[p. 72]
Some people are limited in what they can do because of physical or mental condition; that is, the cannot do some of the daily activities that other people do.
1a. Because of a disability or health problem, does anyone in the family, (that is you, your -- etc.), receive or need help from another person, or use special equipment in -
If "Yes," ask 1b and c
[] N
[] N
[] N
[] N
[] N
[] N
[] N
c. Does anyone else receive or need help or use special equipment in -- ?
The following represents the table that collects info from 1a-c. The series is repeated 4 times
[] 2 N
[] 2 N (next line)
2 [] Some
3 [] Once
4 [] Never
8 [] Other - Specify ____
(Mark H box)
2a. Because of a disability or health problem, does anyone in the family receive or need help from another person in -
If "Yes," ask 2b and c.
b. Who is this?
c. Does anyone else receive or need help in --?
[] N
[] N
[] N
[] N
2 [] Shopping
3 [] Chores
4 [] Handling money
(Mark H box)
3a. Because of a disability or health problem does anyone in the family usually stay in bed all or most of the time?
[] N (4)
b. Who is this?
Mark box in person's column.
c. Anyone else?
[] N
Mark box or ask:
4a. What (other) condition causes -- to (need help in activities in 1 and 2/(or) stay in bed)?
b. Does any other conditions cause -- to (need help in activities in 1 and 2/ (or) stay in bed)?
[] 2 N
Mark box or ask:
c. Which of these conditions would you say ins the main condition that causes -- to (need help in activities in 1 and 2/ (or) stay in bed)?
[] Only one condition
Main condition ____
Refer to item C2 to determine if a condition page was completed for the main condition in 4. Enter condition number, or mark box.
[] No condition page
5. When did -- first notice his (main condition in 4)?
2 [] Week before
3 [] Past 2 weeks, DK which
4 [] 2 weeks - 3 months
5 [] Over 3-12 months
6 [] More than 12 months ago
[p. 73]
Home Care Page -- Continued
6a. Does anyone in the family have a colostomy, a urinary catheter, or any other device to help control bowel movements or urination?
[] N(7)
b. Who is this? Mark "Device" box in person's column.
c. Anyone else
[] N
If "Device," ask 6d and e
d. Which does -- have - a colostomy, a catheter, or another type of device?
2 [] Catheter
8 [] Other - Specify ____
e. Does -- receive or need help from another person in taking care of his (device in 6d)?
2[] N
7a. (Besides --) Does anyone (else) in the family have any accidents or any trouble controlling their bowel movements or urinations?
[] N (8)
b. Who is this? (Mark "Trouble Controlling" box in person's column.)
c. Anyone else?
[] N
8a. Does anyone in the family (this is you, your, -- etc.) now use (any of the following special aids) -
If "Yes, " ask 8b and c
[] N
[] N
[] N
[] N
[] N
b. Who is this? Mark box in person's column.
2 [] Artificial leg
3 [] Brace - Part of body ____
4 [] Crutches
5 [] Can or walking stick
6 [] Special shoes
7 [] Wheel chair
8 [] Walker
9 [] Guide dog
10 [] Other -- Specify ____
c. Anyone else?
9a. Does anyone in the family use -
If "Yes," ask 9b and c
[] N
[] N
[] N
b. Who is this? Mark box in person's column
2 [] Contact lenses
3 [] Hearing aid
c. Anyone else?
10a. Does anyone in the family receive help here at home with -
If "Yes," ask 10b and c
[] N
[] N
[] N
b. Who is this? Mark box in person's column
2 [] Physical therapy
3 [] Bandages
8 [] Other -- Specify ____
c. Anyone else?
[p. 74]
Home Care Page - Continued
11a. During the past 12 months, (that is since (date) a year ago) has anyone in the family received meals that were prepared outside the home and brought on a fairly regular basis?
[] N (12)
b. Who received the meals? Mark "Meals" box in person's column.
c. Anyone else?
[] N
d. Does -- now regularly receive meals that are prepared outside the home and brought in?
[] N (NP)
e. What agency, organization or program provides these meals for--? ________
12a. During the past 12 months, has anyone in the family received any care at home from a nurse? Exclude related HH members.
[] N (IHCP)
b. Who received the care? Mark "nurse" box in person's column.
c. Anyone else?
[] N
[p. 75]
Individual Home Care Page
Complete for each person with H box
2a. Earlier you said that -- receives or needs the help of another person. Who helps --?
(Is -- helped by anyone who lives here, by any other friends or relatives, a nurse or any other health care professionals who come into the home, or is -- helped by someone else?)
2 [] Nurse
3 [] Other Health worker -- Specify ____
4 [] Other relatives or friends
8 [] Other - Specify ____
b. Does anyone else help --?
[] N
3a. On the average, how many days per week does the nurse visit -- ?
b. When the nurse visits, how many hours per day does he or she usually spend helping --?
[] Hours ____
c. Does anyone in the family, that is you, your --, etc. pay any part of the cost for the nurse?
[] 2 N
d. Does any government agency or program help pay for the nurse?
2 N (3f)
e. What agency or program helps pay?
[] 2 Medicare
[] 3 Health Insurance
[] Other -- Specify ____
f. During the past 2 weeks, how many times was -- visited by the nurse?
If "Other health worker" in 2a, ask:
4 a. On the average, how many days per week does the (other health worker) visit --?
b. When the (other health worker) visits, how many hours per day does he or she usually spend helping --?
Hours ____
c. Does anyone in the family, that is you, your --, etc. pay any part of the cost for the (other health worker)?
2 [] N
d. Does any government agency or program help pay for the (other health worker)?
2 [] N (4f)
e. What agency or program helps pay?
2 [] Medicare
3 [] Health insurance
[] Other - specify ____
f. During the past 2 weeks, how many times was -- visited by the (other health worker)?
2 [] 17+
5a. Does -- receive or need help from others in using public transportation, such as buses, trains, subways, or planes?
[] 2 N
[] 4 Doesn't use (5c)
b. Does -- use public transportation?
[] 2 N
c. If -- had to use public transportation, would [he/she] need the help of other persons?
[] 2 N
[] 2 N
b. Does -- not drive a car because of a disability or health problem or because of some other reason?
[] 2 Disability
[] 8 Other
7a. Does -- use the telephone without the help of another person?
[] 2 N
b. Would -- be able to use the telephone in an emergency?
[] 2 N
8a. During the 2 weeks outlined in red on the calendar, did -- have any visits from a friend, relative or neighbor?
[] 2 N (8c)
b. How many times during that period was -- visited by friends, relatives or neighbors?
(Was it 3 or more times or less than 3 times?)
(Was it 12 or more times or less than 12 times?)
2 [] 4-12 times
3 [] 13+ times
c. During these 2 weeks, did -- go out to visit a friend, relative or neighbors?
[] 2 N (9)
d. How many times during that period did -- go out to visit friends, relatives or neighbors?
(Was it 3 or more times or less than 3 times?)
(Was it 12 or more times or less than 12 times?)
2 [] 4-12 times
3 [] 13+ times
9. During the past 12 months, did -- go on a vacation?
[] 2 N
10. Because of a disability or health problem, how often must someone be here with --,
most of the time, some of the time, once in a while or never?
2 [] Some
3 [] Once
4 [] Never
8 [] Other -- Specify ____