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[p. 76]


1. Person number ____

Name of condition ____

2. When did -- last see or talk to a doctor about his [condition]?

1 [] In interview week (Reask 2)
1 [] Past 2 wks. (Item C)
2 [] 2 wks. - 6 mos.
3 [] Over 6 - 12 mos.
4 [] 1 yr.
5 [] 2 - 4 yrs.
6 [] 5+ yrs.
7 [] Never
8 [] DK if Dr. seen
9 [] DK when Dr. seen


Examine "Name of condition" entry and mark

[] Color blindness (NC)
[] Accident or injury (A2)
[] On Card C (A2)
[] Neither (3a)

If "Doctor not talked to," transcribe entry form item 1. If "Doctor talked to," ask:

3a. What did the doctor say it was? -- Did he give it a medical name? ____

Do not ask for Cancer

b. What was the cause of [condition]? ____

[] On Card C (A2)
[] Accident or injury (A2)

If the entry in 3a or 3b includes the words:


Ask c:
c. What kind of [condition] is it? ____

For allergy or stroke, ask:
d. How does the allergy (stroke) affect him? ____

If in 3a-d there is an impairment or any of the following entries:

Ache (except for head or ear)
Blood clot
Cramps (except menstrual)
Varicose veins

Ask e:
e. What part of the body is affected? ____
Show the following detail:

Head...skull, scalp, face
Back/spine/vertebra...upper, middle, lower
Ear or or both or both; shoulder, upper, elbow, lower, wrist, hand or both; hip, upper, knee, lower, ankle, foot

Ask remaining questions as appropriate for the condition entered in:

1 [] Item 1
2 [] Q. 3a
3 [] Q. 3b
4 [] Q. 3c
5 [] Q. 3d
6 [] Q. 3e
4. During the past 2 weeks, did his [condition] cause him to cut down on the things he usually does?

1 [] Y
2 [] N (9)

5. During that period, how many days did he cut down for as much as a day?

Days ____
00 [] None (9)

6. During that 2-week period, how many days did his [condition] keep him in bed all or most of the day?

Days ____
00 [] None

Ask if 17+ years:
7. How many days did his [condition] keep him from work during that 2-week period? (For females): not counting work around the house?

Days ____ (9)
00 [] None (9)

Ask if 6-16 years:
8. How many days did his [condition] keep him from school during that 2-week period?

Days ____
00 [] None

9. When did -- first notice his [condition]?
(Was it during the past 12 months or before that time?)
(Was it during the past 3 months or before that time?)
(Was it during the past 2 weeks or before that time?)

1 [] Last week
2 [] Week before
3 [] Past 2 weeks - DK which
4 [] 2 weeks - 3 months
5 [] 3 - 12 months
6 [] More than 12 months ago


1 [] Not an eye cond. (AA)
2 [] First eye condition (under 6) (10g)
3 [] First eye cond. (6+ yrs.) (10)
4 [] Not first eye cond. (AA)

These next questions are about how well -- can see (with glasses/contacts).

10a. Can -- see well enough to read ordinary newspaper print with his

left eye?
1 [] Y
2 [] N
right eye?
1 [] Y
2 [] N

b. Can -- see well enough to recognize the features of people he knows if they are close enough?

[] Y
[] N

c. Can -- see moving objects, such as cars moving or people walking?

[] Y
[] N

d. Can -- see well enough to step down?

[] Y
[] N

e. Can -- see well enough to recognize a friend walking on the other side of the street?

[] Y
[] N

If ALL "No," ask 10f: otherwise go to 10g.

f. Can -- see well enough to tell if a light is on?

[] Y (AA)
[] N (AA)

g. How much trouble would you say that -- has in seeing, a great deal, some, or hardly any at all?

[] Great deal
[] Hardly any or none
[] Some
[] Other -- Specify ____

[p. 77]


1 [] Missing extremity or organ (A4)
2 [] Condition in C2 does not have a letter as source (A4)
3 [] Condition in C2 has a letter as source, Doctor seen (11)
4 [] Condition in C2 has a letter as source, Doctor not seen (15)
11a. Does -- NOW take any medicine or treatment for his [condition]?

1 [] Y
2 [] N (12)

b. Was any of this medicine or treatment recommended by a doctor?

1 [] Y
2 [] N

12. Has he ever had surgery for this condition?

1 [] Y
2 [] N

13. Was he ever hospitalized for this condition?

1 [] Y
2 [] N

14. During the past 12 months, about how many times has -- seen or talked to a doctor about his [condition]? (Do not count visits while a patient in a hospital)

Times ____
000 [] None

15a. About how many days during the past 12 months has this condition kept him in bed all or most of the day?

Days ____
000 [] None

Ask if 17+ years:

b. About how many days during the past 12 months has this condition kept him from work? For females: Not counting work around the house?

Days ____
000 [] None

16a. How often does his [condition] bother him -- all of the time, often, once in a while, or never?

1 [] All the time
2 [] Often
3 [] Once in a while
0 [] Never (A4)
8 [] Other -- Specify ____

b. When it does bother him, is he bothered a great deal, some, or very little?

1 [] Great deal
2 [] Some
3 [] Very little
4 [] Other -- Specify ____


[] Accident or injury
[] Other (NC)
17a. Did the accident happen during the past 2 years or before that time?

[] During the past 2 years
[] Before 2 years (18a)

b. When did the accident happen?

[] Last week
[] Week before
[] 2 weeks - 3 months
[] Over 3-12 months
[] 1-2 years

18a. At the time of the accident what part of the body was hurt? What kind of injury was it? Anything else?

Part(s) of body ____
Kind of injury ____

If accident happened more than 3 months ago, ask:

b. What part of the body is affected now? How is his -- affected? Is he affected in any other way?

Part(s) of body ____
Present effects ____

19. Where did the accident happen?

1 [] At home (inside house)
2 [] At home (adjacent premises)
3 [] Street and highway (includes roadway and public sidewalk)
4 [] Farm
5 [] Industrial place (includes premises)
6 [] School (includes premises)
7 [] Place of recreation and sports, except at school
8 [] Other -- Specify ____

20. Was -- at work at his job or business when the accident happened?

1 [] Y
2 [] N
3 [] While in Armed Services
4 [] Under 17 at time of accident

21a. Was a car, truck, bus, or any other motor vehicle involved in the accident in any way?

1 [] Y
2 [] N (NC)

b. Was more than one vehicle involved?

[] Y
[] N

c. Was it (either one) moving at the time?

1 [] Y
2 [] N