Respondent rules for diabetes supplement
If the person is not an eligible respondent, or is unable to respond for himself because of disability or illness, complete the interview with the respondent who knows most about the person's diabetes.
If the person is not going to be available for interview at any time during interview week, complete the interview with the respondent who knows most about his condition. In either case, explain in a footnote the reason for the use of the proxy respondent.
Record of return calls to complete supplement:
[] Returns
Time ____
Completed ____
2.Date ____
Time ____
Completed ____
Name of interviewer ____
Code ____
[] Responded for self or Column number of respondent
In the interview you (your--, etc.) told me about your diabetes. This is a matter of continuing interest to the public health service and I have some additional questions about it.
1. About how old were you when a doctor first told you that you had diabetes?
Estimate is acceptable
2a. Before you were (age in question 1) ________ had you ever been told by a doctor that you might have or might be getting diabetes?
[] No
b. Have you ever had a glucose tolerance test?
A glucose tolerance test is a sweet drink followed by one or more blood tests taken the same day.
[] No
Hand respondent card NHS-HIS-1(c)
3a. Please look at that card and tell me which of those symptoms you had at the time you first found out that you had diabetes.
Note to interviewer: when the respondent mentions one or more symptoms, check the "Yes" box for each symptom mentioned and then ask "Any others?" continue to ask until an answer to "No" is given. Either the "yes" or "no" box must be checked for each symptom.
[Check "Yes" or "No" for each symptom listed under "At time of diagnosis"]
[] No
[] No
[] No
[] No
[] No
[] No
[] No
[] No
[] No
[] No
[] No
b. Please look at the card again. Did any of those symptoms bother you at any time during the past 30 days?
[] No
[] No
[] No
[] No
[] No
[] No
[] No
[] No
[] No
[] No
[] No
[] No
4a. Were you in the hospital at the time the doctor found out that you had diabetes?
As an inpatient
[] No (go to question 5)
b. Were you there because you had symptoms of diabetes?
[] No (go to question 6a)
(Ask only if "No" in question 4a)
5. At the time your diabetes was first discovered, were you sent to the hospital for regulation of your diabetes? As an inpatient
[] No
6a. (Not counting that first time) Have you ever been hospitalized because of your diabetes?
[] No (go to question 7a)
b. About how many times?
Estimate acceptable.
c. Have you ever been hospitalized (ask all 4 parts).
Several reasons may be given for any single hospital stay.
[] No
[] No
[] No
[] No
7a. Have you ever had a nurse come to your home to help you in taking care of your diabetes?
[] No (go to question 7c)
b. About how many times has she visited you during the past 12 months?
[] None
c. Where do you usually go for care of your diabetes-- a clinic, a doctor's office, of some other place?
[] Doctor's office
[] Some other place (specify) ________
d. Does the doctor you go to for your diabetes specialize in the treatment of diabetes?
e. How long have you been going to him for your diabetes?
[] Less than one year
8a. How many brothers and sisters have you had -- either living or dead?
[] None (go to question 8c)
b. Did any of these brothers or sisters have diabetes?
[] None
c. Did your mother have diabetes?
[] No
d. Did your father have diabetes?
[] No
(if "ever married" ask)-
9a. How many children have you ever had?
Exclude stepchildren, adopted children and foster children
[] None (go to question 10a)
(if number entered in question 9a, ask)
b. How much did each of your children weigh at birth--starting with the oldest?
Accept estimate, enter answer in pounds and ounces. If pounds only are given, this is acceptable.
2. ________
3. ________
4. ________
5. ________
6. ________
7. ________
8. ________
9. ________
(if "1" or more in question 9a ask)-
c. Did any of your children have diabetes?
[] None
10a. Have you ever taken insulin injections?
[] No (go to question 4)
b. How many years have you taken insulin injections?
Round to nearest whole year. Estimate acceptable.
[] Less than one year
c. Have you been taking insulin injections daily for most of the past 12 months?
If the respondent is not taking insulin at the present time ask: "How many years did you take it?"
[] No
d. Are you Now taking insulin injections?
[] No (go to question 4)
Note to interviewer.
How was information for 11a and 11b obtained?
(check all that apply)
[] Other family members gave information
[] Information obtained from bottle or some other source
11a. What kinds of insulin are you now using?
