1a. What is the name of the head of this household? -Enter name in first column.
Last Name ____
b. What are the names of all other persons who live here? -- List all persons who live here. ________
c. I have listed (Read names.) Is there anyone else staying here now, such as friends, relatives, or roomers?
[] No
d. Have I missed anyone who USUALLY lives here but is now away from home?
[] No
e. Do any of the people in this household have a home anywhere else?
[] No
* Apply household membership rules.
If any adult males listed, ask:
f. Are any of the person
s in this household now on full-- time active duty with the Armed
Forces of the United States?
Col(s). ____ (Delete)
[] N
2. How is -- related to -- (Head of Household)?
3. How old was -- on his last birthday? -- Enter Age and circle Race and Sex
2 [] N
3 [] OT
2 [] F
Age ____
1. Record the number of Doctor Visits and Hospitalizations.
Hosp. ____ (NP)
2. Record each condition in the person's column, with the question number(s) where it was reported.
Dentist and Doctor visit probe ____
Hospital probe ____
Condition ____
If 17 years old or over, ask:
4. Is -- now married, widowed, divorced, separated, or never married? -Mark one box for each person
1 [] Married
2 [] Widowed
3 [] Nev. married
4 [] Divorced
5 [] Separated
This survey is being conducted to collect information on the Nation's health. I will ask about visits to doctors and dentists, illness in the family, and other health related items. (HAND CALENDAR)
The next few questions refer to the past 2 weeks, the 2 weeks outlined in red on that calendar, beginning Monday, (date), and ending this past Sunday, (date).
5a. During those 2 weeks, did -- stay in bed because of any illness or injury?
[] 00 N (If age: 17+ (5c,) 6-16 (5d), Under 6 (5f))
b. During that 2-week period, how many days did -- stay in bed all or most of the day?
c. During those 2 weeks, how many days did illness or injury keep -- from work? (For females): not counting work around the house.
00 [] None (5f)
d. During those 2 weeks, how many days did illness or injury keep -- from school?
00 [] None (5f)
IF BOTH bed days AND work or school loss days, ask:
e. On how many of these -- days lost from work/school did -- stay in bed all or most of the day?
00 [] None (5f)
f. NOT COUNTING the day(s)
lost from work
lost from school
Were there any (other) days during the past 2 weeks that -- cut down on the things he usually does because of illness or injury?
2 [] N (6)
g. (Again, not counting the day(s)
lost from work
lost from school
During that period, how many days did he cut down for as much as a day?
00 [] None (6)
[p. 59]
If 1+ days in Q. 5, ask 6; otherwise go to next person.
6a. What condition caused -- to
miss work
miss school
cut down
during the past 2 weeks? ____
Enter condition in item C. Ask 6b.
b. Did any other condition cause him to
miss work
miss school
cut down]
during that period?
[] N (NP)
c. What condition? ____
Enter conditions in item C. Reask 6b.
7a. During the past 2 weeks, did anyone in the family, that is you, your --, etc. have any (other) accidents or injuries?
[] N (8)
b. Who was this? -- Mark "Accident or injury" box in person's column ____
c. What was the injury?
d. Did anyone have any other accidents or injuries during that period?
[] N
For each person with "Accident or injury," ask:
e. As a result of the accident, did -- see a doctor or did he cut down on the things he usually does?
[] N
8a. During the past 2 weeks, did anyone in the family, (that is you, your --, etc.) go to a dentist?
[] N (10)
b. Who was this? -- Mark "Dental visit," box in person's column. ____
c. During the past 2 weeks, did anyone else in the family go to a dentist?
[] N
If "Dental visit," ask:
d. During the past 2 weeks, how many times did -- go to dentist?
For each dental visit, ask:
9a. What did -- have done (the last time, the time before, etc.)? (Mark all that apply for each visit)
[Columns 1-3 for different people omitted here]
[] Exam. (X-ray)
[] Fillings
[] Extractions or other surgery
[] Straightening (Orthodontia)
[] Treatment for gums
[] Denture work
[] Other (Describe) ________
b. Anything else?
