If person is 55 years old or over, ask:
The following questions refer to different kinds of personal care some people need at home:
[] 55 or over (ask 22a)
22a. Does -- need any help in bathing, dressing, or putting on his shoes?
[] No
[] DK
b. Does -- need any help at home with injections, shots, or other treatments?
[] No
[] DK
c. Does -- need any one's help when walking up stairs or getting from room to room?
[] No
[] DK
d. Does -- need any help at all in caring for himself?
[] No
[] DK
23a. During the past 12 months, has -- received any care at home from a nurse?
[] No-stop
[] DK
b. During this 12 month period, about how many visits did a nurse make to care for--? ______
[Choices not clear]
c. Were any of these visits during the past 2-weeks?
[] No
[] DK