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[p. 74]


46a. Does anyone in the family now use (any of the following special aids) -

1. An artificial arm?
[] Yes
[] No

2. An artificial leg?
[] Yes
[] No

3. A brace of any kind?
[] Yes
[] No

4. Crutches?
[] Yes
[] No

5. A cane or walking stick?
[] Yes
[] No

6. Special shoes?
[] Yes
[] No

7. A wheel chair?
[] Yes
[] No

8. A walker?
[] Yes
[] No

9. Guide dog?
[] Yes
[] No

10. Any other kind of aid for getting around?
[] Yes
[] No

If "Yes," specify: ____Enter in Table SA

b. Who is this? ____

c. Anyone else? ____

Table SA

[Rows 1-5]

a. Person No. ____

b. Type of aid ____

If 1-6 in (b), ASK:

c. Does he use one or two ____ (at a time)?

[] 1
[] 2
[] Other

If 3-10 in (b), ASK:

d. For what condition does he need this ____? (Item C)

If "brace," Ask: On what part of the body is the brace worn? ____

Table SA - Continued
[Rows 1-5]

e. Is the ____ used all of the time, most of the time or only occasionally?

1 [] All
2 [] Most
3 [] Occasionally

f. How long has he used ____?

[] Less than 1 month
[] Months ____
[] Years ____

g. How was the _____ obtained? Was it purchased, rented, borrowed or a gift?

1 [] Purchased
2 [] Rented
3 [] Borrowed
4 [] Gift