Person no. ____
Control ____
Earlier in the interview you mentioned that -- needed help of some kind here at home. I am going to read a list of different kinds of personal care some people need in the home. Please tell me if--needs help in any of the following ways.
1[] Yes
1[] Yes
1[] Yes
1[] Yes
1[] Yes
1[] Yes
1[] Yes
1[] Yes
1[] Yes
1[] Yes
1[] Yes
For each "Yes" answer to 1a ask:
b. Who helps --? ____
Does anyone else --? ________
If person is not receiving care: (all "No"s to question 1a) reconcile differences between answers in Q.25 or 26c and Q. 1a above or describe the situation in the footnot space below.
2. For what condition(s) does-- receive this help or care?
3. How long has -- received help or care at home? Mark one box.
1[] Over 1 to 6 months
2[] Over 6 to 12 months
3[] Over 1 to 3 years
4[] Over 3 to 5 years
5[] Over 5 years
4. Because of --'s health, must someone be in the house with him all of the time, part of the time, or only when providing the needed help or care?
2[] Part of the time
3[] Only when providing the needed help or care
For each person, other than a nurse, listed in 1b ask:
5a. Is -- a nurse, a physical therapist, or some other kind of health worker? ________
(determine the type(s) of person(s) providing the care in question 1 and mark appropriate box in column (1) of Table H).
If "Nurse" reported in Q.1b or 5a ask:
b. Is the nurse that cares for -- a registered nurse, a pratical nurse, or some other kind of nurse?
(Determine the type(s) of person(s) providing the care in question 1 and mark appropriate box in column (1) of table H). ________
1. Type of persons providing care: Non-health workers
B. 1[] Related persons not in household
C. 2[] Friend or neighbour
D. 3[] Other. Specify ________
2. During the past two weeks on about how many days did -- receive help or care from (relative, nurse etc)?
XX[] Don't know
3. About how many hours a day does -- receive help or care from (relative, nurse etc)?
00[] Less than 1 hour
xx[] Don't know
4. Is (relative, nurse, etc) paid for these services?
2[] No
Non-health workers: Health workers
F. 5[] Nurse-practical or other
G. 6[] Physical therapist
H. 7[] Other- specify ________
2. During the past two weeks on about how many days did -- receive help or care from (relative, nurse etc)?
XX[] Don't know
3. About how many hours a day does -- receive help or care from (relative, nurse etc)?
00[] Less than 1 hour
xx[] Don't know
4. Is (relative, nurse, etc) paid for these services?
2[] No
Interviewer: Mark the appropriate box before going to Q's 6-8
[] Person 55-64 and "Yes" in column (4). Ask Q's 7 and 8
[] All "No's" in column (4) or only "A" checked in column (1) to table H. Skip to question 8
6. Are any of these services paid for by Medicare?
2[] No
X[] Don't know
7a. Who pays (the remainder of the bill) for these services?
2[] Other relative or friend
3[] Health insurance
4[] Agency or organization (visiting nurses association etc)
5[] Welfare
6[] Other-specify ________
8a. During the past 12 months has -- received any care at home from a nurse?
000[] No-stop
b. During the past 12 months, about how many visits did a nurse make to care for --?