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Item A
Please list below the names of each family member NOW living at home beginning with the head of the family.

Names of family members Relationship to family Sex (check one) Person's age on last head []Male [] Female birthday:
1. ________ ___HEAD___________ [] Male [] Female _______ years old
2. ________ ___________________ [] Male [] Female _______ years old
3. ________ ___________________ [] Male [] Female _______ years old
4. ________ ___________________ [] Male [] Female _______ years old
5. ________ ___________________ [] Male [] Female _______ years old
6. ________ ___________________ [] Male [] Female _______ years old
7. ________ ___________________ [] Male [] Female _______ years old
8. ________ ___________________ [] Male [] Female _______ years old
9. ________ ___________________ [] Male [] Female _______ years old
10. ________ ___________________ [] Male [] Female _______ years old

Are any family members now living at this household on full time active duty with the Armed Forces of the United States?

[] No
[] Yes
Who is this? Name of family member ________

What is the highest grade or year the HEAD of the family completed in school?
(Circle one)

[] Elementary:
[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5
[] 6
[] 7
[] 8
[] High school:
[] 9
[] 10
[] 11
[] 12
[] College:
[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5+

Item B
Besides the family members that you have listed above, is there anyone else living with you now, such as friends or roomers?
(Check one box)

[] No (Go to next page)
[] Yes
Please list below the name of each person not related to you who is now living at this household. Name of other persons.
1. ________
2. ________
3. ________
4. ________
5. ________


The term "this family" in each of the questions on the following pages refers to all members of your family that you have listed in Item A on the page to the left.

Health Insurance
1. During 1970, that is, from January 1, 1970 to December 31, 1970 how much did this family spend on health insurance premiums for plans that pay for any part of a hospital bill or a doctor's bill?

Amount deducted from paycheck for health insurance premiums
Amount deducted from Social Security check for Medicare
Amount paid directly to health insurance plans or to Social Security for Medicare

Do not include:

Health insurance plan that pay only in the case of accidents
Employer or union contributions
Dollars $ _____ Cents _____
[] This family did not pay any insurance premiums

Payments made for persons not listed in item A on this Questionnaire

2. During 1970, did this family pay any medical expenses for any person who is not listed in Item A on the page to the left?
This might include expenses for children now away at school or parents, other relatives or friends now in nursing homes or elsewhere or who are deceased.
These expenses may include bills from doctors, dentists, optometrists, hospitals, nursing home, health insurance premiums, cost of prescription medicine, eye glasses and so forth.
(check one box)

[] No
[] Yes
Type of medical expense Amount this family paid
____ Dollars $ ____ Cents ____
____ Dollars $____ Cents ____
____ Dollars $ ____ Cents ____
____ Dollars $ ____ Cents ____

3. What income group best describes this family's total combined income during 1970?
(check one box)

[] Less than $ 3000
[] $3000 -$4999
[] $5000-$6999
[] $7000-$9999
[] $10000-$14999
[] $15000-$24999
[] $25000+

4. Please print below the name of the person or persons who are completing this form.

Name ____
Name ____


Fill one page for each family member now living in this household write in the person's name below before answering the questions about him:
The following medical and dental expenses were for (write the name of the family member) ________

All questions on this page should be answered even though the person may not have had any medical or dental expenses in 1970. If the person did not have any expense of a certain kind during 1970, be sure to make a mark in the "no bills paid" box. The amounts you give below should only include what this family paid, not any payments made by health insurance or some other person or agency. Do not include payments you made if health insurance has or will reimburse you. If exact amounts are not known, please enter your best estimate.

Dental bills paid
1. How much did this family spend on dental bills for this person during 1970, that is, from January 1, 1970 to December 31,1970?

Include amounts spent for:
Dental Surgery
Dental laboratory fees
Other services from a dentist or hygienist
Dollars $ ____Cents ____
[] No dental bills paid for this person

Doctor's Bills Paid
2. How much did this family spend on doctor bills for this person during 1970?
Include amounts spent for:

Routine doctor visits
Doctor fees while a patient in a hospital
Pregnancy care
Laboratory fees
Other services by a medical doctor
Dollars $ ____Cents ____
[] No doctor bills paid for this person

Hospital Bills Paid
3. How much did this family spend on hospital bills for this person during 1970?
Include amounts spent for:

Room and board
Operating and delivery rooms
Special treatments
Any other hospitals services
Dollars $ ____Cents ____
[] No hospital bills paid for this person

Payments made for prescription medicine
4. About how much did this family spend on medicine for this person during 1970 that was purchased on a doctor's or dentist's prescription?
Include amounts spent for:

Medicines only if they were prescribed by a doctor or dentist
Dollars $ ____Cents ____
[] No prescribed medicines bought for this person

Payments made for eyeglasses, contact lenses or optometrist's bills
5. During1970 how much did this family spend on eyeglasses, contact lenses, or optometrists' fees for this person?

Dollars $ ____Cents ____
[] No amount paid for these items

Payments made for "other" medical bills
6a. How much did this family spend in other medical expenses for this person during 1970?

Do not include any expenses which you have already recorded. Do not include amounts spent for medicines of any kind.

Include amounts spent for such expenses as:
Chiropractors' or Podiatrists' fees
Hearing aid
Special braces, trusses, wheelchair or artificial limbs
Physical or Speech Therapy
Special nursing care
Nursing Home or Convalescent home care
Dollars $ ____Cents ____
[] No amount paid for these items

6b.What type of medical expense did this person have?

Type of medical expense ____

7. Check one of the following boxes

1 [] Referred to records for all dollar amounts entered on this page
2 [] Referred to records for some but not all dollar amounts entered on this page
3 [] Did not refer to any records