[] Semi-lente
[] Globin
[] NPH
[] Protamine Zinc
[] Ultra-lente
[] Lente
[] Other (describe) ________
b. What strength insulin are you now using?
[] U 80
[] Other (specify strength) ________
c. Do you usually take your insulin injection before meals?
[] No (go to questions 11e)
d. Which meals? (check all that apply and go to questions 11f)
[] Lunch (noon)
[] Supper (evening)
e. When do you usually take your insulin?
(enter time of day and go to questions 11f)
f. If you delay taking your insulin for an hour or more does it make you feel sick?
[] No
[] Never delay (go to question 11h)
g. When was the last time you delayed taking your insulin for an hour or more?
[] 30 days or more
[] Never delay
h. Do you inject the insulin yourself?
[] No
Who injects the insulin? (check all that apply and go to question 13a)
[] Nurse
[] Other person
12. Who taught you how to inject the insulin? (check appropriate box and ask question 13a)
[] Nurse
[] Relative
[] Other person
[] Not taught
13a. During the past week, in what parts of the body have you been injecting the insulin? (check all that apply). Anywhere else?
The "past week" is the week ending last Sunday night.
[] Both arms
[] One leg
[] Both legs
[] Abdomen
[] Buttocks
[] Other (describe) __________
b. How are your syringes and needles cleaned and sterilized? (check all that apply)
[] Boil
[] Use disposable needle
[] Use disposable syringe
[] Other (specify) ________
14. Do you usually carry candy or fruit or sugar or similar items with you?
[] No
15a. Do you know what an insulin reaction is?
[] No (go to question 17)
b. Have you ever had an insulin reaction?
Sudden weakness, tremblings, shakiness, cold sweats.
[] No (go to questions 16a)
c. How many insulin reactions have you had during the past 30 days?
[] None
d. About how many have you had during the past 12 months?
[] None
e. Have you ever used Glucagon?
Glucagon: A drug sometimes used by persons with diabetes to counteract insulin shock
[] No
[] Don't know what it is
16a. Can an insulin reaction be caused by too much food?
[] No
[] Don't know
b. Can an insulin reaction be caused by too much exercise?
[] No
[] Don't know
c. Is an insulin reaction the same as a diabetic coma?
[] No
[] Don't know
17. Can a person with diabetes exercise as much as other people?
[] No
[] Don't know
18a. Have you ever taken diabetes pills?
[] No (go to question 20a)
b. How many years have you been taking them?
Round to the nearest whole year, estimate acceptable.
[] Less than 1 year
c. Have you taken them most of the past 12 months?
If respondent is not taking pills at present time ask: "How many years did you taken them?"
[] No
d. Are you now taking diabetes pills?
[] No (Go in question 20a)
19a. How many pills do you take each day?
b. Do you usually take your pills before meals?
[] No (go to question 19d)
[] Lunch (noon)
[]Supper (evening)
d. If you delay taking your pills for an hour or more does it make you feel sick?
[] No
[] Never delay (go to question 20a)
e. When was the last time you delayed taking your pills for an hour or more?
[] 30 days or more
[] Never delay
20a. Do you test your urine for sugar?
Testing by person himself or close relative not a physician, pharmacist etc.
[] No (go to question 21)
Note to interviewer
How was information for 20b obtained? (check all that apply)
[] Other family members gave information
[] Information obtained from bottle or some other source
[] Clinitest
[] Clinistix
[] Testape
[] Other (specify) __________
c. How many times did you test your urine last week? (if number is entered, go to question 20e)
"Last week" is the week ending last Sunday night.
(if number is entered, go to question 20e)
[] None
d. When was the last time you tested it?
e. Do you write down any of the results of these tests?
[] No (go to question 20g)
f. Do you show this to your doctor?
This means the record or notes of the results of the tests.
[] No
g. Did you test your urine for anything else besides sugar at any time during the past 12 months?
What did you test it for? ________
[] No
Inches ________
22a. About how much do you weigh?
b. What is the most you have weighed during the past 12 months?
Not counting pregnancies.
c. What is the least you have weighed during the past 12 months?
(Ask this questions if person is 25 years old or over (if under 25, go to question 24))
23a. When you were a youngster were you ever overweight?