[] Exam. (X-ray)
[] Fillings
[] Extractions or other surgery
[] Straightening (Orthodontia)
[] Treatment for gums
[] Denture work
[] Other (Describe) ________
Do not ask for children 1 yr. old and under.
10a. During the past 12 months, (that is, since (date) a year ago,) about how many visits did -- make to a dentist? (Include the -- visits you already told me about.)
b. ABOUT how long has it been since -- LAST went to a dentist?
2 [] Past 2 weeks not reported (Q.'s 8 and 9)
3 [] 2 weeks - 6 mos.
4 [] Over 6 - 12 mos.
5 [] 1 year
6 [] 2 - 4 years
7 [] 5+ years
8 [] Never
11a. Is there anyone in the family who has lost ALL of his teeth?
[] N (12)
b. Who is this? Anyone else? ____
For each person with "No teeth," ask:
c. Does -- have false teeth?
[] N (NP)
d. Does -- have an upper plate, a lower plate, or both?
[] Lower
[] Both
e. Does -- usually wear
the lower
plate(s) while eating?
[] N
f. Does -- usually wear
the lower
both plate(s)]
when not eating?
[] N
g. Does -- need new false teeth?
[] N
h. Do the ones he has need refitting?
[] N
[p. 60]
12. During the past 2 weeks (the 2 weeks outlined in red on that calendar) how many times did -- see a medical doctor?
Number of visits ____ (NP)
(Besides those visits)
13a. During that 2-week period did anyone in the family go to a doctor's office or clinic for shots, X-rays, tests, or examinations?
[] N (14)
b. Who was this? -Mark "Doctor visit" box in person's column. ____
c. Anyone else?
[] N
If "Doctor visit," ask:
d. How many times did -- visit the doctor during that period?
14a. During that period, did anyone in the family get any medical advice from a doctor over the telephone?
[] N (15)
b. Who was the phone call about? ________
Mark "Phone call" box in person's column.
c. Any calls about anyone else?
[] N
If "Phone call," ask:
d. How many telephone calls were made to get medical advice about --?
Fill item C, (DOCTOR), from Q.'s 12-14 for all persons. Ask Q. 15a for each person with visits in DOCTOR box.
15a. For what condition did -- see or talk to a doctor during the past 2 weeks?
[] Pregnancy (15e)
[] No condition
b. Did -- see or talk to a doctor about any specific condition?
[] N (NP)
c. What condition? ____
Enter condition in item C and ask 15d.
d. During that period, did -- see or talk to a doctor about any other condition?
[] N (NP)
e. During the past 2 weeks was -- sick because of her pregnancy?
[] N (NP)
f. What was the matter? ____
Anything else?
Enter condition in item C (NP)
16a. During the past 12 months, (that is, since (date) a year ago,) about how many times did -- see or talk to a medical doctor? (Do not count doctors seen while a patient in a hospital.) (Include the -- visits you already told me about.)
Number of visits ____
b. ABOUT how long has it been since -- LAST saw or talked to a medical doctor?
2 [] Past 2 weeks not reported (Q.'s 12 and 15)
3 [] 2 weeks - 6 months
4 [] Over 6 - 12 months
5 [] 1 year
6 [] 2 - 4 years
7 [] 5+ years
8 [] Never
17a. Does anyone in the family (that is you, your --, etc.) stay IN BED all or most of the time because of health?
[] N (18)
b. Who is this? ____
c. Does anyone else in the family stay in bed?
[] N
18 a. (Besides --) Does anyone stay IN THE HOUSE all or most of the time because of health?
[] N (19)
b. Who is this? ____
c. Does anyone else stay in the house?
[] N
19a. (Besides --) Does anyone need the help of ANOTHER PERSON in getting around inside or outside the house?
[] N (20)
b. Who is this? ____
c. Does anyone else need the help of another person in getting around?
[] N
20a. (Besides --) Does anyone in the family need the help of a SPECIAL AID, such as a cane or wheelchair in getting around inside or outside the house.
[] N (21)
b. Who is this? ____
c. Does anyone else need the help of a special aid in getting around?
