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[p. 63]


Person number ____


1 [] SP under 17 (Medical Care Page)
2 [] Eligible resp. avail. (1)
3 [] Return call required (Next Hypertension Page)

1a. Have you EVER been told by a doctor that you had high blood pressure?

1 [] Y (1c)
2 [] N

b. Another name for high blood pressure is hypertension. Have you EVER been told by a doctor that you had hypertension?

1 [] Y
2 [] N (10)

c. About how long ago were you FIRST told by a doctor that you had (high blood pressure/hypertension)?

000 [] Less than 1 month
1 [] ____ Months
2 [] ____ Years

2. During the past 12 months about how many times have you seen or talked to a doctor about your (high blood pressure/hypertension)?

Times ____
000 [] None

3. Has a doctor EVER advised you to lose weight BECAUSE OF (HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE/HYPERTENSION)?

1 [] Y
2 [] N

4a. Do you now use more salt, less salt, or about the same amount of salt since you learned you had (high blood pressure/hypertension)?

1 [] More
2 [] Less
3 [] Same

b. Were you EVER advised by a doctor, nurse, or other medical person to use less salt?

1 [] Y
2 [] N

5a. Has a doctor EVER prescribed medicine for your (high blood pressure/hypertension)?

1 [] Y
2 [] N

b. Are you now taking any medicine prescribed by a doctor for your (high blood pressure/hypertension)?

1 [] Y
2 [] N (6)

c. How often are you supposed to take this medicine -- more than once a day, once a day, or less than once a day?

1 [] More than once a day
2 [] Once a day
3 [] Less than once a day

d. How often do you take your medicine when you are supposed to - all the time, often, once in a while, or never?

1 [] All the time
2 [] Often
3 [] Once in a while
0 [] Never
[] Other (Specify) ____

e. Does your medicine ever cause side effects or make you feel funny in any way?

1 [] Y (6)
2 [] N (6)

f. Why did you stop taking the medicine?
Any other reason?
Mark all that apply

1 [] Doctor's advice (5h)
2 [] No longer has high blood pressure
3 [] Side effects
[] Other (Specify) ____

g. Did a doctor advise you to stop taking the medicine?

1 [] Y
2 [] N

If "Side effects" in 5f, go to 6; otherwise ask:
h. When you were taking this medicine did it cause any side effects or make you feel funny in any way?

1 [] Y
2 [] N

[p. 64]

6. ABOUT how many days during the past 12 months has (high blood pressure/hypertension) kept you in bed all or most of the day?

Days ____
000 [] None

If "No longer has high blood pressure" in 5f, go to 7d, otherwise ask:
7a. How often does your (high blood pressure/hypertension) bother you -- all the time, often, once in a while, ore never?

1 [] All the time
2 [] Often
3 [] Once in a while
0 [] Never (7c)
[] Other (Specify) ____

b. When it does bother you, are you bothered a great deal, some, or very little?

1 [] Great deal
2 [] Some
3 [] Very little
[] Other (Specify) ____

If "All the time" in 7a, go to 8, otherwise ask:
c. Do you still have (high blood pressure/hypertension)?

1 [] Y (8)
2 [] N
9 [] DK

d. Is this condition completely cured or is it under control?

1 [] Cured (10)
2 [] Under control

8. Can you tell when your blood pressure is high - that is, do you have any symptoms?

1 [] Y
2 [] N

9. Have you ever been refused life insurance or health insurance coverage because you had (high blood pressure/hypertension)?

1 [] Y
2 [] N

10a. Has a doctor EVER talked to you about problems that can be caused by high blood pressure or hypertension?

1 [] Y (HP2)
2 [] N

b. Has a nurse or other medical person EVER talked to you about problems that can be caused by high blood pressure or hypertension?

1 [] Y
2 [] N (HP2)

c. What type of medical person was this?

1 [] Nurse
[] Other (Specify) ____


[] No 2-week DV in C1 (11)
[] 2-week DV in C1

Refer to THIS PERSON'S doctor visit columns. If "Y" in 7a in ANY column, go to 14, otherwise go to 11.

[MK Note: End section HP2]

11. ABOUT how long has it been since you LAST had your blood pressure taken?

998 [] Never (16)
000 [] Less than 1 month
1 [] ____ Months
2 [] ____ Years (16)

12.Who took your blood pressure the LAST time?

1 [] Doctor
2 [] Nurse
3 [] Friend or relative
4 [] Druggist
5 [] Self (13b)
[] Other (specify)

[p. 65]

13a. Were you told that your reading was high, low, normal, or were you not told?

1 [] High (14)
2 [] Low (14)
3 [] Normal (14)
4 [] Not told (14)
[] Other (Specify) ____ (14)

b. Was your reading high, low, or normal?

1 [] High (15)
2 [] Low (15)
3 [] Normal (15)
[] Other (Specify) ____ (15)

14. During the past 12 months, have you taken your own blood pressure?

1 [] Y
2 [] N

15. During the past 12 months, how many times was your blood pressure taken? (Do not count times while a patient in a hospital.)

Times ____

16a. ABOUT how long has it been since you had an electrocardiogram, which involves placing wires on the chest and arms?

98 [] Never
00 [] Less than 1 year
Years ____

b. ABOUT how long has it been since you had a chest X-ray?

98 [] Never
00 [] Less than 1 year
Years ____

17a. ABOUT how much do you weigh?

Pounds ____

b. ABOUT how tall are you?

Feet _ _
Inches _ _

c. Do you consider yourself overweight, underweight, or just about right?

1 [] Overweight
2 [] Underweight (18)
3 [] About right (17a)

d. Are you now trying to lose weight?

1 [] Y (17f)
2 [] N

e. Are you now trying to keep from gaining weight?

1 [] Y
2 [] N (18)

f. Is this based on advice from a doctor, nurse, or other medical person?

1 [] Y
2 [] N

g. What are you doing to (lose/control your) weight -- watching what you eat, exercising, or something else? Anything else?
Mark all that apply

1 [] Diet
2 [] Exercise
3 [] Medication
[] Other (Specify) ____

[p. 66]

18. Have you EVER been told by a doctor that you had diabetes?

1 [] Y
2 [] N

19. Have you EVER been told by a doctor that you had heart trouble?

1 [] Y
2 [] N

20. Have you EVER had a stroke?

1 [] Y
2 [] N

21a. Have you ever smoked at least 100 cigarettes in your entire life?

1 [] Y
2 [] N (Medical Care Page)

b. Do you smoke cigarettes now?

1 [] Y
2 [] N (21e)

c. On the average, ABOUT how many cigarettes a day do you smoke?

Cigarettes ____

d. Have you EVER tried to stop smoking?

1 [] Y
2 [] N

e. Have you EVER been advised by a doctor to stop smoking?

1 [] Y
2 [] N (Medical Care Page)

f. Was this because of a specific condition you had at that time?

1 [] Y
2 [] N (Medical Care Page)

g. What condition was it? ____

h. Any other condition?

[] Y (Reask 21g)
[] N