[p. 72]
[] 1+ Females 17 - 44 yrs. old (1)
[] N (Next page)
b. Who is this? ____
Mark "Was pregnant" box in person's column.
c. During the past 12 months, has anyone else in the family been pregnant or had a miscarriage?
[] N
If "Was pregnant," ask:
[] N
(Not counting --'s current pregnancy)
b. During the past 12 months, how many times has -- been pregnant, including miscarriages?
Pregnancies ____
(Not counting --'s current pregnancy)
c. How many times has -- EVER been pregnant, including miscarriages?
Pregnancies ____
d. How many of these -- pregnancies resulted in live births?
Live births ____ (NP)
Complete a line of Table P for each terminated pregnancy reported in Q. 2b. If no terminated pregnancies reported, go to next page.
[Columns for 3 additional people are identical and, thus, omitted here.]
b. Did --'s (last pregnancy/pregnancy before that) end in a full-term live birth, a premature live birth, a miscarriage, or what?
2 [] Premature
3 [] Miscarriage
4 [] Stillbirth
5 [] Abortion
6 [] Other -- Specify ____
c. Did she see a doctor at any time during that pregnancy?
2 [] N (g)
d. How many months pregnant was -- when she first saw a doctor?
e. About how many visits did -- make to a doctor BEFORE that pregnancy ended? (e)
f. Did a doctor ever tell -- to remain in bed for two weeks or more during that pregnancy?
2 [] N
g. How many months pregnant was -- when that pregnancy ended?
h. Did -- have a check-up a month or two after that pregnancy ended?
2 [] N
i. How long has it been since that pregnancy ended?
2 [] 2+ months (NP)
j. Does -- intend to have a check-up for that pregnancy?
2 [] N
[p. 73]
[Note: The following section appears to be a response sheet for questions asked on page 72]
[] N
Pregnancies ____
Pregnancies ____
Live births ____ (NP)
Note: End response sheet.]