[p. 76]
Residential Mobility Page
2 [] SP, 17 + (1)
3 [] Other (NP)
Complete 1a and b from household composition items, if not clear, ask:
1a. Is -- related to any persons now living in this household?
[] 1 Y
[] 2 N (2)
b. Is -- now living with --'s:
1 [] Brother/sister
3 [] Parent
4 [] Spouse
7 [] Son/daughter
0 [] None of the above
2. How long has -- lived at this address? Enter number, then mark box
[] 2 Weeks
[] 3 Months
[] 4Years
Number ____ [Used for all responses]
Was it less than 3 years or more than 3 years?
2 [] Less than 3 years in 2
3. Including the time -- moved here, how many times has -- moved in the past 3 years, that is, since (12 month date), 1977?
4a. What was --'s address, including county on (12 month date), 1977?
Enter only county and State
State ____
b. About how many miles is that address from here?
Miles ____
c. How many people was -- living with at that time, not counting -- ?
Number ____
d. Were any of these people related to -- ?
[] 2 N (5)
1 [] Brother/sister
3 [] Parent
4 [] Spouse
7 [] Son/daughter
0 [] None of the above
5a. What is the (other) reason -- moved here? Was it because -- changed jobs, because -- retired, because of --'s health, or was it for some other reason?
2 [] Retired -- self
3 [] Health -- self
4 [] Job -- other person
5 [] Retired -- other person
6 [] Health -- other person
8 [] Other -- Specify ____
b. Any other reason?
[] N
Mark box or ask:
c. What is the main reason -- moved?
RM3 Q's 1-5
1 [] Responded for self - entirely
2 [] Responded for self - partly
Person ____ was respondent