[] N
[p. 61]
21a. (Besides --) Does anyone have trouble getting around freely by himself?
[] N (22)
b. Who is this? ____
c. Does anyone else have trouble getting around feely by himself?
[] N
Ask for each person with a limitation reported in questions 17-21.
22a. About how long has --
had to stay in the house because of his health?
needed help getting around inside or outside the house?
had trouble getting around freely by himself?]
1 ____ Mos.
2 ____ Yrs.
b. What (other) condition causes this? ____
If "old age" only, ask: Is this caused by any specific conditon?
Enter condition in item C and ask c
c. Is this caused by any other condition?
[] N
Mark box or ask:
d. Which of these conditions would you say is the MAIN cause of his limitation?
Enter main condition ____
Ages 17+
23a. What was -- doing most of the past 12 months - (For males): working or doing something else? (For females): keeping house, working or doing something else?
2 [] Keeping house (28b)
3 [] Retired, health (27)
4 [] Retired, other (27)
5 [] Going to school (30)
6 [] 17+ something else (27)
If "something else," ask:
b. What was -- doing? ____
If 45+ years and not "working," "keeping house," or "going to school," ask:
c. Is -- retired? ____
d. If "Retired," ask: Did he retire because of his health?
Ages 6-16
24a. What was -- doing most of the past 12 months - going to school or doing something else?
7 [] 6-16 something else (29)
If "something else," ask:
b. What was -- doing?
2 [] Keeping house (28b)
3 [] Retired, health (27)
4 [] Retired, other (27)
5 [] Going to school (30)
6 [] 17+ something else (27)
7 [] 6-16 something else (29)
Ages under 6
0 [] 1-5 yrs. (25)
0 [] Under 1 (26)
25a. Is -- able to take part at all in ordinary play with other children?
1 [] N (32)
b. Is he limited in the kind of play he can do because of his health?
[] N
c. Is he limited in the amount of play because of his health?
[] N (31)
26a. Is -- limited in any way because of his health?
3 [] N (NP)
b. In what way is he limited? ________ (32)
27a. Does -- health now keep him from working?
[] N
b. Is he limited in the kind of work he could do because of his health?
[] N
c. Is he limited in the amount of work he could do because of his health?
[] N
d. Is he limited in the kind or amount of other activities because of his health?
[] N (31)
28a. Does -- NOW have a job?
[] N
b. In terms of health, is -- NOW able to (work - keep house) at all?
1 [] N (32)
c. Is he limited in the kind of (work - housework) he can do because of his health?
[] N
d. Is he limited in the amount of (work - housework) he can do because of his health?
[] N
e. Is he limited in the kind or amount of other activities because of his health?
[] N (31)
29. In terms of health would -- be able to go to school?
1 [] N (32)
30a. Does (would) -- have to go to a certain type of school because of his health?
[] N
b. Is he (would he be) limited in school attendance because of his health?
[] N
c. Is he limited in the kind or amount of other activities because of his health?
[] N (31)
31a. Is -- limited in ANY WAY because of a disability or health?
5 [] N (NP)
b. In what way is he limited? Record limitation, not condition ________
32a. About how long has he
been unable to --
had to go to a certain type of school?]
1 ____ Mos.
2 ____ Yrs.
b. What (other) condition causes this limitation? ____
If "old age" only, ask: Is this limitation caused by any specific condition?
Enter condition in item C and ask c
c. Is this limitation caused by any other condition?
[] N
d. Which of these conditions would you say is the MAIN cause of his limitation?
Enter main condition ____
[p. 62]
33a. Was -- a patient in a hospital at any time since (date) a year ago?
[] N (Item C)
b. How many times was -- in a hospital since (date) a year ago?
34a. Was anyone in the family in a nursing home, convalescent home or similar place since (date) a year ago?
[] N (35)
b. Who was this? ____
Circle "Y" in person's column.
For each "Y" circled, ask:
c. During that period, how many times was -- in a nursing home or similar place?
For each child 1 year old or under, ask:
35a. When was -- born? If on or after the hospital reference date, ask 35b.