Youngster is a person 0-25 years. Overweight is weighing more than the person himself or his doctor thinks that he should weigh.
[] No
b. What it the most you have weighed since you were 25 years old?
Not counting pregnancies.
c. What is the least you have weighed since you were 25 years old?
24. Were either of your parents overweight?
[] No
25a. Who prepares most of your meals?
(check one)
[] Self
[] Other (specify) ________
b. Do you or the person who fixes your meals use any special recipes prepared for persons with diabetes?
[] No
26a. Can you name some foods that can be substituted for meat?
(enter first two mentioned)
b. Can you name some drinks which have very few calories?
(enter first two mentioned) Drinks mean non-alcoholic drinks.
c. Can you name some vegetables which have very few calories?
(enter first two mentioned)
27a. During the past 30 days have you eaten any pastries?
Pastry made with sugar.
[] No
b. During the past 30 days have you eaten any candy made with sugar?
[] No
28. During the past week did you.....
The "past week" is the week ending last Sunday night.
[] No
[] No
Dietetic means food specially prepared with little or no sugar.
[] No
(If "Yes" specify below) ________
29. How many calories a day are you allowed?
30a. Have you been given a diet for your diabetes?
Written, typed, or printed instructions about food.
[] No (go to question 35a)
b. Who taught you how to use this diet?
[] Nurse
[] Parent
[] Dietitian or nutritionist
[] Other (specify) ________
[] Not taught: Who gave you the diet? [Enter person's occupation) ________
c. How long have you had this diet?
[] 3 months to one year
[] Over one year
d. Do you follow this diet?
"Yes" means usually or most of the time.
[] No: Why? ________ (go to question 35a)
e. Is the diet list used as a guide in the preparation of your meals?
[] No
f. When did you last look at your diet list?
"You" means respondent or person preparing the meals.
[] 1-6 months
[] Over 6 months
31a. Does you diet give the size of food portions?
[] No (go to question 32)
b. Do you measure, weigh, or estimate the portions?
(check all that apply)
[] Weigh
[] Estimate
32. Do you have to follow your diet carefully in order to feel well?
[] No
33a. Do you ever eat away from home?
[] No (go to question 34a)
b. Do you have trouble following your diet when eating away from home?
[] Sometimes
[] No
34a. Does your diet include a list of food exchanges?
A food exchange list arranges foods in groups according to their food values permitting substitution within each group?
[] No (Go to questions 35a)
b. Without looking at the list can you tell me how many bread exchanges you are allowed each day?
(if "No" or "DK" go to question 35. If number is given, enter it and ask about the remaining food exchanges listed below)
(if one or more ask)
How many of these did you have yesterday? ________
(if one or more ask)
How many of these did you have yesterday? ________
(if one or more ask)
How many of these did you have yesterday? ________
(if one or more ask)
How many of these did you have yesterday? ________
(if one or more ask)
How many of these did you have yesterday? ________
c. Do you have any problems in using your exchange list?
[] No
What are they? ________
(enter verbatim response) ________
35a. Here are the covers of three pamphlets. (shoe special diabetes pamphlets)
Have you ever had a copy of any of these pamphlets?
[] No
b. Which? (check all that apply)
[] B
[] C
36a. Were you taught how to take care of your feet to avoid infection?
[] No (go to questions 36a)
b. How do you take care of your feet? (enter verbatim response)
c. During the past 12 months have you visited a foot doctor?
Podiatrist or chiropodist
[] No
37a. Have you been to a doctor to have your eyes examined during the past two years?
[] No
b. Do you see better in the morning or in the afternoon?
[] Afternoon
[] No difference
38a. If you had a bad cold, would you talk to your doctor?
[] No
b. If you had a skin infection, would you talk to your doctor?
[] No
c. If you had thrown-up, would you talk to your doctor?
[] No
39a. Have you ever attended classes to learn about diabetes?
[] No (go to question 40a)
[] Health department
[] Diabetes association
[] Clinic (means out-patient clinic)
[] Other (specify) ________
40a. Are you a member of a diabetes association or similar group?
[] No (go to question 41)
b. what is the name of this group?
41. What are your most difficult problems in caring for your diabetes?