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Appendix III. Questionnaire and Flash Cards

U.S. Department of Commerce
Bureau of the Census
Acting as Collecting Agent for the U.S. Public Health Service

National Health Interview Survey

1. Book ____ of ____ books

2. R.O. number ____

3. Sample ____

4. Segment type

[] Area
[] Permit
[] Address
[] Cen--Sup
[] Special Place

5. Control number

PSU ____
Segment ____
Serial ____

Listing Sheet

Sheet ____
Line No. ____

6a. What is your exact address? (Including House No., Apt. No., or other identification and ZIP code) ____

____ City
____ State
____ ZIP code
____ County

b. Is this your mailing address? (Mark box or specify if different; include ZIP code)

[ ] Same as 6a

____ City
____ State
____ ZIP code
____ County

c. Special place name

____ Sample unit number
____ Type code

7. Year Built

[] Ask
[] Do not ask

When was this structure originally built?
[] Before 4-1-70 (Continue interview)
[] After 4-1-70 (Go to 9c, complete if required and end interview

8. Type of living quarters

[] Housing unit
[] Other unit

9. Area segments Only

a. [] Are there any occupied or vacant living quarters besides your own in this building?
[] Y (Fill Table X)
[] N
b. [] Are there any occupied or vacant living quarters besides your own on this floor?
[] Y (Fill Table X)
[] N
c. [] Is there any other building on this property for people to live in - either occupied or vacant?
[] Y (Fill Table X)
[] N
d. None

Go to probe page 2

10. Land Use

2[] Rural
1[] Urban (13)

-- Reg. units and Special Place. units coded 85-88 in 6c, go to 11.
-- Special Place. units not coded 85-88 in 6c, go to 13

11. Do you own or rent this place?

[] Own
[] Rent
[] Rent for free

12a. Does the place you (own/rent/rent for free) have 10 acres or more?

1[] Y (12b)
2[] N (12c)

b. During the past 12 months did sales of crops, livestock, and
other farm products from this place amount to $50 or more?

1[] Y (13)
2[] N (13)

c. During the past 12 months did sales of crops, livestock, and other farm products from this place amount to $250 or more?

1[] Y
2[] N

13. How many rooms are in this [unit] ? Count the kitchen but not the bathroom.

Rooms ____

14. How many bedrooms are in this [unit]?
If "None" Describe in footnotes.


15. What is the telephone number here?

2[] None
Area code ---
Number -------

16. Was this interview observed?

1[] Y
2[] N

17. Interviewer's name

Code ____

18. Noninterview reason

Type A
1[] Refusal -- Describe in a footnote [Fill items 1-6a,7, 8,10,12a-c as applicable,16-19]
2[] No one at home, repeated calls [Fill items 1-6a,7, 8,10,12a-c as applicable,16-19]
3[] Temporarily absent -- Footnote [Fill items 1-6a,7, 8,10,12a-c as applicable,16-19]
4[] Other (Specify) ____ [Fill items 1-6a,7, 8,10,12a-c as applicable,16-19]

1[] Vacant -- nonseasonal [Fill items 1-6a,6c if required,9c if marked, 16-19.Send Inter-Comm]
2[] Vacant -- seasonal [Fill items 1-6a,6c if required,9c if marked, 16-19.Send Inter-Comm]
3[] Usual residence elsewhere [Fill items 1-6a,6c if required,9c if marked, 16-19.Send Inter-Comm]
4[] Armed Forces [Fill items 1-6a,6c if required,9c if marked, 16-19.Send Inter-Comm]
5[] Other (Specify) ____ [Fill items 1-6a,6c if required,9c if marked, 16-19.Send Inter-Comm]
1[] Unused line of listing sheet [Fill Items 1-6a,6c if required,9c if marked, 16-19. Send Inter-Comm]
2[] Demolished [Fill Items 1-6a,6c if required,9c if marked, 16-19. Send Inter-Comm]
3[] Outside segment [Fill Items 1-6a,6c if required,9c if marked, 16-19. Send Inter-Comm]
5[] Built after April 1, 1970 [Fill Items 1-6a,6c if required,9c if marked, 16-19. Send Inter-Comm]
6[] Other (Specify) ____ [Fill Items 1-6a,6c if required,9c if marked, 16-19. Send Inter-Comm]

19. Record of calls [Options for six call records in original document -- not presented here.]

____ Month
____ Date
Beginning time
____ a.m
____ p.m
Ending time
____ a.m
____ p.m
Completed Mark (X)

20. List column numbers of preferred respondent(s) requiring callbacks for Child Health Supplement.

[] None
Column Number

21. Record of additional contacts

____ Month
Beginning time
____ a.m
____ p.m
Ending time
____ a.m
____ p.m
Respondent Col. No.


If this questionnaire is for an extra unit, enter Control Number of original sample unit ____
If in area segment, also enter for first unit listed on property
listing sheet

Sheet Number
Line Number


Where are these quarters located? Enter exact description or location, e.g., basement;
2nd floor, rear:
After entering description or location:

-- In Area Segment, go to (3)
-- In other type of Segments,
-- If living quarters are not within the same specific sample address (and structure, if Permit Segment) -- STOP TABLE X
-- Otherwise go to (3)

If listed, enter sheet and line number, stop table x and continue interview for original sample unit.

S ____
L ____

If unlisted,

-- And area segment, go to (4)
-- And another type of Segment, go to (5)

If outside Area segment boundary, mark box below, stop and

-- Go to next line of Table X, if additional quarters determined or
-- Go to household page, item 9, or probe page, question 1 (as applicable)
[] Outside segment boundary

Are these (specify location) quarters far more than one group of people?
If "yes" fill one line for each group.

[] Yes
[] No

Use of characteristics

Do the occupants of these (specify location) quarters live and eat with any other group of people?

[] Yes (go to (9) and circle no
[] No

All Quarters
Do these quarters in (specify location) have :

Direct access from the outside or through a common hall?
[] Yes
[] No

Complete kitchen facilities for this unit only?
[] Yes
[] No


N- Not a separate unit - Add occupants to this questionaire (complete a separate questionaire for each unrelated person or family group)
HU, OT - Separate unit- interview on a separate questionnaire.

[] N
[] NU
[] OT

Note: Be sure to continue interview for original sample unit