Day ____
Year _ _ _ _
b. Was -- born in a hospital?
If "Yes" and no hospitalizations entered in his and/or mother's column, enter "1" in 33b and item C.
If "Yes" and a hospitalization is entered for the mother and/or baby, ask 35c for each.
[] N (NP)
c. Is this hospitalization included in the number you gave me for --?
If "No," correct entries in Q. 33 and item C for mother and/or baby.
[] N
36a. Does anyone in the family (you, your --, etc.) NOW have -
If "Yes," ask b and c
[] N
[] N
[] N
[] N
[] N
[] N
b. Who is this? ____
Enter name of condition and letter of line where reported in appropriate person's column(s) in item C.
c. Does anyone else have --?
Does anyone in the family NOW have . . . ?
If "Yes," ask b and c
[] N
[] N
[] N
[] N
[] N
[] N
[] N
[] N
[] N
[] N
[] N
[] N
[] N
[] N
[] N
[] N
[] N
[] N
37a. Does anyone in the family use-
[] N
If "Yes," ask b and c
b. Who is this? Circle person's number
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5
[] 6
[] 7
[] 8
[] 9
[] 10
c. Anyone else?
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5
[] 6
[] 7
[] 8
[] 9
[] 10
[] N
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5
[] 6
[] 7
[] 8
[] 9
[] 10
[] N
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5
[] 6
[] 7
[] 8
[] 9
[] 10
For "hearing aid," with no hearing problem reported, ask:
For what condition does he need this? ____
Enter condition in item C
[p. 67]
If 17 years old or over, ask:
42 a. What is the highest grade or year -- attended in school?
00 [] None (43)
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5
[] 6
[] 7
[] 8
[] 10
[] 11
[] 12
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5+
b. Did -- finish the -- grade (year)?
2 [] N
Ask for all males 17 years or over:
43a. Did -- ever serve in the Armed Forces of the United States?
1 [] N (44)
b. When did he serve? Circle code in descending order of priority. Thus if person served in Vietnam and in Korea, circle VN.
Korean War (June '50 - Jan. '55) . . . KW
World War II (Sept. '40 - July '47) . . . WWII
World War I (April '17 - Nov. '18) . . . WWI
Other Service (All other periods) . . . OS
2 [] KW
3 [] WWII
4 [] WWI
5 [] OS
6 [] DK
44a. Did -- work at any time last week or the week before - (For females): not counting work around the house?
2 [] N
b. Even though -- did not work during these 2 weeks, does he have a job or business?
2 [] N
c. Was he looking for work or on layoff from a job?
2 [] N (Omit 44d)
d. Which - looking for work or on layoff from a job?
2 [] Layoff
3 [] Both
Ask for all persons with a "Yes" in 44a, b, or c.
If "Yes" in 44c only, questions 45a through 45d apply to this person's LAST full-time civilian job.
45a. Who does (did) -- work for?
b. What kind of business or industry is this?
c. What kind of work is (was) -- doing?
Fill 45d from entries in 45a-45c; if not clear, ask:
d. Class of worker
2 [] Gov. Fed.
3 [] Gov. oth.
4 [] Own - If not a farm, ask:
[] N
6 [] Nev. wkd.
Please look at this card - (Show Card I)
Card I
$1,000 - $1,999 ... Group B
$2,000 - $2,999 ... Group C
$3,000 - $3,999 ... Group D
$4,000 - $4,999 ... Group E
$5,000 - $5,999 ... Group F
$6,000 - $6,999 ... Group G
$7,000 - $9,999 ... Group H
$10,000 - $14,999 ... Group I
$15,000 - $24,999 ... Group J
$25,000 and over ... Group K
46. Which of these income groups represents your total combined family income for the past 12 months - that is yours, your --'s etc.? Include income from all sources such as wages, salaries, social security or retirement benefits, help from relatives, rent from property, and so forth.
01 [] B
02 [] C
03 [] D
04 [] E
05 [] F
06 [] G
07 [] H
08 [] I
09 [] J
10 [] K