Doctor visits
Condition approach
Record each date on which a doctor was visited in a separated question 2a of the doctor visits questions.
Earlier you told me that --had seen or talked to a doctor during the past 2 weeks
2a. On what dates during that 2 week period did --visit or talk to a doctor?
Day ______
Ask and record the answer to question 2b on the last set of Doctor visit questions for each person.
b. Were there any other doctor visits for -- during that period?
[] No-ask Q3-5 for each visit
Item D:
interviewer check item
Enter the number of Doctor visits reported for each person in question 18-21a on page 4 and 5. If "None" reported for all persons, check here.
[] None reported go to person pages
Person No.
02[] Visits ____
03[] Visits ____
04[] Visits ____
05[] Visits ____
06[] Visits ____
Fill one doctor visit sections for each visit or call reported including additional visits or calls reported in question 2b.
3. Where did -- see the doctor on the (date)? Mark one
[] Telephone
[] Doctor's office
[] Pre-paid insurance group
[] Hospital emergency room
[] Hospital out-patient clinic
[] Health department
[] Company or industry
[] Other-specify ________
4. How much was the doctor's bill for that visit (call)?
If bill not received, ask:
How much do you expect the doctor's bill to be for that visit (call)?
Cents ____
5. Is the doctor a general practitioner or a specialist?
[] Specialist
Record each date on which a doctor was visited in a separate question 2a of the doctor visits questions.
Earlier you told me that -- had seen or talked to a doctor during the past 2 weeks.
2a. On what dates during that 2 week period did -- visit or talk to a doctor?
[] Feb
[] Mar
[] Apr
[] May
[] June
[] July
[] Aug
[] Sep
[] Oct
[] Nov
[] Dec
[] LW
[] WB
Ask and record the answer to Question 2b on the last set of Doctor visits questions for each person.
b. Were there any other doctor visits for --during that period?
[] No-ask Q 3-5 for each visit
3. Where did -- see the doctor on the (Date)? Mark one.
[] Telephone
[] Doctor's office
[] Pre-paid insurance group
[] Hospital emergency room
[] Hospital outpatient clinic
[] Health department
[] Company or industry
[] Other-specify ________
4. How much was the doctor's bill for that visit (call)?
If bill not received, ask:
How much do you expect the doctor's bill to be for that visit (call)?
Cents ____
5. Is the doctor a general practitioner or a specialist?
[] Specialist