
4[] Over 1 year to 5 years
5[] Over 5 years
[p. 158]
Refer to RD and C2
8[] Other (K2)
[] No (K2)
b. During that period, how many days did -- cut down for more than half of the day?
Days ____
7. During those 2 weeks, how many days did -- stay in bed for more than half of the day because of this condition?
Days ____
Ask if "Wa/Wb" box marked in C1:
8. During those 2 weeks, how many days did -- miss more than half of the day from [his/her] job or business because of this condition?
Days ____
Ask if age 5-17:
9. During those 2 weeks, how many days did -- miss more than half of the day from school because of this condition?
Days ____
[] Condition does not have "CL LTR" in C2 as source (K4)
Days ____
11. Was -- ever hospitalized for -- (condition in 3b)?
2[] No
[] Other (12)
2[] No
b. Is this condition completely cured or is it under control?
3[] Under control (K4)
8[] Other (Specify) ____ (K4)
c. About how long did -- have this condition before it was cured?
2[] Years
d. Was this condition present at any time during the past 12 months?
2[] No
1[] First accident/injury for this person (14)
8[] Other (13)
[] No
14. Where did the accident happen?
2[] At home (adjacent premises)
3[] Street and highway (includes roadway and public sidewalk)
4[] Farm
5[] Industrial place (includes premises)
6[] School (includes premises)
7[] Place of recreation and sports, except at school
8[] Other (Specify) ____
Mark box if under 18 [] Under 18 (16)
15a. Was -- under 18 when the accident happened?
[] No
b. Was -- in the Armed Forces when the accident happened?
[] No
c. Was -- at work at [his/her] job or business when the accident happened?
4[] No
16a. Was a car truck, bus, or other motor vehicle involved in the accident in any way?
2[] No (17)
b. Was more than one vehicle involved?
2[] No
c. Was [it/either one] moving at the time?
2[] No
17a. At the time of the accident what part of the body was hurt?
What kind of injury was it?
Anything else?
Kind of injury ____
Ask if box 3, 4, or 5 marked in Q. 5:
b. What part of the body is affected now?
How is --'s (part of body) affected?
Is -- affected in any other way?
Present effects ** ____
* Enter part of body in same detail as for 3g
** If multiple present effects, enter in C2 each one that is not the same as 3b or C2 and complete a separate condition page for it.